为什么Visual Studio IDE有时会初始化“this.components对象:有时候不会?

时间:2022-03-01 15:42:45

I've recently noticed some behaviour with the Visual Studio Designer (C#) that I don't understand and was wondering if someone could clarify...

我最近注意到一些我不理解的Visual Studio Designer(C#)的行为,并且想知道是否有人可以澄清......

One some of my Windows Forms, the first line of the designer generated code reads;


this.components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();

When this is the case, the dispose method, in that same designer file, the dispose method places two "Dispose" calls within the case "if" condition as follows;


    protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
        if (disposing && (components != null))

i.e. Nothing is called unless disposing is true, AND components is not null.


On some other forms, that first line in the designer generated code is missing. In these cases the base.Dispose call is outside the "if" condition as such...


    protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
        if (disposing && (components != null))

I have noticed this while tracking down a bug with a form not closing, where this.components was null, yet the base.Dispose call was inside that condition (I suspect the designer code had been tampered with but that's another story.


What controls this behaviour?


(Some earlier forms in the project were created in VS 2005 and we now use VS 2008 - clue?)

(项目中的一些早期形式是在VS 2005中创建的,我们现在使用VS 2008 - 线索?)

4 个解决方案


This is reproducible behavior. When you create a new form, it starts out with a skeleton that includes the this.components constructor call. When you then add a component (say a Timer) and remove it again, the designer regenerates the code, now without the constructor call. That isn't a bug.


Fwiw, the skeleton code is generated by Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\CSharp\Windows Forms\1033\Form.zip\form.designer.cs

Fwiw,骨架代码由Common7 \ IDE \ ItemTemplates \ CSharp \ Windows Forms \ 1033 \ Form.zip \ form.designer.cs生成

Seeing the base.Dispose() call inside the if() statement is a bug. That might be self-induced. Or it might be a beta version of the skeleton code. VS2005 does it right. Do check the ItemsTemplatesCache folder.

在if()语句中查看base.Dispose()调用是一个错误。这可能是自我诱导的。或者它可能是骨架代码的beta版本。 VS2005做对了。检查ItemsTemplatesCache文件夹。


6 years later and this problem still occurs. I've managed to track down at least one cause for it happening.


When testing if your component has a constructor that takes an IContainer, System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ComponentCodeDomSerializer caches a reference to the Type of IContainer for your project. If you then save an object for another project within the same solution, or perhaps when you have made some other types of changes in your project, ComponentCodeDomSerializer can no longer find the constructor as the Type of IContainer is no longer equal to it's cached Type.


If this is happening lots for your project, there is a very ugly workaround. Add this VB or C# VisualStudioWorkaroundSerializer class to your solution. Then add the attribute DesignerSerializer(GetType(VisualStudioWorkaroundSerializer), GetType(CodeDomSerializer)) to your component. Whenever your component is saved, this custom serializer will detect the problem, fix it, and force you to save again whenever this issue is about to occur.



Interesting glitch! It does indeed sound like a bug in one version of the designer / templating. Of course, if you think the designer code had been tampered, all bets are pretty-much off anyway...


However, in VS2008, it generates the undoubtably correct version:


if (disposing && (components != null))

So the base Dispose(...) is called. I haven't got VS2005 handy to test it, unfortunately. However - it doesn't initialize the components until it has to - the declaration is:

所以调用了基础Dispose(...)。不幸的是,我还没有得到VS2005进行测试。但是 - 它不会初始化组件,直到它必须 - 声明是:

private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;

And then if it is needed, it is populated in InitializeComponent:


private void InitializeComponent()
    this.components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();

I guess with this construct it only has to maintain InitializeComponent (and not the fields itself).



I have seen this happen, and I've also occasionally got warnings about from the Dispose method about components either never having its value assigned, or not being defined.


I think it is a combination of two things:


  1. Slightly different code generation between versions of Visual Studio
  2. Visual Studio版本之间的代码生成略有不同

  3. The Dispose method is only generated if there is not one already in the file, whereas InitializeComponent (and associated declarations) is generated each time
  4. 只有在文件中没有已经存在的情况下才会生成Dispose方法,而每次都会生成InitializeComponent(和关联的声明)

This results in an InitializeComponent/declarations section that is out-of-whack with the Dispose method.

这导致InitializeComponent / declarations部分与Dispose方法不同。


This is reproducible behavior. When you create a new form, it starts out with a skeleton that includes the this.components constructor call. When you then add a component (say a Timer) and remove it again, the designer regenerates the code, now without the constructor call. That isn't a bug.


Fwiw, the skeleton code is generated by Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\CSharp\Windows Forms\1033\Form.zip\form.designer.cs

Fwiw,骨架代码由Common7 \ IDE \ ItemTemplates \ CSharp \ Windows Forms \ 1033 \ Form.zip \ form.designer.cs生成

Seeing the base.Dispose() call inside the if() statement is a bug. That might be self-induced. Or it might be a beta version of the skeleton code. VS2005 does it right. Do check the ItemsTemplatesCache folder.

在if()语句中查看base.Dispose()调用是一个错误。这可能是自我诱导的。或者它可能是骨架代码的beta版本。 VS2005做对了。检查ItemsTemplatesCache文件夹。


6 years later and this problem still occurs. I've managed to track down at least one cause for it happening.


When testing if your component has a constructor that takes an IContainer, System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ComponentCodeDomSerializer caches a reference to the Type of IContainer for your project. If you then save an object for another project within the same solution, or perhaps when you have made some other types of changes in your project, ComponentCodeDomSerializer can no longer find the constructor as the Type of IContainer is no longer equal to it's cached Type.


If this is happening lots for your project, there is a very ugly workaround. Add this VB or C# VisualStudioWorkaroundSerializer class to your solution. Then add the attribute DesignerSerializer(GetType(VisualStudioWorkaroundSerializer), GetType(CodeDomSerializer)) to your component. Whenever your component is saved, this custom serializer will detect the problem, fix it, and force you to save again whenever this issue is about to occur.



Interesting glitch! It does indeed sound like a bug in one version of the designer / templating. Of course, if you think the designer code had been tampered, all bets are pretty-much off anyway...


However, in VS2008, it generates the undoubtably correct version:


if (disposing && (components != null))

So the base Dispose(...) is called. I haven't got VS2005 handy to test it, unfortunately. However - it doesn't initialize the components until it has to - the declaration is:

所以调用了基础Dispose(...)。不幸的是,我还没有得到VS2005进行测试。但是 - 它不会初始化组件,直到它必须 - 声明是:

private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;

And then if it is needed, it is populated in InitializeComponent:


private void InitializeComponent()
    this.components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();

I guess with this construct it only has to maintain InitializeComponent (and not the fields itself).



I have seen this happen, and I've also occasionally got warnings about from the Dispose method about components either never having its value assigned, or not being defined.


I think it is a combination of two things:


  1. Slightly different code generation between versions of Visual Studio
  2. Visual Studio版本之间的代码生成略有不同

  3. The Dispose method is only generated if there is not one already in the file, whereas InitializeComponent (and associated declarations) is generated each time
  4. 只有在文件中没有已经存在的情况下才会生成Dispose方法,而每次都会生成InitializeComponent(和关联的声明)

This results in an InitializeComponent/declarations section that is out-of-whack with the Dispose method.

这导致InitializeComponent / declarations部分与Dispose方法不同。