
时间:2021-03-25 19:14:33

So I'm trying to filter one table by the values of multiple rows grouped by one column which match multiple rows of another table which are grouped by a column. For Exmaple:


| Symbol | Value |
| A      |     1 |
| A      |     2 |
| A      |     3 |
| B      |     9 |
| B      |     8 |

| Symbol | Value |
| C      |     9 |
| C      |     8 |
| D      |     1 |
| D      |     2 |
| D      |     4 |
| E      |     9 |
| E      |     8 |
| F      |     1 |
| F      |     2 |
| F      |     3 |

The query needs to return C, E, and F but not D because the values for A match the values of F, and the values of B match the values of C and E.


I hope this makes sense.


1 个解决方案



You can get the match by joining the tables on the value and then counting the symbols. For your data, this should work:


select t2.symbol, t1.symbol
from (select t1.*, count(*) over (partition by symbol) as cnt
      from table1 t1
     ) t1 join
     table2 t2
     on t1.value = t2.value
group by t1.symbol, t2.symbol, t1.cnt;
having count(*) = t1.cnt

This assumes:

  • No duplicates in either table.
  • 两个表中都没有重复项。

  • You are looking for rows in table2 that match table1, but table2 could have additional values not in table1.
  • 您正在寻找table2中与table1匹配的行,但table2可能具有不在table1中的其他值。



You can get the match by joining the tables on the value and then counting the symbols. For your data, this should work:


select t2.symbol, t1.symbol
from (select t1.*, count(*) over (partition by symbol) as cnt
      from table1 t1
     ) t1 join
     table2 t2
     on t1.value = t2.value
group by t1.symbol, t2.symbol, t1.cnt;
having count(*) = t1.cnt

This assumes:

  • No duplicates in either table.
  • 两个表中都没有重复项。

  • You are looking for rows in table2 that match table1, but table2 could have additional values not in table1.
  • 您正在寻找table2中与table1匹配的行,但table2可能具有不在table1中的其他值。