为什么MooseX :: Storage似乎不遵循某些对象的属性特征?

时间:2021-08-29 08:36:25

I have put together a little test case to demonstrate my problem:


package P1;
use Moose;
use MooseX::Storage;
with Storage;

has 'blah' => (
    is => 'rw',

package P2;
use Moose;
use MooseX::Storage;
with Storage;

has 'lol' => (
    is => 'rw',
    traits => ['DoNotSerialize']

package P3;
use Moose;
extends 'P2';

has 'magic' => (
    is => 'rw',

package Test;
my $obj = P3->new(
    magic => 'This ok!',
    lol   => sub { 'weee' }

my $stored = P1->new(blah => $obj);

use Data::Dumper; print Dumper ($stored->pack);

I would expect this to print the object, but not the 'lol' attribute in the P2 package - however, I can still see this in the result of $stored->pack

我希望这打印对象,但不打包P2包中的'lol'属性 - 但是,我仍然可以在$ stored-> pack的结果中看到这一点

$VAR1 = {
          '__CLASS__' => 'P1',
          'blah' => bless( {
                             'magic' => 'This ok!',
                             'lol' => sub { "DUMMY" }
                           }, 'P3' )

Am I using MooseX::Storage wrong, or does this look like buggy behaviour?

我使用MooseX :: Storage是错误的,还是看起来像马车行为?

2 个解决方案


You can make 'blah' an isa of P3....

你可以让'blah'成为P3的isa ....

has 'blah' => (
    is  => 'rw',
    isa => 'P3',

and now Dumper( $stored->pack ) shows this....

现在Dumper($ stored-> pack)显示了这个....

$VAR1 = {
      '__CLASS__' => 'P1',
      'blah' => {
                  '__CLASS__' => 'P3',
                  'magic' => 'This ok!'

which looks like the correct serialisation for this Moose object?



Yup that looks like a bug. Can you turn this into a test that uses Test::More and submit it to the RT queue and someone (probably me) will fix that.

看起来像个臭虫的Yup。你能把它变成一个使用Test :: More并将它提交到RT队列的测试,有人(可能是我)会修复它。

Note that if you Dump $obj->store you see that the trait is properly applied to the direct attribute but it seems that it's getting lost during the inheritance process.

请注意,如果您转储$ obj-> store,您会看到该特征已正确应用于direct属性,但它似乎在继承过程中丢失了。

You can report bugs against MooseX::Storage in RT

您可以在RT中报告针对MooseX :: Storage的错误


You can make 'blah' an isa of P3....

你可以让'blah'成为P3的isa ....

has 'blah' => (
    is  => 'rw',
    isa => 'P3',

and now Dumper( $stored->pack ) shows this....

现在Dumper($ stored-> pack)显示了这个....

$VAR1 = {
      '__CLASS__' => 'P1',
      'blah' => {
                  '__CLASS__' => 'P3',
                  'magic' => 'This ok!'

which looks like the correct serialisation for this Moose object?



Yup that looks like a bug. Can you turn this into a test that uses Test::More and submit it to the RT queue and someone (probably me) will fix that.

看起来像个臭虫的Yup。你能把它变成一个使用Test :: More并将它提交到RT队列的测试,有人(可能是我)会修复它。

Note that if you Dump $obj->store you see that the trait is properly applied to the direct attribute but it seems that it's getting lost during the inheritance process.

请注意,如果您转储$ obj-> store,您会看到该特征已正确应用于direct属性,但它似乎在继承过程中丢失了。

You can report bugs against MooseX::Storage in RT

您可以在RT中报告针对MooseX :: Storage的错误