在Google Big Query中使用SQL Server数据

时间:2022-05-08 14:38:29

I need some help in using the data that resides in SQL Server to be accessed from Google Big Query for the analytics.

我需要一些帮助来使用驻留在SQL Server中的数据从Google Big Query访问以进行分析。

I have all the transaction data in SQL Server and now we want to run some analytics on top of data using Big Query. But I didn't find a way to connect the data from the SQL Server.

我拥有SQL Server中的所有事务数据,现在我们希望使用Big Query在数据之上运行一些分析。但我没有找到一种方法来连接SQL Server的数据。

1 个解决方案



You can pull a CSV using sqlcmd, and then upload that to BigQuery




You can pull a CSV using sqlcmd, and then upload that to BigQuery
