如何从Android中的KSOAP Web服务检索对象数组?

时间:2022-04-10 13:02:55

If I am trying to retrieve first array using (String) response.getProperty(0); but it was returning me a full string.


**Here is the code of webservice calling**

public static Object getResponse(String methodName, String actionName, LinkedHashMap<String, String> valueStrings)
    SoapObject soapObject = new SoapObject(LetUsClickAPIConstants.COMMON_NAMESPACE, methodName);
    Object response = null;
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> mapKeys : valueStrings.entrySet())
        soapObject.addProperty(mapKeys.getKey(), mapKeys.getValue());
    final SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(SoapEnvelope.VER11);
    envelope.dotNet = false;
    final AndroidHttpTransport androidHttpTransport = new AndroidHttpTransport(LetUsClickAPIConstants.COMMON_URL);
        androidHttpTransport.call(actionName, envelope);
        response = envelope.getResponse();
        Log.d("Response ", response.toString());
    } catch (final IOException e)
        Log.d("Exception", "" + e);
    } catch (final XmlPullParserException e)

        Log.d("Exception", "" + e);
    return response;


I got an response in Vector type


[Client{UserId=93; nickName=ladies; }, Client{UserId=94; nickName=ABCD; }]

如何从Android中的KSOAP Web服务检索对象数组?

I have tried many ways but I am not success to retrieve in any way?


2 个解决方案



Use FolloWing code..


Soapresponse = Ksoap.CallService("SOAP_METHOD_NAME);

        try {
            if (Soapresponse != null) {
                SoapObject Soapresult = (SoapObject) Soapresponse

                if (Soapresult != null) {
                    SoapObject Dataset = (SoapObject) Soapresult
                    if (Dataset != null) {
                        SoapObject Table = (SoapObject) Dataset
                        if (Table != null) {
                            UserId= new String[Table.getPropertyCount()];
                            nickName= new String[Table

                            for (int i = 0; i < total_News; i++) {
                                SoapObject row = (SoapObject) Table

                                UserId[i] = row.getProperty("UserId")
                                nickName[i] = row.getProperty(

        } catch (NullPointerException f) {

        } catch (ClassCastException d) {




Parse the string for the parts you want. Using regex or Substring function of String Class.

解析所需部分的字符串。使用String Class的regex或Substring函数。



Use FolloWing code..


Soapresponse = Ksoap.CallService("SOAP_METHOD_NAME);

        try {
            if (Soapresponse != null) {
                SoapObject Soapresult = (SoapObject) Soapresponse

                if (Soapresult != null) {
                    SoapObject Dataset = (SoapObject) Soapresult
                    if (Dataset != null) {
                        SoapObject Table = (SoapObject) Dataset
                        if (Table != null) {
                            UserId= new String[Table.getPropertyCount()];
                            nickName= new String[Table

                            for (int i = 0; i < total_News; i++) {
                                SoapObject row = (SoapObject) Table

                                UserId[i] = row.getProperty("UserId")
                                nickName[i] = row.getProperty(

        } catch (NullPointerException f) {

        } catch (ClassCastException d) {




Parse the string for the parts you want. Using regex or Substring function of String Class.

解析所需部分的字符串。使用String Class的regex或Substring函数。