GTM(Google跟踪代码管理器)6.0和Firebase Analytics 5.0版本发生冲突

时间:2021-07-11 13:42:29

New Firebase version 5.0 is causing version conflict with Google Tag Manager. Has anyone has a solution for this?



# Analytics
pod 'Firebase/RemoteConfig', '~> 5.0.0'
pod 'Firebase/Core', '~> 5.0.0'
pod 'GoogleTagManager', '~> 6.0'
pod 'GoogleIDFASupport'
pod 'GooglePlaces', '~> 2.7.0'

Error i get on pod install:


[!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "FirebaseAnalytics":
  In Podfile:

Firebase/Core (~> 5.0.0) was resolved to 5.0.0, which depends on
  FirebaseAnalytics (= 5.0.0)

Firebase/RemoteConfig (~> 5.0.0) was resolved to 5.0.0, which depends on
  FirebaseRemoteConfig (= 3.0.0) was resolved to 3.0.0, which depends on
    FirebaseAnalytics (~> 5.0)

GoogleTagManager (~> 6.0) was resolved to 6.0.0, which depends on
  FirebaseAnalytics (~> 4.0)

2 个解决方案



Update: This issue is resolved in GoogleTagManager 7.0.0.

更新:此问题已在GoogleTagManager 7.0.0中得到解决。

Obsolete answer: Seems like there are no backwards-incompatible changes in Firebase Analytics 5.x and major version bump is due to drop of iOS 7 support. It's not an issue for my project, so I just created patched podspec for GoogleTagManager.

过时的答案:似乎Firebase Analytics 5.x中没有向后兼容的不兼容更改,主要版本的崩溃是由于iOS 7支持的下降。这对我的项目来说不是问题,所以我刚为GoogleTagManager创建了修补podspec。


  "authors": "Google, Inc.",
  "dependencies": {
    "FirebaseAnalytics": "~> 5.0",
    "GoogleAnalytics": "~> 3.17",
    "GoogleUtilities": "~> 1.3"
  "description": "Google Tag Manager is a tool to easily deploy analytics and marketing tags.",
  "frameworks": [
  "homepage": "",
  "libraries": [
  "license": {
    "text": "Copyright 2017 Google",
    "type": "Copyright"
  "name": "GoogleTagManager",
  "platforms": {
    "ios": "7.0"
  "resources": [
  "source": {
    "http": ""
  "summary": "Google Tag Manager - create and update tags easily",
  "vendored_frameworks": [
  "version": "6.0.0"


pod 'GoogleTagManager', podspec: './GoogleTagManager.podspec.json'



At last Google Released Google Tag Manager Pod version 7.0.0 and this problem is solved




Update: This issue is resolved in GoogleTagManager 7.0.0.

更新:此问题已在GoogleTagManager 7.0.0中得到解决。

Obsolete answer: Seems like there are no backwards-incompatible changes in Firebase Analytics 5.x and major version bump is due to drop of iOS 7 support. It's not an issue for my project, so I just created patched podspec for GoogleTagManager.

过时的答案:似乎Firebase Analytics 5.x中没有向后兼容的不兼容更改,主要版本的崩溃是由于iOS 7支持的下降。这对我的项目来说不是问题,所以我刚为GoogleTagManager创建了修补podspec。


  "authors": "Google, Inc.",
  "dependencies": {
    "FirebaseAnalytics": "~> 5.0",
    "GoogleAnalytics": "~> 3.17",
    "GoogleUtilities": "~> 1.3"
  "description": "Google Tag Manager is a tool to easily deploy analytics and marketing tags.",
  "frameworks": [
  "homepage": "",
  "libraries": [
  "license": {
    "text": "Copyright 2017 Google",
    "type": "Copyright"
  "name": "GoogleTagManager",
  "platforms": {
    "ios": "7.0"
  "resources": [
  "source": {
    "http": ""
  "summary": "Google Tag Manager - create and update tags easily",
  "vendored_frameworks": [
  "version": "6.0.0"


pod 'GoogleTagManager', podspec: './GoogleTagManager.podspec.json'



At last Google Released Google Tag Manager Pod version 7.0.0 and this problem is solved
