SAP HANA is far more than BWA
Standard interfaces ( SQL, HTTP, REST, MDX )
Real persistence layer ( not just flat files ) ---> redo/undo logs, backup/recovery,
There is a lot of BWA/TREX in HANA
Column store, distributed computing, calculation engine
Beyond BWA
Row store, persistence, transaction (MaxDB), SQL Parser,
Data Models / Content
BWA relies completely on SAP BW
You only load infocubes into BWA
technically trivial data model, Automatic creation of relation / join conditions
BWA has BW on top
Complex logic? ---> Do it in BW
Dewfining the data mode? ---> Do it in BW
Analysis authorizations? ---> Do it in BW
SAP HANA is intended as a Data Mart ( and BWA clearly is not ) ---> flexibility ( not tied to BW )
HANA还能够以XS Engine和River等形式在数据库之上提供完整的应用平台支持,所有这些都是BWA所无法企及的。