如何打开chrome中flash debug player

时间:2023-03-08 19:58:02

If you’ve installed the latest version of Google Chrome, and you are having a problem debugging your Flash in it, there’s a reason. As you may have heard, Chrome now comes pre-installed with the Flash player. For good reasons, this is not the debug version of the player. All well and good, you go over to Adobe.com and re-install the debug player of your choice and debug your latest project… still no debugging. Hmm… If you’re like me, you “solve” this by switching to Firefox for debugging. I finally found out what’s happening though.

It seem’s the built-in Flash player in Chrome will get used by default, despite whatever other version you might have installed. It’s always going to go back to its own original version. To change this, type the following in the URL field:


This will give you a list of plugins. Somewhere in there, you’ll see “Shockwave Flash” with the version, location, etc. Underneath that is a “Disable” link. Go ahead and click it. You’re not disabling Flash all together, just the built-in version. Now, when you hit a SWF on a web page, it’ll go to the latest system-wide version you installed, i.e. the debug player probably.

1、去adobe官网下载对应版本的debug plugin.
2、打开chrome,在地址栏中输入chrome://plugins/,这时你可以看到一个标题为“Flash(2 files)”的插件。
3、点该页面左侧的“+ 详细信息”,这时可以看到Flash插件栏只有2个版本,停用内置的Shockwave Flash。
4、OK,现在可以使用你想要版本的flash player了。

原文如上,so 我们要进入到chrome://plugins/ 这里把那个默认的flash player 停用了 只保留C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32.dll位置是这里的插件,这样每次运行flash builder时打开chrome的页面就会出现debug模式
