Windows Azure SQL数据库中用户定义的CLR数据类型

时间:2022-06-08 16:41:31

I have created user defined data types in my project. Now I am going to deploy my project on Windwos Azure.

我在项目中创建了用户定义的数据类型。现在我要在Windwos Azure上部署我的项目。

I have defined user defined CLR data types in my sql server 2008 database. As much as I have read about user-defined CLR data types, these are not supported in Windows Azure SQL Database.

我在我的sql server 2008数据库中定义了用户定义的CLR数据类型。尽管我已阅读过有关用户定义的CLR数据类型的信息,但Windows Azure SQL数据库中不支持这些类型。

Is there any alternative for databases with user-defined CLR datatypes when migrating to Windows Azure SQL Database?

迁移到Windows Azure SQL数据库时,是否有任何替代数据库具有用户定义的CLR数据类型?

2 个解决方案



User-defined CLR data types are not supported on Windows Azure Database. Relevant documentation:

Windows Azure数据库不支持用户定义的CLR数据类型。相关文件:

Windows Azure SQL Database does not support user-defined common language runtime (CLR) data types.

Windows Azure SQL数据库不支持用户定义的公共语言运行时(CLR)数据类型。

Source: Data Types (Windows Azure SQL Database).

来源:数据类型(Windows Azure SQL数据库)。

The following features that were new to SQL Server 2008 are not supported by Windows Azure SQL Database: (...) Extension of spatial types and methods through Common Language Runtime (CLR) The following features that were new to SQL Server 2005 are not supported by Windows Azure SQL Database: (...) Common Language Runtime (CLR) and CLR User-Defined Types

Windows Azure SQL数据库不支持SQL Server 2008中新增的以下功能:(...)通过公共语言运行时(CLR)扩展空间类型和方法不支持SQL Server 2005中新增的以下功能通过Windows Azure SQL数据库:( ...)公共语言运行时(CLR)和CLR用户定义类型

Source: SQL Server Feature Limitations (Windows Azure SQL Database).

来源:SQL Server功能限制(Windows Azure SQL数据库)。


1) Change the application to use only data types supported by Windows Azure SQL Database. Downside: requires code and database changes. Upside: hosted, highly available service.

1)将应用程序更改为仅使用Windows Azure SQL数据库支持的数据类型。缺点:需要更改代码和数据库。好处:托管,高可用性服务。

2) Use an on-premises or third-party SQL Server. Downside: you have to host SQL Server yourself or pay someone to host it; latency may be an issue; availability and management is your concern. Upside: full SQL Server compatibility.

2)使用内部部署或第三方SQL Server。缺点:你必须自己托管SQL Server或付钱给某人托管它;延迟可能是一个问题;可用性和管理是您关注的问题。好处:完全兼容SQL Server。

3) Host SQL Server in Windows Azure Virtual Machines using VM images published by Microsoft. Downside: management is your concern; high availability requires additional configuration. Upside: full SQL Server compatibility; low latency; highly available infrastructure.

3)使用Microsoft发布的VM映像在Windows Azure虚拟机中托管SQL Server。缺点:管理层是您关注的问题;高可用性需要额外配置。好处:完全兼容SQL Server;低延迟;高可用性基础设施



CLR is now supported on SQL Azure databases.

SQL Azure数据库现在支持CLR。

I haven't created an assembly yet, since that's the tricky part.


It's not clear if this is only for SAFE mode.




User-defined CLR data types are not supported on Windows Azure Database. Relevant documentation:

Windows Azure数据库不支持用户定义的CLR数据类型。相关文件:

Windows Azure SQL Database does not support user-defined common language runtime (CLR) data types.

Windows Azure SQL数据库不支持用户定义的公共语言运行时(CLR)数据类型。

Source: Data Types (Windows Azure SQL Database).

来源:数据类型(Windows Azure SQL数据库)。

The following features that were new to SQL Server 2008 are not supported by Windows Azure SQL Database: (...) Extension of spatial types and methods through Common Language Runtime (CLR) The following features that were new to SQL Server 2005 are not supported by Windows Azure SQL Database: (...) Common Language Runtime (CLR) and CLR User-Defined Types

Windows Azure SQL数据库不支持SQL Server 2008中新增的以下功能:(...)通过公共语言运行时(CLR)扩展空间类型和方法不支持SQL Server 2005中新增的以下功能通过Windows Azure SQL数据库:( ...)公共语言运行时(CLR)和CLR用户定义类型

Source: SQL Server Feature Limitations (Windows Azure SQL Database).

来源:SQL Server功能限制(Windows Azure SQL数据库)。


1) Change the application to use only data types supported by Windows Azure SQL Database. Downside: requires code and database changes. Upside: hosted, highly available service.

1)将应用程序更改为仅使用Windows Azure SQL数据库支持的数据类型。缺点:需要更改代码和数据库。好处:托管,高可用性服务。

2) Use an on-premises or third-party SQL Server. Downside: you have to host SQL Server yourself or pay someone to host it; latency may be an issue; availability and management is your concern. Upside: full SQL Server compatibility.

2)使用内部部署或第三方SQL Server。缺点:你必须自己托管SQL Server或付钱给某人托管它;延迟可能是一个问题;可用性和管理是您关注的问题。好处:完全兼容SQL Server。

3) Host SQL Server in Windows Azure Virtual Machines using VM images published by Microsoft. Downside: management is your concern; high availability requires additional configuration. Upside: full SQL Server compatibility; low latency; highly available infrastructure.

3)使用Microsoft发布的VM映像在Windows Azure虚拟机中托管SQL Server。缺点:管理层是您关注的问题;高可用性需要额外配置。好处:完全兼容SQL Server;低延迟;高可用性基础设施



CLR is now supported on SQL Azure databases.

SQL Azure数据库现在支持CLR。

I haven't created an assembly yet, since that's the tricky part.


It's not clear if this is only for SAFE mode.
