Mesos源码分析(3): Mesos Master的启动之二

时间:2021-06-07 15:56:26

2. process::firewall::install(move(rules));如果有参数--firewall_rules则会添加规则



  1. // Initialize firewall rules.
  2. if (flags.firewall_rules.isSome()) {
  3.   vector<Owned<FirewallRule>> rules;
  4.   const Firewall firewall = flags.firewall_rules.get();
  5.   if (firewall.has_disabled_endpoints()) {
  6.     hashset<string> paths;
  7.     foreach (const
    string& path, firewall.disabled_endpoints().paths()) {
  8.       paths.insert(path);
  9.     }
  10.     rules.emplace_back(new DisabledEndpointsFirewallRule(paths));
  11.   }
  12.   process::firewall::install(move(rules));
  13. }



Mesos源码分析(3): Mesos Master的启动之二






Mesos源码分析(3): Mesos Master的启动之二


Mesos源码分析(3): Mesos Master的启动之二







Mesos源码分析(3): Mesos Master的启动之二


  1. synchronized (firewall_mutex) {
  2.   // Don't use a const reference, since it cannot be guaranteed
  3.   // that the rules don't keep an internal state.
  4.   foreach (Owned<firewall::FirewallRule>& rule, firewallRules) {
  5.     Option<Response> rejection = rule->apply(socket, *request);
  6.     if (rejection.isSome()) {
  7.       VLOG(1) << "Returning '"<< rejection.get().status << "' for '"
  8.               << request->url.path << "' (firewall rule forbids request)";
  9.       // TODO(arojas): Get rid of the duplicated code to return an
  10.       // error.
  11.       // Get the HttpProxy pid for this socket.
  12.       PID<HttpProxy> proxy = socket_manager->proxy(socket);
  13.       // Enqueue the response with the HttpProxy so that it respects
  14.       // the order of requests to account for HTTP/1.1 pipelining.
  15.       dispatch(
  16.           proxy,
  17.           &HttpProxy::enqueue,
  18.           rejection.get(),
  19.           *request);
  20.       // Cleanup request.
  21.       delete request;
  22.       return;
  23.     }
  24.   }
  25. }