
时间:2023-03-08 19:42:00




/* 某个测试用例的整体结构 */
typedef struct sb_test
const char *sname;
const char *lname;
/* 下面有具体说明 */
sb_operations_t ops;
sb_builtin_cmds_t builtin_cmds;
sb_arg_t *args; sb_list_item_t listitem;
} sb_test_t;
/* 某个测试用例的具体操作实现结构 */
typedef struct
sb_op_init *init; /* initialization function */
sb_op_prepare *prepare; /* called after timers start, but
before thread execution */
sb_op_thread_init *thread_init; /* thread initialization
(called when each thread starts) */
sb_op_print_mode *print_mode; /* print mode function */
sb_op_next_event *next_event; /* event generation function */
sb_op_execute_event *execute_event; /* event execution function */
sb_op_report *report_intermediate; /* intermediate reports handler */
sb_op_report *report_cumulative; /* cumulative reports handler */
sb_op_thread_run *thread_run; /* main thread loop */
sb_op_thread_done *thread_done; /* thread finalize function */
sb_op_cleanup *cleanup; /* called after exit from thread,
but before timers stop */
sb_op_done *done; /* finalize function */
} sb_operations_t;
/* 某个测试用例的三阶段实现结构 */
typedef struct
sb_builtin_cmd_func_t *help; /* print help */
sb_builtin_cmd_func_t *prepare; /* prepare for the test */
sb_builtin_cmd_func_t *run; /* run the test */
sb_builtin_cmd_func_t *cleanup; /* cleanup the test database, files, etc. */
} sb_builtin_cmds_t;


static sb_test_t cpu_test =
.sname = "cpu", /*case简称*/
.lname = "CPU performance test",/*case全称*/
.ops = {
.init = cpu_init, /* 初始化case */
.print_mode = cpu_print_mode, /* case启动前,做说明 */
.next_event = cpu_next_event, /* 拿到下一个event的数据 */
.execute_event = cpu_execute_event, /* 具体执行这个event */
.report_cumulative = cpu_report_cumulative, /* 阶段性报告输出 */
.done = cpu_done /* case结束后,处理干净 */
.args = cpu_args /*子case需要的参数说明*/




  1. worker_thread具体实现是怎样呢:欣赏下sysbench.c里面某子线程是如何执行的,代码非常清晰易懂:
static int thread_run(sb_test_t *test, int thread_id)
sb_event_t event;
int rc = 0; while (sb_more_events(thread_id) && rc == 0)
event = test->ops.next_event(thread_id);
if (event.type == SB_REQ_TYPE_NULL)
break; sb_event_start(thread_id); rc = test->ops.execute_event(&event, thread_id); sb_event_stop(thread_id);
} return rc;
  1. intermediate_report线程:周期性输出性能数据,参数项为:--report-interval=N,对CPU的测试用例举例:sysbench cpu --report-interval=1,截取部分输出结果如下:
Threads started!

[ 1s ] thds: 1 eps: 922.10 lat (ms,95%): 1.08
[ 2s ] thds: 1 eps: 925.19 lat (ms,95%): 1.08
[ 3s ] thds: 1 eps: 926.00 lat (ms,95%): 1.08
[ 4s ] thds: 1 eps: 926.00 lat (ms,95%): 1.08
[ 5s ] thds: 1 eps: 926.00 lat (ms,95%): 1.08
[ 6s ] thds: 1 eps: 926.00 lat (ms,95%): 1.08
[ 7s ] thds: 1 eps: 925.00 lat (ms,95%): 1.08
[ 8s ] thds: 1 eps: 926.02 lat (ms,95%): 1.08
[ 9s ] thds: 1 eps: 925.99 lat (ms,95%): 1.08
[ 10s ] thds: 1 eps: 924.98 lat (ms,95%): 1.08


  1. checkpoints_report线程:如果嫌周期性输出不够多,那么可以在某几个时间点整体输出,参数项为: --report-checkpoints=[LIST,...]
    还是对CPU测试用例举例:sysbench cpu --report-checkpoints=3,8 run,截取部分输出结果如下:
Threads started!

[ 3s ] Checkpoint report:
CPU speed:
events per second: 923.01 General statistics:
total time: 3.0001s
total number of events: 2771 Latency (ms):
min: 1.08
avg: 1.08
max: 1.22
95th percentile: 1.08
sum: 3000.88 Threads fairness:
events (avg/stddev): 2773.0000/0.00
execution time (avg/stddev): 3.0009/0.00 [ 8s ] Checkpoint report:
CPU speed:
events per second: 924.47 General statistics:
total time: 8.0001s
total number of events: 4622 Latency (ms):
min: 1.08
avg: 1.08
max: 1.16
95th percentile: 1.08
sum: 4998.04 Threads fairness:
events (avg/stddev): 4621.0000/0.00
execution time (avg/stddev): 4.9980/0.00
  1. tx_rate_controll线程,控制每秒输出量的一个线程:参数项为: --rate=N,默认是不做控制的。
    还是拿CPU测试用例举例,控制每秒跑10个event:sysbench cpu run --rate=10,截取部分输出结果如下:
Running the test with following options:
Number of threads: 1
Target transaction rate: 10/sec
Initializing random number generator from current time Prime numbers limit: 10000 Initializing worker threads... Threads started! CPU speed:
events per second: 8.87 #没那么精准哈


  1. 判断是否超时,默认是10秒
  2. 判断是否到达最大event数,如果设置了的话
  3. 就是速率控制。

