
时间:2021-10-25 18:33:13

I have a table called flags that contains a column called coordinates that is full of MySQL 'points'. I need to perform a query where I get all the flags within a circle based on a latitude and longitude position with 100m radius.


From a usage point of view this is based around the user's position. For example, the mobile phone would give the user's latitude and longitude position and then pass it to this part of the API. It's then up to the API to create an invisible circle around the user with a radius of 100 metres and then return the flags that are in this circle.


It's this part of the API I'm not sure how to create as I'm unsure how to use SQL to create this invisible circle and select points only within this radius.


Is this possible? Is there a MySQL spatial function that will help me do this?


I believe the Buffer() function can do this but I can't find any documentation as to how to use it (eg example SQL). Ideally I need an answer that shows me how to use this function or the closest to it. Where I'm storing these coordinates as geospatial points I should be using a geospatial function to do what I'm asking to maximize efficiency.


Flags table:


  • id
  • id
  • coordinates
  • 坐标
  • name
  • 的名字

Example row:


1 | [GEOMETRY - 25B] | Tenacy AB

|[几何- 25B] | Tenacy AB。

For the flags table I have latitude, longitude positions and easting and northing (UTM)


The user's location is just standard latitude/longitude but I have a library that can conver this position to UTM


8 个解决方案



There are no geospatial extension functions in MySQL supporting latitude / longitude distance computations. There is as of MySQL 5.7.

MySQL中没有支持纬度/经度距离计算的地理空间扩展函数。这是MySQL 5.7。

You're asking for proximity circles on the surface of the earth. You mention in your question that you have lat/long values for each row in your flags table, and also universal transverse Mercator (UTM) projected values in one of several different UTM zones. If I remember my UK Ordnance Survey maps correctly, UTM is useful for locating items on those maps.

你要求的是地球表面的接近圆。您在您的问题中提到,您的标记表中的每一行都有lat/long值,并且在几个不同的UTM区域中,也有通用的横向Mercator (UTM)投影值。如果我正确地记得我的英国地形测量地图,UTM对于在地图上定位项目是很有用的。

It's a simple matter to compute the distance between two points in the same zone in UTM: the Cartesian distance does the trick. But, when points are in different zones, that computation doesn't work.


Accordingly, for the application described in your question, it's necessary to use the Great Circle Distance, which is computed using the haversine or another suitable formula.


MySQL, augmented with geospatial extensions, supports a way to represent various planar shapes (points, polylines, polygons, and so forth) as geometrical primitives. MySQL 5.6 implements an undocumented distance function st_distance(p1, p2). However, this function returns Cartesian distances. So it's entirely unsuitable for latitude and longitude based computations. At temperate latitudes a degree of latitude subtends almost twice as much surface distance (north-south) as a degree of longitude(east-west), because the latitude lines grow closer together nearer the poles.

用地理空间扩展增强的MySQL支持一种方法来表示各种平面形状(点、折线、多边形等等)作为几何原语。MySQL 5.6实现无证距离函数st_distance(p1, p2)。然而,这个函数返回笛卡尔距离。所以它完全不适合经度和经度的计算。在温带纬度,纬度(南北)的程度几乎是经度(东西)的两倍,因为纬度线更靠近两极。

So, a circular proximity formula needs to use genuine latitude and longitude.


In your application, you can find all the flags points within ten statute miles of a given latpoint,longpoint with a query like this:


 SELECT id, coordinates, name, r,
        units * DEGREES( ACOS(
                 * COS(RADIANS(X(coordinates))) 
                 * COS(RADIANS(longpoint) - RADIANS(Y(coordinates))) 
                 + SIN(RADIANS(latpoint)) 
                 * SIN(RADIANS(X(coordinates))))) AS distance
   FROM flags
   JOIN (
        SELECT 42.81  AS latpoint,  -70.81 AS longpoint, 
               10.0 AS r, 69.0 AS units
        ) AS p ON (1=1)
  WHERE MbrContains(GeomFromText (
              latpoint-(r/units),' ',
              longpoint-(r /(units* COS(RADIANS(latpoint)))),
              latpoint+(r/units) ,' ',
              longpoint+(r /(units * COS(RADIANS(latpoint)))),
              ')')),  coordinates)

If you want to search for points within 20 km, change this line of the query


               20.0 AS r, 69.0 AS units

to this, for example


               20.0 AS r, 111.045 AS units

r is the radius in which you want to search. units are the distance units (miles, km, furlongs, whatever you want) per degree of latitude on the surface of the earth.

r是你想要搜索的半径。单位是距离单位(英里,km, furlongs,无论你想要多少)在地球表面的纬度。

This query uses a bounding lat/long along with MbrContains to exclude points that are definitely too far from your starting point, then uses the great circle distance formula to generate the distances for the remaining points. An explanation of all this can be found here. If your table uses the MyISAM access method and has a spatial index, MbrContains will exploit that index to get you fast searching.


Finally, the query above selects all the points within the rectangle. To narrow that down to only the points in the circle, and order them by proximity, wrap the query up like this:


 SELECT id, coordinates, name
   FROM (
         /* the query above, paste it in here */
        ) AS d
  WHERE d.distance <= d.r
  ORDER BY d.distance ASC 



This assumes the coordinates in the table are stored as a POINT() datatype in a column labeled 'point'. The function X(point) and Y(point) extract the latitude and longitude values from the point value respectively.


SET @lat = the latitude of the point
SET @lon = the longitude of the point
SET @rad = radius in Kilometers to search from the point
SET @table = name of your table

    X(point),Y(point),*, (
      6373 * acos (
      cos ( radians( @lat ) )
      * cos( radians( X(point) ) )
      * cos( radians( Y(point) ) - radians( @lon ) )
      + sin ( radians( @lat ) )
      * sin( radians( X(point) ) )
) AS distance
FROM @table
HAVING distance < @rad

If you want to do it in miles, replace the constant 6373 with 3959


For those wanting to reduce the query syntax, here's a common implementation of a user defined MySQL function for implementing a distance function based on the Haversine formulae.


    SET rlat1 = radians( X( coord1 ) );
    SET rlat2 = radians( X( coord2 ) );
    SET rlon1 = radians( Y( coord1 ) );
    SET rlon2 = radians( Y( coord2 ) );
    SET dist  = ACOS( COS( rlat1 ) * COS( rlon1 ) * COS( rlat2 ) * COS( rlon2 ) + COS( rlat1 ) * SIN( rlon1 ) * COS( rlat2 ) * SIN( rlon2 ) + SIN( rlat1 ) * SIN( rlat2 ) ) * 6372.8;
    RETURN dist;





Use ST_Distance_Sphere() to calculate distances using a lat/long



http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-convenience-functions.html function_st-distance-sphere



Buffers won't help you much in MySQL < 5.6, since buffer is a polygon, and polygon operations in MySQL < 5.6 are implemented as "Minimal Bounding Rectangles" (MBR), which are pretty useless.

缓冲区在MySQL < 5.6中不会有很大帮助,因为缓冲区是一个多边形,而在MySQL < 5.6中的多边形操作被实现为“最小边界矩形”(MBR),这是非常无用的。

Since MySQL 5.6, the full non-MBR st_* operations were implemented. But the best solution for you, in case of circle, is to use undocumented function st_distance:

自MySQL 5.6以来,实现了完全的非mbr st_*操作。但是对于您来说,最好的解决方案是使用无文档的函数st_distance:

select *
from waypoints
where st_distance(point(@center_lon, @center_lat), coordinates) <= radius;

It was hard to find, since it's undocumented :-) But it's mentioned on this blog, whose author also filled the mentioned bugreport. There are caveats though (citing the blog):


The bad news is:


1) All functions still only use the planar system coordinates. Different SRIDs are not supported.


2) Spatial indexes (RTREE) are only supported for MyISAM tables. One can use the functions for InnoDB tables, but it will not use spatial keys.


Point 1) means that the unit of distance will be the same as the unit of coordinates (degrees in case of WGS84). If you need distance in meters, you have to use projected coordination system (e.g. UTM or similar) that has units corresponding to meters.


So, in case you don't want to go with these caveats, or in case of MySQL < 5.6, you will have to write your own custom distance function.

因此,如果您不想使用这些警告,或者在MySQL < 5.6的情况下,您将不得不编写自己的自定义距离函数。



Hope my version helps


    SQRT(POW(X(`center`) - 49.843317 , 2) + POW(Y(`center`) - 24.026642, 2)) * 100 < `radius`

details here http://dexxtr.com/post/83498801191/how-to-determine-point-inside-circle-using-mysql




from: https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/31628/find-points-within-a-distance-using-mysql


    id, (
      6371 * acos (
      cos ( radians(78.3232) )
      * cos( radians( lat ) )
      * cos( radians( lng ) - radians(65.3234) )
      + sin ( radians(78.3232) )
      * sin( radians( lat ) )
) AS distance
FROM markers
HAVING distance < 30
ORDER BY distance
LIMIT 0 , 20;

(remember to replace all constants, this example is for kilometers)




You can use:


SELECT name, lat, lng   
FROM vw_mytable 
WHERE ST_Contains(ST_Buffer(
          ST_GeomFromText('POINT(12.3456 34.5678)'), (0.00001*1000)) , mypoint) = 1  

The expression: 0.00001*1000 inside statment above give to you a circle with 1000 Meters of diameter, its being applied on a view here, name column is just a label to point , mypoint is the name of my point column, lat was calculated inside view with ST_X(mytable.mypoint) and lng with ST_Y(mytable.mypoint) and they simply show me te literal values of lat and lng. It will give to you all coordinates that belongs to circle.

表达式:0.00001 * 1000上面语句内给您一个圆直径1000米,它被应用在一个视图,只是一个标签名称列点,mypoint是我的观点的名字列,lat计算内部视图与ST_X(mytable.mypoint)和液化天然气ST_Y(mytable.mypoint),他们只是告诉我te lat和液化天然气的文字值。它会给你所有属于圆的坐标。



for the sake of completeness, as of MySQL 5.7.6. you can use the ST_Distance_Sphere function which achieves the same result:

为了完整性起见,MySQL 5.7.6。您可以使用ST_Distance_Sphere函数来实现相同的结果:

SET @pt1 = ST_GeomFromText('POINT(12.3456 34.5678)');

SELECT * from 
(SELECT * ,(ST_Distance_Sphere(@pt1, location, 6373)) AS distance FROM mydb.Event ORDER BY distance) x WHERE x.distance <= 30;

In this case, we provide the approximate radius of the Earth in kilometers (6373) and a point (@pt1). This code will calculate the distance (in kilometers) between that point (long 12.3456, lat 34.5678) and all the points contained in the database where the distance is 30km or less.

在这种情况下,我们提供了地球的近似半径(6373)和一个点(@pt1)。该代码将计算该点(长12.3456,lat 34.5678)之间的距离,以及数据库中所包含的距离为30公里或以下的所有点。



There are no geospatial extension functions in MySQL supporting latitude / longitude distance computations. There is as of MySQL 5.7.

MySQL中没有支持纬度/经度距离计算的地理空间扩展函数。这是MySQL 5.7。

You're asking for proximity circles on the surface of the earth. You mention in your question that you have lat/long values for each row in your flags table, and also universal transverse Mercator (UTM) projected values in one of several different UTM zones. If I remember my UK Ordnance Survey maps correctly, UTM is useful for locating items on those maps.

你要求的是地球表面的接近圆。您在您的问题中提到,您的标记表中的每一行都有lat/long值,并且在几个不同的UTM区域中,也有通用的横向Mercator (UTM)投影值。如果我正确地记得我的英国地形测量地图,UTM对于在地图上定位项目是很有用的。

It's a simple matter to compute the distance between two points in the same zone in UTM: the Cartesian distance does the trick. But, when points are in different zones, that computation doesn't work.


Accordingly, for the application described in your question, it's necessary to use the Great Circle Distance, which is computed using the haversine or another suitable formula.


MySQL, augmented with geospatial extensions, supports a way to represent various planar shapes (points, polylines, polygons, and so forth) as geometrical primitives. MySQL 5.6 implements an undocumented distance function st_distance(p1, p2). However, this function returns Cartesian distances. So it's entirely unsuitable for latitude and longitude based computations. At temperate latitudes a degree of latitude subtends almost twice as much surface distance (north-south) as a degree of longitude(east-west), because the latitude lines grow closer together nearer the poles.

用地理空间扩展增强的MySQL支持一种方法来表示各种平面形状(点、折线、多边形等等)作为几何原语。MySQL 5.6实现无证距离函数st_distance(p1, p2)。然而,这个函数返回笛卡尔距离。所以它完全不适合经度和经度的计算。在温带纬度,纬度(南北)的程度几乎是经度(东西)的两倍,因为纬度线更靠近两极。

So, a circular proximity formula needs to use genuine latitude and longitude.


In your application, you can find all the flags points within ten statute miles of a given latpoint,longpoint with a query like this:


 SELECT id, coordinates, name, r,
        units * DEGREES( ACOS(
                 * COS(RADIANS(X(coordinates))) 
                 * COS(RADIANS(longpoint) - RADIANS(Y(coordinates))) 
                 + SIN(RADIANS(latpoint)) 
                 * SIN(RADIANS(X(coordinates))))) AS distance
   FROM flags
   JOIN (
        SELECT 42.81  AS latpoint,  -70.81 AS longpoint, 
               10.0 AS r, 69.0 AS units
        ) AS p ON (1=1)
  WHERE MbrContains(GeomFromText (
              latpoint-(r/units),' ',
              longpoint-(r /(units* COS(RADIANS(latpoint)))),
              latpoint+(r/units) ,' ',
              longpoint+(r /(units * COS(RADIANS(latpoint)))),
              ')')),  coordinates)

If you want to search for points within 20 km, change this line of the query


               20.0 AS r, 69.0 AS units

to this, for example


               20.0 AS r, 111.045 AS units

r is the radius in which you want to search. units are the distance units (miles, km, furlongs, whatever you want) per degree of latitude on the surface of the earth.

r是你想要搜索的半径。单位是距离单位(英里,km, furlongs,无论你想要多少)在地球表面的纬度。

This query uses a bounding lat/long along with MbrContains to exclude points that are definitely too far from your starting point, then uses the great circle distance formula to generate the distances for the remaining points. An explanation of all this can be found here. If your table uses the MyISAM access method and has a spatial index, MbrContains will exploit that index to get you fast searching.


Finally, the query above selects all the points within the rectangle. To narrow that down to only the points in the circle, and order them by proximity, wrap the query up like this:


 SELECT id, coordinates, name
   FROM (
         /* the query above, paste it in here */
        ) AS d
  WHERE d.distance <= d.r
  ORDER BY d.distance ASC 



This assumes the coordinates in the table are stored as a POINT() datatype in a column labeled 'point'. The function X(point) and Y(point) extract the latitude and longitude values from the point value respectively.


SET @lat = the latitude of the point
SET @lon = the longitude of the point
SET @rad = radius in Kilometers to search from the point
SET @table = name of your table

    X(point),Y(point),*, (
      6373 * acos (
      cos ( radians( @lat ) )
      * cos( radians( X(point) ) )
      * cos( radians( Y(point) ) - radians( @lon ) )
      + sin ( radians( @lat ) )
      * sin( radians( X(point) ) )
) AS distance
FROM @table
HAVING distance < @rad

If you want to do it in miles, replace the constant 6373 with 3959


For those wanting to reduce the query syntax, here's a common implementation of a user defined MySQL function for implementing a distance function based on the Haversine formulae.


    SET rlat1 = radians( X( coord1 ) );
    SET rlat2 = radians( X( coord2 ) );
    SET rlon1 = radians( Y( coord1 ) );
    SET rlon2 = radians( Y( coord2 ) );
    SET dist  = ACOS( COS( rlat1 ) * COS( rlon1 ) * COS( rlat2 ) * COS( rlon2 ) + COS( rlat1 ) * SIN( rlon1 ) * COS( rlat2 ) * SIN( rlon2 ) + SIN( rlat1 ) * SIN( rlat2 ) ) * 6372.8;
    RETURN dist;





Use ST_Distance_Sphere() to calculate distances using a lat/long



http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-convenience-functions.html function_st-distance-sphere



Buffers won't help you much in MySQL < 5.6, since buffer is a polygon, and polygon operations in MySQL < 5.6 are implemented as "Minimal Bounding Rectangles" (MBR), which are pretty useless.

缓冲区在MySQL < 5.6中不会有很大帮助,因为缓冲区是一个多边形,而在MySQL < 5.6中的多边形操作被实现为“最小边界矩形”(MBR),这是非常无用的。

Since MySQL 5.6, the full non-MBR st_* operations were implemented. But the best solution for you, in case of circle, is to use undocumented function st_distance:

自MySQL 5.6以来,实现了完全的非mbr st_*操作。但是对于您来说,最好的解决方案是使用无文档的函数st_distance:

select *
from waypoints
where st_distance(point(@center_lon, @center_lat), coordinates) <= radius;

It was hard to find, since it's undocumented :-) But it's mentioned on this blog, whose author also filled the mentioned bugreport. There are caveats though (citing the blog):


The bad news is:


1) All functions still only use the planar system coordinates. Different SRIDs are not supported.


2) Spatial indexes (RTREE) are only supported for MyISAM tables. One can use the functions for InnoDB tables, but it will not use spatial keys.


Point 1) means that the unit of distance will be the same as the unit of coordinates (degrees in case of WGS84). If you need distance in meters, you have to use projected coordination system (e.g. UTM or similar) that has units corresponding to meters.


So, in case you don't want to go with these caveats, or in case of MySQL < 5.6, you will have to write your own custom distance function.

因此,如果您不想使用这些警告,或者在MySQL < 5.6的情况下,您将不得不编写自己的自定义距离函数。



Hope my version helps


    SQRT(POW(X(`center`) - 49.843317 , 2) + POW(Y(`center`) - 24.026642, 2)) * 100 < `radius`

details here http://dexxtr.com/post/83498801191/how-to-determine-point-inside-circle-using-mysql




from: https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/31628/find-points-within-a-distance-using-mysql


    id, (
      6371 * acos (
      cos ( radians(78.3232) )
      * cos( radians( lat ) )
      * cos( radians( lng ) - radians(65.3234) )
      + sin ( radians(78.3232) )
      * sin( radians( lat ) )
) AS distance
FROM markers
HAVING distance < 30
ORDER BY distance
LIMIT 0 , 20;

(remember to replace all constants, this example is for kilometers)




You can use:


SELECT name, lat, lng   
FROM vw_mytable 
WHERE ST_Contains(ST_Buffer(
          ST_GeomFromText('POINT(12.3456 34.5678)'), (0.00001*1000)) , mypoint) = 1  

The expression: 0.00001*1000 inside statment above give to you a circle with 1000 Meters of diameter, its being applied on a view here, name column is just a label to point , mypoint is the name of my point column, lat was calculated inside view with ST_X(mytable.mypoint) and lng with ST_Y(mytable.mypoint) and they simply show me te literal values of lat and lng. It will give to you all coordinates that belongs to circle.

表达式:0.00001 * 1000上面语句内给您一个圆直径1000米,它被应用在一个视图,只是一个标签名称列点,mypoint是我的观点的名字列,lat计算内部视图与ST_X(mytable.mypoint)和液化天然气ST_Y(mytable.mypoint),他们只是告诉我te lat和液化天然气的文字值。它会给你所有属于圆的坐标。



for the sake of completeness, as of MySQL 5.7.6. you can use the ST_Distance_Sphere function which achieves the same result:

为了完整性起见,MySQL 5.7.6。您可以使用ST_Distance_Sphere函数来实现相同的结果:

SET @pt1 = ST_GeomFromText('POINT(12.3456 34.5678)');

SELECT * from 
(SELECT * ,(ST_Distance_Sphere(@pt1, location, 6373)) AS distance FROM mydb.Event ORDER BY distance) x WHERE x.distance <= 30;

In this case, we provide the approximate radius of the Earth in kilometers (6373) and a point (@pt1). This code will calculate the distance (in kilometers) between that point (long 12.3456, lat 34.5678) and all the points contained in the database where the distance is 30km or less.

在这种情况下,我们提供了地球的近似半径(6373)和一个点(@pt1)。该代码将计算该点(长12.3456,lat 34.5678)之间的距离,以及数据库中所包含的距离为30公里或以下的所有点。