
时间:2021-09-02 17:17:13

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I'm working on a class project that requires me to obtain a float value from the user. This float value must have exactly two numbers after the decimal in order to be a valid input. This is what I have so far.


while True:
        cost = float(input("Enter the price: "))
        if cost % 1 == 0:
            print("Invalid input for price.")

            if cost > 0:
               return cost

    except ValueError:
        print("Invalid input for price.")

Comparing cost % 1 to 0 rules out ints and floats ending in .00, but I'm not sure how I could restrict the accepted input to a float with exactly 2 numbers after the decimal (i.e. x.xx). Also I believe I would need to accept a float like 5.00 so my method isn't going to cut it. I've tried converting cost to a str and setting restrictions on the length, but that still leaves it open to mistakes. Any advice?


4 个解决方案



You can check it before converting to float:


cost = input("Enter the price: ")
if len(cost.rsplit('.')[-1]) == 2:
   print('2 digits after decimal point')



Use this code:


>>> while True:
...     try:
...             x = float(raw_input('Enter the price: '))
...             y = str(x).split('.')
...             if len(y[-1]) != 2:
...                     raise ValueError
...     except ValueError:
...             print 'Please try again!'
...             pass
Enter the price: hello
Please try again!
Enter the price: 5.6
Please try again!
Enter the price: 5.67
Enter the price: 7.65
Enter the price: 7
Please try again!
Enter the price: 

It gets the input as a float, and if the user does not enter a numerical value, it raises a ValueError by default. If it doesn't, then we get the string value of the price using str(x) and assign it to y, which we split by the decimal place. Then we can check if the last value in the list (the yx in $x.yz) has a length that is not equal to 2. If so, raise a ValueError.

它将输入作为浮点数,如果用户没有输入数值,则默认情况下会引发ValueError。如果没有,那么我们使用str(x)得到价格的字符串值并将其分配给y,我们用小数位分割。然后我们可以检查列表中的最后一个值($ x.yz中的yx)是否具有不等于2的长度。如果是,则引发ValueError。



Why make it so complicated?


cost = raw_input('Enter the price: ')
if len(cost[cost.rfind('.')+1:]) != 2:
    raise ValueError('Must have two numbers after decimal point')
    cost = float(cost)
except ValueError:
    print('Please enter a valid number')



Use raw_input() instead of input(). That is safer (no use of eval) and it returns the actual string the user entered.


Then check the string with a regular expression.


>>> import re
>>> s = raw_input('Enter a price: ')
Enter a price: 3.14
>>> if not re.match(r'[0-9]*\.[0-9]{2}', s):
        print 'Not a valid price'

>>> price = float(s)



You can check it before converting to float:


cost = input("Enter the price: ")
if len(cost.rsplit('.')[-1]) == 2:
   print('2 digits after decimal point')



Use this code:


>>> while True:
...     try:
...             x = float(raw_input('Enter the price: '))
...             y = str(x).split('.')
...             if len(y[-1]) != 2:
...                     raise ValueError
...     except ValueError:
...             print 'Please try again!'
...             pass
Enter the price: hello
Please try again!
Enter the price: 5.6
Please try again!
Enter the price: 5.67
Enter the price: 7.65
Enter the price: 7
Please try again!
Enter the price: 

It gets the input as a float, and if the user does not enter a numerical value, it raises a ValueError by default. If it doesn't, then we get the string value of the price using str(x) and assign it to y, which we split by the decimal place. Then we can check if the last value in the list (the yx in $x.yz) has a length that is not equal to 2. If so, raise a ValueError.

它将输入作为浮点数,如果用户没有输入数值,则默认情况下会引发ValueError。如果没有,那么我们使用str(x)得到价格的字符串值并将其分配给y,我们用小数位分割。然后我们可以检查列表中的最后一个值($ x.yz中的yx)是否具有不等于2的长度。如果是,则引发ValueError。



Why make it so complicated?


cost = raw_input('Enter the price: ')
if len(cost[cost.rfind('.')+1:]) != 2:
    raise ValueError('Must have two numbers after decimal point')
    cost = float(cost)
except ValueError:
    print('Please enter a valid number')



Use raw_input() instead of input(). That is safer (no use of eval) and it returns the actual string the user entered.


Then check the string with a regular expression.


>>> import re
>>> s = raw_input('Enter a price: ')
Enter a price: 3.14
>>> if not re.match(r'[0-9]*\.[0-9]{2}', s):
        print 'Not a valid price'

>>> price = float(s)