
时间:2022-02-17 06:44:57

How do i increase the performance of below linq query?


While running it, it threw an error of System.OutOfMemoryException. Note: I have a lot of records in XrmContext.sun_POSSet entity


var a = (from temple in XrmContext.sun_POSSet
         select new POS()
             id = temple.Id,
             Country = temple.sun_sun_country_sun_POS == null ? "" : temple.sun_sun_country_sun_POS.sun_name,
             CountryId = temple.sun_sun_country_sun_POS == null ? "" : temple.sun_sun_country_sun_POS.Id.ToString(),
             stringint = temple.sun_sun_stringint_sun_placeofstu == null ? "" : temple.sun_sun_stringint_sun_placeofstu.sun_name,
             stringintId = temple.sun_sun_stringint_sun_placeofstu == null ? "" : temple.sun_sun_stringint_sun_placeofstu.Id.ToString(),
             FullName = temple.sun_contact_sun_POS.FullName,
             EMail = temple.sun_contact_sun_POS.EMailAddress1,
             MobilePhone = temple.sun_contact_sun_POS.MobilePhone

1 个解决方案



Without further information about the number of records, I'd say you're getting an OutOfMemoryException because you are calling ToList() on a dataset that is too large to be held in memory.


ToList() forces evaluation of the underlying IQueryable<T>, which in this case results in all records being returned to the client and instantiated in memory. In your case, there simply isn't enough room - and you shouldn't assume that there will be. Make your datasets small when you bring them back to the client.

ToList()强制评估基础IQueryable ,在这种情况下会导致所有记录返回到客户端并在内存中实例化。在你的情况下,根本没有足够的空间 - 你不应该假设会有。将数据集带回客户端时,请使数据集变小。

You should consider using Skip() and Take() to implement paging, or using an appropriate Where() clause to filter the data.




Without further information about the number of records, I'd say you're getting an OutOfMemoryException because you are calling ToList() on a dataset that is too large to be held in memory.


ToList() forces evaluation of the underlying IQueryable<T>, which in this case results in all records being returned to the client and instantiated in memory. In your case, there simply isn't enough room - and you shouldn't assume that there will be. Make your datasets small when you bring them back to the client.

ToList()强制评估基础IQueryable ,在这种情况下会导致所有记录返回到客户端并在内存中实例化。在你的情况下,根本没有足够的空间 - 你不应该假设会有。将数据集带回客户端时,请使数据集变小。

You should consider using Skip() and Take() to implement paging, or using an appropriate Where() clause to filter the data.
