Apache Beam管道中的组元素

时间:2021-08-24 14:41:08

I have got a pipeline that parses records from AVRO files.


I need to split the incoming records into chunks of 500 items in order to call an API that takes multiple inputs at the same time.


Is there a way to do this with the Python SDK?

有没有办法用Python SDK做到这一点?

1 个解决方案



I'm supposing that you mean a Batch use case. You have a couple options for this:


If your PCollection is large enough, and you have some flexibility on the size of your bundles, you can use a GroupByKey transform after assigning keys in random/round robin order to your elements. e.g.:


my_collection = p | ReadRecordsFromAvro()

element_bundles = (my_collection 
                     # Choose a number of keys that works for you (I chose 50 here)
                   | 'AddKeys' >> beam.Map(lambda x: (randint(0, 50), x))
                   | 'MakeBundles' >> beam.GroupByKey()
                   | 'DropKeys' >> beam.Map(lambda (k, bundle): bundle)
                   | beam.ParDo(ProcessBundlesDoFn()))

Where ProcessBundlesDoFn is something like so:


class ProcessBundlesDoFn(beam.DoFn):
  def process(self, bundle):
    while bundle.has_next():
      # Fetch in batches of 500 until you're done
      result = fetch_n_elements(bundle, 500)
      yield result

If you need to have all bundles of exactly 500 elements, then you may need to:


  1. Count the # of elements in your PCollection
  2. 计算PCollection中的元素数量
  3. Pass that count as a singleton side input to your 'AddKeys' ParDo, to determine exactly the number of keys that you will need.
  4. 将该计数作为单一侧输入传递给您的“AddKeys”ParDo,以确切确定您需要的键数。

Hope that helps.




I'm supposing that you mean a Batch use case. You have a couple options for this:


If your PCollection is large enough, and you have some flexibility on the size of your bundles, you can use a GroupByKey transform after assigning keys in random/round robin order to your elements. e.g.:


my_collection = p | ReadRecordsFromAvro()

element_bundles = (my_collection 
                     # Choose a number of keys that works for you (I chose 50 here)
                   | 'AddKeys' >> beam.Map(lambda x: (randint(0, 50), x))
                   | 'MakeBundles' >> beam.GroupByKey()
                   | 'DropKeys' >> beam.Map(lambda (k, bundle): bundle)
                   | beam.ParDo(ProcessBundlesDoFn()))

Where ProcessBundlesDoFn is something like so:


class ProcessBundlesDoFn(beam.DoFn):
  def process(self, bundle):
    while bundle.has_next():
      # Fetch in batches of 500 until you're done
      result = fetch_n_elements(bundle, 500)
      yield result

If you need to have all bundles of exactly 500 elements, then you may need to:


  1. Count the # of elements in your PCollection
  2. 计算PCollection中的元素数量
  3. Pass that count as a singleton side input to your 'AddKeys' ParDo, to determine exactly the number of keys that you will need.
  4. 将该计数作为单一侧输入传递给您的“AddKeys”ParDo,以确切确定您需要的键数。

Hope that helps.
