
时间:2021-08-10 12:56:28

I'm new to C++, so this question may be basic:

我是C ++的新手,所以这个问题可能是基本的:

I have two classes that need to refer to each other. Each is in its own header file, and #include's the other's header file. When I try to compile I get the error "ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘Foo’ with no type" for one of the classes. If I switch things so the opposite header gets parsed first I get the same error with the other class.

我有两个需要互相引用的类。每个都在自己的头文件中,#include是另一个头文件。当我尝试编译时,我得到错误“ISO C ++禁止声明'Foo'没有类型”的一个类。如果我切换东西,所以首先解析相反的头,我得到与另一个类相同的错误。

Is it possible in C++ to have two classes that need references to each other?

在C ++中是否有可能有两个需要相互引用的类?

For more detail: I have an "App" class and a "Window" class. App needs to refer to Window to make the window. Window has a button that calls back to App, so it needs a reference to App. If I can't have two classes refer to each other, is there a better way to implement this?

更多细节:我有一个“App”类和一个“Window”类。应用程序需要引用Window来创建窗口。 Window有一个回调App的按钮,因此需要引用App。如果我不能让两个类互相引用,有没有更好的方法来实现它?

3 个解决方案


You can use forward declarations in the header files to get around the circular dependencies as long as you don't have implementation dependencies in the headers. In Window.h, add this line:


class App;

In App.h, add this line:


class Window;

Add these lines before the class definitions.


Then in the source files, you can include the headers for the actual class definitions.


If your class definitions reference members of the other class (for example, in inlines), then they need to be moved to the source file (no longer inline).



Forward declaration is the way to go.


If you are using pointers\reference in class header then Forward declaration at both sides would work for you.


If you are creating the object as a class member then you must include header itself. ( Forward declaration won't work as compiler needs class definition for knowing the size).

如果要将对象创建为类成员,则必须包含标题本身。 (前向声明不起作用,因为编译器需要类定义来了解大小)。

Refer C++ FAQ for solving such senario:

请参阅C ++ FAQ来解决此类问题:

If you are creating the Window as member then include the Window header in App but at the same time Window shouldn't include the App's header. Use the combination of pointer to App and the forward declaration there.



You need a forward declaration.



You can use forward declarations in the header files to get around the circular dependencies as long as you don't have implementation dependencies in the headers. In Window.h, add this line:


class App;

In App.h, add this line:


class Window;

Add these lines before the class definitions.


Then in the source files, you can include the headers for the actual class definitions.


If your class definitions reference members of the other class (for example, in inlines), then they need to be moved to the source file (no longer inline).



Forward declaration is the way to go.


If you are using pointers\reference in class header then Forward declaration at both sides would work for you.


If you are creating the object as a class member then you must include header itself. ( Forward declaration won't work as compiler needs class definition for knowing the size).

如果要将对象创建为类成员,则必须包含标题本身。 (前向声明不起作用,因为编译器需要类定义来了解大小)。

Refer C++ FAQ for solving such senario:

请参阅C ++ FAQ来解决此类问题:

If you are creating the Window as member then include the Window header in App but at the same time Window shouldn't include the App's header. Use the combination of pointer to App and the forward declaration there.



You need a forward declaration.
