无法序列化com.google.api.services.bigquery.Bigquery $ Tables

时间:2021-09-18 14:35:52

I'm using Bigquery,Tables to make a request to fetch the schema of a bigquery table from inside DoFn by passing a initialised tableRequest as a parameter as shown below


private static class FetchSchema extends DoFn<String,List<String>>{
    Bigquery.Tables tableRequest;
    ValueProvider<String> DestTableName;
    ValueProvider<String> mapCols;
    ValueProvider<String> recATableName;

    public FetchSchema(Bigquery.Tables tableReq,ValueProvider<String> table,ValueProvider<String> mCols,ValueProvider<String> recATab){
        this.tableRequest = tableReq;
        this.DestTableName = table;
        this.mapCols = mCols;
        this.recATableName = recATab;
    private List<String> getTableParams(String tableString) throws IOException{
        String[] tableParams = new String[3];
        List<String> tableParamsList = new ArrayList<String>();
        tableParams[0] = tableString.substring(0,tableString.indexOf(":"));
        tableParams[1] = tableString.substring(tableString.indexOf(":")+1,tableString.indexOf("."));
        tableParams[2] = tableString.substring(tableString.indexOf("."));
        Table table = tableRequest.get(tableParams[0],tableParams[1],tableParams[2]).execute();
        List<TableFieldSchema> fields = table.getSchema().getFields();
        for(int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++){
        return tableParamsList;
    public void processElement(ProcessContext c) throws IOException{
        String[] mCols = mapCols.get().split(",");
        List<String> mapColsList = Arrays.asList(mCols);

But i get this error:


An exception occured while executing the Java class. null: InvocationTargetException: unable to serialize org.apache.beam.examples.flatFileTest$FetchSchema@6510b00e: com.google.api.services.bigquery.Bigquery$Tables

Any help please?


1 个解决方案



A BigQuery client created on your local machine is not useful to all of the workers used to execute your pipeline using Dataflow. Instead, you should create the BigQuery.Tables client within the @StartBundle method of your DoFn. This method can take a StartBundleContext argument, which allows calling getPipelineOptions().


Note: Ideally this would be possible @Setup method so the client could be reused across bundles, but it doesn't seem like the pipeline options are available there.




A BigQuery client created on your local machine is not useful to all of the workers used to execute your pipeline using Dataflow. Instead, you should create the BigQuery.Tables client within the @StartBundle method of your DoFn. This method can take a StartBundleContext argument, which allows calling getPipelineOptions().


Note: Ideally this would be possible @Setup method so the client could be reused across bundles, but it doesn't seem like the pipeline options are available there.
