语法错误异常详细信息:System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException:INSERT INTO语句中的语法错误

时间:2021-07-23 14:27:15

As the title says, I'm getting a syntax error when trying to execute the following insert query against an MS Access database from an ASP.NET page.

正如标题所示,我在尝试从ASP.NET页面对MS Access数据库执行以下插入查询时出现语法错误。

sqls = "INSERT INTO Invoice(Date, S_OF, Consignee_name, Vechile_type, Make, Model, 
                            Chassis_no, Transmission, Fuel_Type, Mile_age, Colour, 
                            Engine_type, Wheel_Drive, Accesories_options, FOB_Price, 
                            Fright_Price, Insurance, inspection, Port_of_Loading, 
                            Destination, Drive, Total)
        VALUES('" + date1.Text + "','" + Sof.Text + "','" + consigneee.Text + "','" + 
               dvtype.Text + "','" + make.Text + "','" + Model.Text + "','" + chassisno.Text + 
               "','" + dtransmision.Text + "','" + dfueltype.Text + "','" + mileage.Text + "','" 
               + dcolour.Text + "','" + enginetype.Text + "','" + dwheeldrive.Text + "','" 
               + labelc.Text + "','" + FobPrice.Text + "','" + frieghtprice.Text + "','" 
               + insurance.Text + "','" + inspection.Text + "','" + portofloading.Text 
               + "','" + portdestination.Text + "','" + ddrive.Text + "','" + total.Text + "')"

3 个解决方案



I'm just guessing here since you haven't provided the error message but you seem to have a few typos in the column names.


"INSERT INTO Invoice(Date,S_OF,Consignee_name,Vechile_type,Make,...

Did you mean Vehicle?



It should be spelled Accessories.



Do you really charge people to be scared? I'm sure you meant Freight_Price here.




You can you String.Format("INSERT INTO Invoice Values {0}{1}{2}", value0, value1, value2 ) so value0 will replace for {0}, value1 will replace for {1} and so on. That's way you can trace the error better.

你可以String.Format(“INSERT INTO Invoice Values {0} {1} {2}”,value0,value1,value2)所以value0将替换为{0},value1将替换为{1},依此类推。这样你可以更好地追踪错误。

Further more, try to use store-procedure and parameters to avoid sql injection. It's worth to spend sometimes on it.




Here is how someone can possibly hack into your database (SQL injection). Please note it is provided for educational purposes! Do not try to execute it!


If someone enters this into your total Textbox, your data may be deleted:


'); delete from invoice; print ('hi

Ironically, couple years ago I got error message on the web site where I ordered parts for my car (Mopar parts seller). I got error like "...error in WHERE clause...". So, it was open for SQL injection attack. I sent them email but never ordered from them again. I hope, you are not representing them here :)

具有讽刺意味的是,几年前,我在网站上收到了错误消息,我订购了我的汽车零件(Mopar零件销售商)。我收到错误,如“...... WHERE子句中的错误......”。因此,SQL注入攻击是开放的。我给他们发了电子邮件但从未再次向他们订购过。我希望,你不是在这里代表他们:)



I'm just guessing here since you haven't provided the error message but you seem to have a few typos in the column names.


"INSERT INTO Invoice(Date,S_OF,Consignee_name,Vechile_type,Make,...

Did you mean Vehicle?



It should be spelled Accessories.



Do you really charge people to be scared? I'm sure you meant Freight_Price here.




You can you String.Format("INSERT INTO Invoice Values {0}{1}{2}", value0, value1, value2 ) so value0 will replace for {0}, value1 will replace for {1} and so on. That's way you can trace the error better.

你可以String.Format(“INSERT INTO Invoice Values {0} {1} {2}”,value0,value1,value2)所以value0将替换为{0},value1将替换为{1},依此类推。这样你可以更好地追踪错误。

Further more, try to use store-procedure and parameters to avoid sql injection. It's worth to spend sometimes on it.




Here is how someone can possibly hack into your database (SQL injection). Please note it is provided for educational purposes! Do not try to execute it!


If someone enters this into your total Textbox, your data may be deleted:


'); delete from invoice; print ('hi

Ironically, couple years ago I got error message on the web site where I ordered parts for my car (Mopar parts seller). I got error like "...error in WHERE clause...". So, it was open for SQL injection attack. I sent them email but never ordered from them again. I hope, you are not representing them here :)

具有讽刺意味的是,几年前,我在网站上收到了错误消息,我订购了我的汽车零件(Mopar零件销售商)。我收到错误,如“...... WHERE子句中的错误......”。因此,SQL注入攻击是开放的。我给他们发了电子邮件但从未再次向他们订购过。我希望,你不是在这里代表他们:)