BigQueryIO - 使用流和FILE_LOADS写性能

时间:2021-09-08 14:04:25

My pipeline : Kafka -> Dataflow streaming (Beam v2.3) -> BigQuery

我的管道:Kafka - > Dataflow streaming(Beam v2.3) - > BigQuery

Given that low-latency isn't important in my case, I use FILE_LOADS to reduce the costs, like this :


  .to(new SerializableFunction[ValueInSingleWindow[TableRow], TableDestination]() {
    def apply(element: ValueInSingleWindow[TableRow]): TableDestination = {

This Dataflow step is introducing an always bigger delay in the pipeline, so that it can't keep up with Kafka throughput (less than 50k events/s), even with 40 n1-standard-s4 workers. As shown on the screenshot below, the system lag is very big (close to pipeline up-time) for this step, whereas Kafka system lag is only a few seconds.


BigQueryIO  - 使用流和FILE_LOADS写性能

If I understand correctly, Dataflow writes the elements into numFileShards in gcsTempLocation and every triggeringFrequency a load job is started to insert them into BigQuery. For instance if I choose a triggeringFrequency of 5 minutes, I can see (with bq ls -a -j) that all the load jobs need less than 1 minute to be completed. But still the step is introducing more and more delay, resulting in Kafka consuming less and less elements (thanks to bcackpressure). Increasing/decreasing numFileShards and triggeringFrequency doesn't correct the problem.

如果我理解正确,Dataflow会将元素写入gcsTempLocation中的numFileShards,并且每个triggeringFrequency都会启动一个加载作业,将它们插入到BigQuery中。例如,如果我选择5分钟的触发频率,我可以看到(使用bq ls -a -j)所有装载作业需要不到1分钟才能完成。但仍然是这一步骤引入了越来越多的延迟,导致Kafka消耗越来越少的元素(由于bcackpressure)。增加/减少numFileShards和triggeringFrequency并不能解决问题。

I don't manually specify any window, I just the default one. Files are not accumulating in gcsTempLocation.


Any idea what's going wrong here?


1 个解决方案



You mention that you don't explicitly specify a Window, which means that by default Dataflow will use the "Global window". The windowing documentation contains this warning:


Caution: Dataflow's default windowing behavior is to assign all elements of a PCollection to a single, global window, even for unbounded PCollections. Before you use a grouping transform such as GroupByKey on an unbounded PCollection, you must set a non-global windowing function. See Setting Your PCollection's Windowing Function.


If you don't set a non-global windowing function for your unbounded PCollection and subsequently use a grouping transform such as GroupByKey or Combine, your pipeline will generate an error upon construction and your Dataflow job will fail.


You can alternatively set a non-default Trigger for a PCollection to allow the global window to emit "early" results under some other conditions.


It appears that your pipeline doesn't do any explicit grouping, but I wonder if internal grouping via BigQuery write is causing issues.


Can you see in the UI if your downstream DropInputs has received any elements? If not, this is an indication that data is getting held up in the upstream BigQuery step.




You mention that you don't explicitly specify a Window, which means that by default Dataflow will use the "Global window". The windowing documentation contains this warning:


Caution: Dataflow's default windowing behavior is to assign all elements of a PCollection to a single, global window, even for unbounded PCollections. Before you use a grouping transform such as GroupByKey on an unbounded PCollection, you must set a non-global windowing function. See Setting Your PCollection's Windowing Function.


If you don't set a non-global windowing function for your unbounded PCollection and subsequently use a grouping transform such as GroupByKey or Combine, your pipeline will generate an error upon construction and your Dataflow job will fail.


You can alternatively set a non-default Trigger for a PCollection to allow the global window to emit "early" results under some other conditions.


It appears that your pipeline doesn't do any explicit grouping, but I wonder if internal grouping via BigQuery write is causing issues.


Can you see in the UI if your downstream DropInputs has received any elements? If not, this is an indication that data is getting held up in the upstream BigQuery step.
