在wsdl模式下使用PHP SoapClient类的可选参数

时间:2021-12-07 07:32:32

With the SoapClient class on PHP5.x and working against a SOAP web service that has optional parameters in its methods, you won't have any problem if you use the non-wsdl mode.

使用PHP5.x上的SoapClient类并对付其方法中具有可选参数的SOAP Web服务,如果使用非wsdl模式,则不会有任何问题。

But, at least by default, with the wsdl mode, if you don't fill all the parameters you will get an error like: SOAP-ERROR: Encoding: object hasn't 'xxx' property


Is there any way to avoid that error without working with the non-wsdl mode and without filling all the parameters?


1 个解决方案


Maybe this is not the problem with the WSDL mode but with string encoding in the code. If your web service encode strings in UTF-8 make sure you use appropriate functions, like mb_substr(...) instead of substr(...).



Maybe this is not the problem with the WSDL mode but with string encoding in the code. If your web service encode strings in UTF-8 make sure you use appropriate functions, like mb_substr(...) instead of substr(...).
