
时间:2022-10-09 20:52:56



#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

int main(int argc,char *argv[])
		NSLog(@"hello obj-c!");

		int i = 0,j = 100;

			i = j / i;
			NSLog(@"Do you see me???");
		@catch(NSException *e){
			NSLog(@"caught %@:%@",[e name],[e reason]);
	return 0;


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface MyError:NSException

@implementation MyError
		return @"My ERROR!NEVER!";
		return @"NO REASON!";

int main(int argc,char *argv[])
		NSLog(@"hello obj-c!");

		MyError *mye = [[MyError alloc] init];

		int i = 0,j = 100;

			@throw mye;
			i = j / i;
			NSLog(@"Do you see me???");
		@catch(NSException *e){
			NSLog(@"caught %@:%@",[e name],[e reason]);
	return 0;

apple@kissAir: objc_src$./3

2014-06-30 11:05:40.389 3[1280:507] hello obj-c!

2014-06-30 11:05:40.391 3[1280:507] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception of class 'nil'

libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type nil

Abort trap: 6


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface MyError:NSException

@implementation MyError
		return @"My ERROR!NEVER!";
		return @"NO REASON!";

int main(int argc,char *argv[])
		NSLog(@"hello obj-c!");

		//MyError *mye = [[MyError alloc] init];

		int i = 0,j = 100;

			@throw [NSException exceptionWithName: @"MyERROR" \
				reason: @"NoREASON!" userInfo: nil]3;
			i = j / i;
			NSLog(@"Do you see me???");
		@catch(NSException *e){
			NSLog(@"caught %@:%@",[e name],[e reason]);
	return 0;


int main(int argc,char *argv[])
		NSLog(@"hello obj-c!");

		//MyError *mye = [[MyError alloc] init];

		int i = 0,j = 100;

			@throw [NSException exceptionWithName: @"MyERROR" \
				reason: @"NoREASON!" userInfo: nil];
			i = j / i;
			NSLog(@"Do you see me???");
		@catch(NSException *e){
			NSLog(@"caught %@:%@",[e name],[e reason]);
			NSLog(@"in finally,you must see me!!!");
	return 0;

apple@kissAir: objc_src$clang -fobjc-arc -framework Foundation 3.m -o 3

apple@kissAir: objc_src$./3

2014-06-30 11:09:34.263 3[1304:507] hello obj-c!

2014-06-30 11:09:34.265 3[1304:507] caught MyERROR:NoREASON!

2014-06-30 11:09:34.265 3[1304:507] in finally,you must see me!!!