
时间:2021-12-11 12:42:56

Given this example data (in .NET classes where Po, Sku, Qty are properties):


PO, Sku, Qty

I need to transform it into a fixed column format, with a max of 5 SKUs per line (repeating the PO if needed for > 5):

我需要将其转换为固定列格式,每行最多5个SKU(如果需要,重复PO> 5):

PO, SkuA, QtyA, SkuB, QtyB, SkuC, QtyC, SkuD, QtyD, SkuE, QtyE
1, ABC, 1, DEF, 2, GHI, 1, QWE, 1, ASD, 1
1, ZXC, 5, ERT, 1, , , , , , 
2, QWE, 1, ASD, 11, ZXC, 1, , , , 
3, ERT, 1, DFG, 1, DFH, 1, CVB, 4, VBN, 1
3, NMY, 1, , , , , , , , 

Output can be CSV (which is what I'm outputting), or .NET classes - no matter there. Is there a simple way to do this in Linq by grouping by PO, then by counts of 5?

输出可以是CSV(这是我输出的),或.NET类 - 无论那里。有没有一种简单的方法可以在Linq中通过按PO分组,然后按5的数量进行分组?

EDIT: I have no control of over the destination format. And for anyone interested, it's VendorNet and VendorBridge that require this nonsense.


2 个解决方案


Firstly, here's the query that will generate the correct hierarchy of objects. I'm using anonymous types but it's easy enough to change it to use your own proper classes.


var query = yourData
        x => x.PO
        x => x.Select
            (y, i) => new { y.PO, y.Sku, y.Qty, Key = i / 5 }
        x => new { x.PO, x.Key }

Using LINQ to create the CSV from the query results is bit of a hack, but it gets the job done. (The "benefit" of using LINQ is that you could chain the original query and the CSV generation into a single, massive statement, should you wish.)

使用LINQ从查询结果创建CSV有点像黑客,但它完成了工作。 (使用LINQ的“好处”是,如果您愿意,可以将原始查询和CSV生成链接到一个单独的大型语句中。)

IEnumerable<string> csvLines = query
        x => x.Aggregate
            new { Count = 0, SB = new StringBuilder() },
            (a, y) => new
                Count = a.Count + 1,
                SB = ((a.SB.Length == 0) ? a.SB.Append(y.PO) : a.SB)
                    .Append(", ").Append(y.Sku).Append(", ").Append(y.Qty)
            a => a.SB.ToString() + string.Join(", , ", new string[6 - a.Count])

string csv = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, csvLines.ToArray());

In my opinion, creating the CSV without using LINQ makes the code much more readable:


StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var group in query)
    int count = 0;
    foreach (var item in group)
        if (count++ == 0)
        sb.Append(", ").Append(item.Sku).Append(", ").Append(item.Qty);
    while (count++ < 5)
        sb.Append(", , ");

string csv = sb.ToString();


Here you go. I didn't format the output the way you wanted. But this should give you an idea of how to pivot rows. Hope this helps :-)

干得好。我没有按照你想要的方式格式化输出。但是这应该让你知道如何转动行。希望这可以帮助 :-)

public class MyClass
        public int PO { get; set; }
        public String SKU { get; set; }
        public int Qty { get; set; }

        public static IEnumerable<MyClass> GetList()
            return new List<MyClass>()
                           new MyClass {PO = 1, SKU = "ABC", Qty = 1},
                           new MyClass {PO = 1, SKU = "DEF", Qty = 2},
                           new MyClass {PO = 1, SKU = "GHI", Qty = 1},
                           new MyClass {PO = 1, SKU = "QWE", Qty = 1},
                           new MyClass {PO = 1, SKU = "ASD", Qty = 1},
                           new MyClass {PO = 1, SKU = "ZXC", Qty = 5},
                           new MyClass {PO = 1, SKU = "ERT", Qty = 1},
                           new MyClass {PO = 2, SKU = "QWE", Qty = 1},
                           new MyClass {PO = 2, SKU = "ASD", Qty = 1},
                           new MyClass {PO = 2, SKU = "ZXC", Qty = 5},

EDIT: I've fixed the query based on Luke's comment


var lQuery =
                .GroupBy(pArg => pArg.PO)
                .Select(pArg => new
                       Test = pArg.Select((pArg1, pId) => 
                                          new {ID = (pId / 5), 
                                               pArg1.PO, pArg1.SKU, pArg1.Qty})
                                       .GroupBy(pArg1 => pArg1.ID)
                                       .Select(pArg1 => 
                                                               (pSeed, pCur) => 
                                                               pSeed + pCur.SKU + ","))


Firstly, here's the query that will generate the correct hierarchy of objects. I'm using anonymous types but it's easy enough to change it to use your own proper classes.


var query = yourData
        x => x.PO
        x => x.Select
            (y, i) => new { y.PO, y.Sku, y.Qty, Key = i / 5 }
        x => new { x.PO, x.Key }

Using LINQ to create the CSV from the query results is bit of a hack, but it gets the job done. (The "benefit" of using LINQ is that you could chain the original query and the CSV generation into a single, massive statement, should you wish.)

使用LINQ从查询结果创建CSV有点像黑客,但它完成了工作。 (使用LINQ的“好处”是,如果您愿意,可以将原始查询和CSV生成链接到一个单独的大型语句中。)

IEnumerable<string> csvLines = query
        x => x.Aggregate
            new { Count = 0, SB = new StringBuilder() },
            (a, y) => new
                Count = a.Count + 1,
                SB = ((a.SB.Length == 0) ? a.SB.Append(y.PO) : a.SB)
                    .Append(", ").Append(y.Sku).Append(", ").Append(y.Qty)
            a => a.SB.ToString() + string.Join(", , ", new string[6 - a.Count])

string csv = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, csvLines.ToArray());

In my opinion, creating the CSV without using LINQ makes the code much more readable:


StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var group in query)
    int count = 0;
    foreach (var item in group)
        if (count++ == 0)
        sb.Append(", ").Append(item.Sku).Append(", ").Append(item.Qty);
    while (count++ < 5)
        sb.Append(", , ");

string csv = sb.ToString();


Here you go. I didn't format the output the way you wanted. But this should give you an idea of how to pivot rows. Hope this helps :-)

干得好。我没有按照你想要的方式格式化输出。但是这应该让你知道如何转动行。希望这可以帮助 :-)

public class MyClass
        public int PO { get; set; }
        public String SKU { get; set; }
        public int Qty { get; set; }

        public static IEnumerable<MyClass> GetList()
            return new List<MyClass>()
                           new MyClass {PO = 1, SKU = "ABC", Qty = 1},
                           new MyClass {PO = 1, SKU = "DEF", Qty = 2},
                           new MyClass {PO = 1, SKU = "GHI", Qty = 1},
                           new MyClass {PO = 1, SKU = "QWE", Qty = 1},
                           new MyClass {PO = 1, SKU = "ASD", Qty = 1},
                           new MyClass {PO = 1, SKU = "ZXC", Qty = 5},
                           new MyClass {PO = 1, SKU = "ERT", Qty = 1},
                           new MyClass {PO = 2, SKU = "QWE", Qty = 1},
                           new MyClass {PO = 2, SKU = "ASD", Qty = 1},
                           new MyClass {PO = 2, SKU = "ZXC", Qty = 5},

EDIT: I've fixed the query based on Luke's comment


var lQuery =
                .GroupBy(pArg => pArg.PO)
                .Select(pArg => new
                       Test = pArg.Select((pArg1, pId) => 
                                          new {ID = (pId / 5), 
                                               pArg1.PO, pArg1.SKU, pArg1.Qty})
                                       .GroupBy(pArg1 => pArg1.ID)
                                       .Select(pArg1 => 
                                                               (pSeed, pCur) => 
                                                               pSeed + pCur.SKU + ","))