如何快速实现MVC ?

时间:2022-01-07 12:59:54

I've been building Swift apps where basically all the functionality is in the ViewController. I know this isn't the optimal way to do it because design patterns help you expand the app but I don't really understand them. I keep reading articles about splitting up the Model, View and Controller but the articles don't give me answers on how to do it.


Currently I'm building an app. I've made all the functions in the ViewController again but I've split the functions up between the three sections.


My whole app is split up like this:


func stopMonitoring(_ song:Song) {
    for region in locationManager.monitoredRegions {
        guard let circularRegion = region as? CLCircularRegion, circularRegion.identifier == song.identifier else { continue }
        locationManager.stopMonitoring(for: circularRegion)

func addToView(_ song:Song){
    mapView.add(MKCircle(center: song.coordinate, radius: song.radius))

How do I go about turning this into a Model-View-Controller design?


My thoughts have been to make separate classes of each and have them always loading but I have variables in the controller class that I use in them all which seems like it wouldn't be an efficient way to go about things. I've also heard about sharedinstances but again don't know how they come into play.


1 个解决方案



You need to give more time on understanding the MVC architecture.


M = Model, this is the data object which will be used in your entire app. It's the 'Entity' which has attributes for example, Product, User, Song, etc.

M =模型,这是将在你的整个app中使用的数据对象,它是一个具有属性的实体,例如,产品,用户,歌曲等。

V = View. In iOS apps Views are designed using Storyboards (ideally) or created at runtime using the code.

V =视图。在iOS应用程序中,视图是使用故事板(理想情况下)设计的,或者在运行时使用代码创建的。

C = Controllers. Which provides the interaction between Model, UI Elements (View) & business logic. Controllers are associated to classes with Views in storyboard.

C =控制器。提供模型、UI元素(视图)和业务逻辑之间的交互。控制器与故事板中的视图关联。

You must design a Business Layer which serves the data to controllers and populate the Models with values. I've been using this approach for years on building scalable iOS apps and helps to add features in the app very easily by maintaining the existing functionalities.


Let me know if any more help is required.




You need to give more time on understanding the MVC architecture.


M = Model, this is the data object which will be used in your entire app. It's the 'Entity' which has attributes for example, Product, User, Song, etc.

M =模型,这是将在你的整个app中使用的数据对象,它是一个具有属性的实体,例如,产品,用户,歌曲等。

V = View. In iOS apps Views are designed using Storyboards (ideally) or created at runtime using the code.

V =视图。在iOS应用程序中,视图是使用故事板(理想情况下)设计的,或者在运行时使用代码创建的。

C = Controllers. Which provides the interaction between Model, UI Elements (View) & business logic. Controllers are associated to classes with Views in storyboard.

C =控制器。提供模型、UI元素(视图)和业务逻辑之间的交互。控制器与故事板中的视图关联。

You must design a Business Layer which serves the data to controllers and populate the Models with values. I've been using this approach for years on building scalable iOS apps and helps to add features in the app very easily by maintaining the existing functionalities.


Let me know if any more help is required.
