相当于C ++的BigInteger值long long

时间:2022-05-05 17:14:15

I am migrating some code base from C++ to Java where I encountered a long long value in the C++ code which i need to migrate.

我正在将一些代码库从C ++迁移到Java,在那里我遇到了需要迁移的C ++代码中的长值。

On some research i found out I should be using BigInteger to represent the long long of C++.

在一些研究中,我发现我应该使用BigInteger来表示长期的C ++。

I looked at couple of examples and found out the syntax to be :


static BigInteger flag1 = BigInteger.valueOf(0x00000001); 

Here i noticed the value used in the argument for BigInteger.valueOf is not the same as original long long value which was 0x0000000000000001LL

在这里我注意到BigInteger.valueOf参数中使用的值与原始long long值不同,即0x0000000000000001LL

Original value had 16 digits and this one had 8 digits and does not include LL suffix at the end. Can someone explain what is going on ?


Also If they can suggest the value of 0x0000000000000200LL in similar terms.


3 个解决方案



Please note: all those zeros ... don't matter. There is no difference between 0x1; and 0x001, and so on. As long as we are talking about numbers.

请注意:所有这些零...无所谓。 0x1之间没有区别;和0x001,依此类推。只要我们谈论数字。

It would be a different thing if those were represented as strings; then of coursre "0x1" is not the same string as "0x01". But well, they aren't.


All of your values are number literals; and they are all in a range that would even fit into ordinary long values in Java.


In other words: leading zero digits do not matter for numbers (except for an example like 010, which is something else than 10; as starting 0 indicate octal numbers).


The more interesting question would actually would be: what literal value the compiler puts into the java bytecode for that.




0x0000000000000001LL == 0x00000001 == 0x1 == 1 (dec)

0x0000000000000001LL == 0x00000001 == 0x1 == 1(dec)

0x0000000000000200LL == 0x00000200 == 0x200 = 512 (dec)

0x0000000000000200LL == 0x00000200 == 0x200 = 512(dec)

Those are small values and can be represented as a regular int.


You can also use BigInteger is you need.




There are a number of things to learn here:


  1. You probably don't need to use BigInteger here at all. The C++ long long type is a signed 64 bit integer on most systems (see http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/types). But Java has a 64 bit signed integer type - long. So unless you are porting C++ code that was designed for an architecture where long long is greater than 64 bits (!), a Java long is what you need to use.

    你可能根本不需要在这里使用BigInteger。在大多数系统上,C ++ long long类型是带符号的64位整数(请参阅http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/types)。但Java有一个64位有符号整数类型 - 长。因此,除非您正在移植专为长long大于64位(!)的体系结构而设计的C ++代码,否则需要使用Java long。

  2. Leading zeros don't matter in hexadecimal literals (i.e. 0x...) in Java.

    在Java中,前导零与十六进制文字(即0x ...)无关。

    (They matter for decimal literals though, because a leading zero turns a "decimal" literal into an octal literal ... which alters its value. For instance, the literal 010 represents the number eight!)


  3. If you actually do need 64 bit integer literal in Java, then put an L on the right hand end. Integer literals are assumed to be 32 bit.


  4. In a context like this where you are trying to use BigInteger(long), a 32 bit integer literal would be widened to 64 bits anyway.


So in your case:


static BigInteger flag1 = BigInteger.valueOf(0x00000001); 
static BigInteger flag1 = BigInteger.valueOf(0x0000000000000001); 
static BigInteger flag1 = BigInteger.valueOf(0x1);
static BigInteger flag1 = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
static BigInteger flag1 = BigInteger.valueOf(1L);

are all saying the same thing. This is saying the same thing too ...


static BigInteger flag1 = BigInteger.valueOf(01);

... but it is a bad idea. It only works because "1" octal and "1" decimal are the same number.


Someone asked:

The more interesting question would actually would be: what literal value the compiler puts into the java bytecode for that.


I don't think that the JLS specifies this, but it would use a long literal because that is what the JVM spec requires.




Please note: all those zeros ... don't matter. There is no difference between 0x1; and 0x001, and so on. As long as we are talking about numbers.

请注意:所有这些零...无所谓。 0x1之间没有区别;和0x001,依此类推。只要我们谈论数字。

It would be a different thing if those were represented as strings; then of coursre "0x1" is not the same string as "0x01". But well, they aren't.


All of your values are number literals; and they are all in a range that would even fit into ordinary long values in Java.


In other words: leading zero digits do not matter for numbers (except for an example like 010, which is something else than 10; as starting 0 indicate octal numbers).


The more interesting question would actually would be: what literal value the compiler puts into the java bytecode for that.




0x0000000000000001LL == 0x00000001 == 0x1 == 1 (dec)

0x0000000000000001LL == 0x00000001 == 0x1 == 1(dec)

0x0000000000000200LL == 0x00000200 == 0x200 = 512 (dec)

0x0000000000000200LL == 0x00000200 == 0x200 = 512(dec)

Those are small values and can be represented as a regular int.


You can also use BigInteger is you need.




There are a number of things to learn here:


  1. You probably don't need to use BigInteger here at all. The C++ long long type is a signed 64 bit integer on most systems (see http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/types). But Java has a 64 bit signed integer type - long. So unless you are porting C++ code that was designed for an architecture where long long is greater than 64 bits (!), a Java long is what you need to use.

    你可能根本不需要在这里使用BigInteger。在大多数系统上,C ++ long long类型是带符号的64位整数(请参阅http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/types)。但Java有一个64位有符号整数类型 - 长。因此,除非您正在移植专为长long大于64位(!)的体系结构而设计的C ++代码,否则需要使用Java long。

  2. Leading zeros don't matter in hexadecimal literals (i.e. 0x...) in Java.

    在Java中,前导零与十六进制文字(即0x ...)无关。

    (They matter for decimal literals though, because a leading zero turns a "decimal" literal into an octal literal ... which alters its value. For instance, the literal 010 represents the number eight!)


  3. If you actually do need 64 bit integer literal in Java, then put an L on the right hand end. Integer literals are assumed to be 32 bit.


  4. In a context like this where you are trying to use BigInteger(long), a 32 bit integer literal would be widened to 64 bits anyway.


So in your case:


static BigInteger flag1 = BigInteger.valueOf(0x00000001); 
static BigInteger flag1 = BigInteger.valueOf(0x0000000000000001); 
static BigInteger flag1 = BigInteger.valueOf(0x1);
static BigInteger flag1 = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
static BigInteger flag1 = BigInteger.valueOf(1L);

are all saying the same thing. This is saying the same thing too ...


static BigInteger flag1 = BigInteger.valueOf(01);

... but it is a bad idea. It only works because "1" octal and "1" decimal are the same number.


Someone asked:

The more interesting question would actually would be: what literal value the compiler puts into the java bytecode for that.


I don't think that the JLS specifies this, but it would use a long literal because that is what the JVM spec requires.
