[AngularJS] Store the entry url and redirect to entry url after Logged in

时间:2023-03-08 20:08:36

For example when a outside application need to visit your app address:


But before enter '/lobby/abc', user need to login, so the application will redirect user to


Now what you want is after user logged in, you can redirect them to


Instead of other pages like:


So to solve the problem, we need to do two things

1. Store the entry url

2. After logged in, redirect user to entry url

1. Store the entry ur:

// When can get pull url by using $location.absUrl()
// Because run block only run once for the module and app module is our main application module, so this should only store our entry url
// To reuse the entryUrl later, we store it in LoginService
.run(($location, LoginService) => LoginService.entryUrl = $location.absUrl())

2. After logged in, then we can redirect user to the entry url by doing:
