I used to use Admob analytics to view my users activity. There I was able to view real time app running users. Now when I upgraded to the Firebase, I don't find any real time user stats.
Does firebase has real time users stat feature? Thanks in advance.
5 个解决方案
There currently is no equivalent to Google Analytics' real time tracking of user information available in Firebase Analytics.
目前没有与Google Analytics(分析)实时跟踪Firebase Analytics中可用的用户信息的信息相同。
Update (February 2017): Firebase added DebugView to its Analytics product. This allows you to see a near realtime stream of the events from a specific device. Note that (as its name implies) this feature is most useful for debugging whether you have instrumented your code correctly. It is not the same as the realtime analytics in Google Analytics.
更新(2017年2月):Firebase将DebugView添加到其Analytics产品中。这允许您查看来自特定设备的近实时事件流。请注意(顾名思义)此功能对于调试是否已正确检测代码非常有用。它与Google Analytics中的实时分析不同。
You can see realtime users and events at StreamView in Firebase. StreamView shows you who is using your app and what they are doing, in real time. if you properly integrated the Firebase Analytics SDK in your app, StreamView tab will be visible in your Firebase Analytics.
您可以在Firebase中的StreamView上查看实时用户和事件。 StreamView实时显示您正在使用您的应用程序以及他们正在做什么。如果您在应用中正确集成了Firebase Analytics SDK,则会在Firebase Analytics中显示StreamView标签。
Detailed Information from Google Support : https://support.google.com/firebase/answer/7229836?hl=en
Google支持的详细信息:https://support.google.com/firebase/answer/7229836?hl = zh-CN
You can now see realtime events in DebugView option at the console. Pretty neat feature, works great. Here is an example: Console
See more info at https://firebase.google.com/docs/analytics/debugview
As Frank van Puffelen replied, currently there is no realtime information available in Firebase Analytics dashboard. Until this feature is available your next best option is to enable debug logging as defined in the developer documentation:
正如Frank van Puffelen回答的那样,目前Firebase Analytics仪表板中没有可用的实时信息。在此功能可用之前,您的下一个最佳选择是启用开发人员文档中定义的调试日志记录:
iOS: https://firebase.google.com/docs/analytics/ios/start#next_steps
When you log event and the event data is uploaded you will see something like this (Android):
I/FA : App measurement is starting up, version: 9080
I/FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
V/FA : Logging event: origin=auto,name=_f,params=Bundle[{_c=1}]
V/FA : Uploading data. app, uncompressed size, data: com.example.app, 348,
V/FA : batch {
V/FA : bundle {
V/FA : protocol_version: 1
V/FA : platform: android
V/FA : gmp_version: 9080
Latest Update from Firebase Dev Summit from Berlin.Firebase announced Debug view which will display raw data real time updates.
来自Berlin.Firebase的Firebase Dev Summit的最新更新发布了Debug视图,它将显示原始数据的实时更新。
Currently i do not see it in my Firebase console,but hope it will be live for all users soon.
There currently is no equivalent to Google Analytics' real time tracking of user information available in Firebase Analytics.
目前没有与Google Analytics(分析)实时跟踪Firebase Analytics中可用的用户信息的信息相同。
Update (February 2017): Firebase added DebugView to its Analytics product. This allows you to see a near realtime stream of the events from a specific device. Note that (as its name implies) this feature is most useful for debugging whether you have instrumented your code correctly. It is not the same as the realtime analytics in Google Analytics.
更新(2017年2月):Firebase将DebugView添加到其Analytics产品中。这允许您查看来自特定设备的近实时事件流。请注意(顾名思义)此功能对于调试是否已正确检测代码非常有用。它与Google Analytics中的实时分析不同。
You can see realtime users and events at StreamView in Firebase. StreamView shows you who is using your app and what they are doing, in real time. if you properly integrated the Firebase Analytics SDK in your app, StreamView tab will be visible in your Firebase Analytics.
您可以在Firebase中的StreamView上查看实时用户和事件。 StreamView实时显示您正在使用您的应用程序以及他们正在做什么。如果您在应用中正确集成了Firebase Analytics SDK,则会在Firebase Analytics中显示StreamView标签。
Detailed Information from Google Support : https://support.google.com/firebase/answer/7229836?hl=en
Google支持的详细信息:https://support.google.com/firebase/answer/7229836?hl = zh-CN
You can now see realtime events in DebugView option at the console. Pretty neat feature, works great. Here is an example: Console
See more info at https://firebase.google.com/docs/analytics/debugview
As Frank van Puffelen replied, currently there is no realtime information available in Firebase Analytics dashboard. Until this feature is available your next best option is to enable debug logging as defined in the developer documentation:
正如Frank van Puffelen回答的那样,目前Firebase Analytics仪表板中没有可用的实时信息。在此功能可用之前,您的下一个最佳选择是启用开发人员文档中定义的调试日志记录:
iOS: https://firebase.google.com/docs/analytics/ios/start#next_steps
When you log event and the event data is uploaded you will see something like this (Android):
I/FA : App measurement is starting up, version: 9080
I/FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
V/FA : Logging event: origin=auto,name=_f,params=Bundle[{_c=1}]
V/FA : Uploading data. app, uncompressed size, data: com.example.app, 348,
V/FA : batch {
V/FA : bundle {
V/FA : protocol_version: 1
V/FA : platform: android
V/FA : gmp_version: 9080
Latest Update from Firebase Dev Summit from Berlin.Firebase announced Debug view which will display raw data real time updates.
来自Berlin.Firebase的Firebase Dev Summit的最新更新发布了Debug视图,它将显示原始数据的实时更新。
Currently i do not see it in my Firebase console,but hope it will be live for all users soon.