使用十进制数据类型是否会影响性能(MySQL / Postgres)

时间:2022-04-16 16:20:01

I understand how integer and floating point data types are stored, and I am guessing that the variable length of decimal data types means it is stored more like a string.


Does that imply a performance overhead when using a decimal data type and searching against them?


4 个解决方案



Pavel has it quite right, I'd just like to explain a little.


Presuming that you mean a performance impact as compared to floating point, or fixed-point-offset integer (i.e. storing thousandsths of a cent as an integer): Yes, there is very much a performance impact. PostgreSQL, and by the sounds of things MySQL, store DECIMAL / NUMERIC in binary-coded decimal. This format is more compact than storing the digits as text, but it's still not very efficient to work with.


If you're not doing many calculations in the database, the impact is limited to the greater storage space requried for BCD as compared to integer or floating point, and thus the wider rows and slower scans, bigger indexes, etc. Comparision operations in b-tree index searches are also slower, but not enough to matter unless you're already CPU-bound for some other reason.

如果你没有做很多计算在数据库中,产生的影响是有限的,更大的存储空间requried BCD比整数或浮点数,从而更广泛的行和慢扫描,更大的索引,等等。在b -树索引搜索比较操作也较慢,但不够的问题,除非你已经cpu限制的其他原因。

If you're doing lots of calculations with the DECIMAL / NUMERIC values in the database, then performance can really suffer. This is particularly noticeable, at least in PostgreSQL, because Pg can't use more than one CPU for any given query. If you're doing a huge bunch of division & multiplication, more complex maths, aggregation, etc on numerics you can start to find yourself CPU-bound in situations where you would never be when using a float or integer data type. This is particularly noticeable in OLAP-like (analytics) workloads, and in reporting or data transformation during loading or extraction (ETL).


Despite the fact that there is a performance impact (which varies based on workload from negligible to quite big) you should generally use numeric / decimal when it is the most appropriate type for your task - i.e. when very high range values must be stored and/or rounding error isn't acceptable.


Occasionally it's worth the hassle of using a bigint and fixed-point offset, but that is clumsy and inflexible. Using floating point instead is very rarely the right answer due to all the challenges of working reliably with floating point values for things like currency.


(BTW, I'm quite excited that some new Intel CPUs, and IBM's Power 7 range of CPUs, include hardware support for IEEE 754 decimal floating point. If this ever becomes available in lower end CPUs it'll be a huge win for databases.)

顺便说一句,我很高兴一些新的英特尔cpu,以及IBM的Power 7范围的cpu,包括对IEEE 754十进制浮点的硬件支持。如果这在低端cpu中可用,对数据库来说将是一个巨大的胜利。



A impact of decimal type (Numeric type in Postgres) depends on usage. For typical OLTP this impact could not be significant - for OLAP can be relative high. In our application a aggregation on large columns with numeric is more times slower than for type double precision.


Although a current CPU are strong, still is rule - you should to use a Numeric only when you need exact numbers or very high numbers. Elsewhere use float or double precision type.




You are correct: fixed-point data is stored as a (packed BCD) string.


To what extent this impacts performance depends on a range of factors, which include:


  1. Do queries utilise an index upon the column?


  2. Can the CPU perform BCD operations in hardware, such as through Intel's BCD opcodes?


  3. Does the OS harness hardware support through library functions?


Overall, any performance impact is likely to be pretty negligable relative to other factors that you may face: so don't worry about it. Remember Knuth's maxim, "premature optimisation is the root of all evil".




I am guessing that the variable length of decimal data types means it is stored more like a string.


Taken from MySql document here


The document says


as of MySQL 5.0.3 Values for DECIMAL columns no longer are represented as strings that require 1 byte per digit or sign character. Instead, a binary format is used that packs nine decimal digits into 4 bytes. This change to DECIMAL storage format changes the storage requirements as well. The storage requirements for the integer and fractional parts of each value are determined separately. Each multiple of nine digits requires 4 bytes, and any remaining digits require some fraction of 4 bytes.

到MySQL 5.0.3时,十进制列的值不再表示为每个数字需要1字节的字符串或符号字符。相反,使用二进制格式将9位十进制数字打包为4个字节。这种对十进制存储格式的更改也改变了存储需求。每个值的整数和小数部分的存储需求分别确定。每个9位数字的倍数都需要4个字节,剩下的数字都需要4个字节。



Pavel has it quite right, I'd just like to explain a little.


Presuming that you mean a performance impact as compared to floating point, or fixed-point-offset integer (i.e. storing thousandsths of a cent as an integer): Yes, there is very much a performance impact. PostgreSQL, and by the sounds of things MySQL, store DECIMAL / NUMERIC in binary-coded decimal. This format is more compact than storing the digits as text, but it's still not very efficient to work with.


If you're not doing many calculations in the database, the impact is limited to the greater storage space requried for BCD as compared to integer or floating point, and thus the wider rows and slower scans, bigger indexes, etc. Comparision operations in b-tree index searches are also slower, but not enough to matter unless you're already CPU-bound for some other reason.

如果你没有做很多计算在数据库中,产生的影响是有限的,更大的存储空间requried BCD比整数或浮点数,从而更广泛的行和慢扫描,更大的索引,等等。在b -树索引搜索比较操作也较慢,但不够的问题,除非你已经cpu限制的其他原因。

If you're doing lots of calculations with the DECIMAL / NUMERIC values in the database, then performance can really suffer. This is particularly noticeable, at least in PostgreSQL, because Pg can't use more than one CPU for any given query. If you're doing a huge bunch of division & multiplication, more complex maths, aggregation, etc on numerics you can start to find yourself CPU-bound in situations where you would never be when using a float or integer data type. This is particularly noticeable in OLAP-like (analytics) workloads, and in reporting or data transformation during loading or extraction (ETL).


Despite the fact that there is a performance impact (which varies based on workload from negligible to quite big) you should generally use numeric / decimal when it is the most appropriate type for your task - i.e. when very high range values must be stored and/or rounding error isn't acceptable.


Occasionally it's worth the hassle of using a bigint and fixed-point offset, but that is clumsy and inflexible. Using floating point instead is very rarely the right answer due to all the challenges of working reliably with floating point values for things like currency.


(BTW, I'm quite excited that some new Intel CPUs, and IBM's Power 7 range of CPUs, include hardware support for IEEE 754 decimal floating point. If this ever becomes available in lower end CPUs it'll be a huge win for databases.)

顺便说一句,我很高兴一些新的英特尔cpu,以及IBM的Power 7范围的cpu,包括对IEEE 754十进制浮点的硬件支持。如果这在低端cpu中可用,对数据库来说将是一个巨大的胜利。



A impact of decimal type (Numeric type in Postgres) depends on usage. For typical OLTP this impact could not be significant - for OLAP can be relative high. In our application a aggregation on large columns with numeric is more times slower than for type double precision.


Although a current CPU are strong, still is rule - you should to use a Numeric only when you need exact numbers or very high numbers. Elsewhere use float or double precision type.




You are correct: fixed-point data is stored as a (packed BCD) string.


To what extent this impacts performance depends on a range of factors, which include:


  1. Do queries utilise an index upon the column?


  2. Can the CPU perform BCD operations in hardware, such as through Intel's BCD opcodes?


  3. Does the OS harness hardware support through library functions?


Overall, any performance impact is likely to be pretty negligable relative to other factors that you may face: so don't worry about it. Remember Knuth's maxim, "premature optimisation is the root of all evil".




I am guessing that the variable length of decimal data types means it is stored more like a string.


Taken from MySql document here


The document says


as of MySQL 5.0.3 Values for DECIMAL columns no longer are represented as strings that require 1 byte per digit or sign character. Instead, a binary format is used that packs nine decimal digits into 4 bytes. This change to DECIMAL storage format changes the storage requirements as well. The storage requirements for the integer and fractional parts of each value are determined separately. Each multiple of nine digits requires 4 bytes, and any remaining digits require some fraction of 4 bytes.

到MySQL 5.0.3时,十进制列的值不再表示为每个数字需要1字节的字符串或符号字符。相反,使用二进制格式将9位十进制数字打包为4个字节。这种对十进制存储格式的更改也改变了存储需求。每个值的整数和小数部分的存储需求分别确定。每个9位数字的倍数都需要4个字节,剩下的数字都需要4个字节。