
时间:2023-03-08 19:41:55
typedef struct dict_table_struct    dict_table_t;

/** Data structure for a database table.  Most fields will be
initialized to 0, NULL or FALSE in dict_mem_table_create(). */
struct dict_table_struct{
    table_id_t    id;    /*!< id of the table */
    mem_heap_t*    heap;    /*!< memory heap */
    char*        name;    /*!< table name */
    const char*    dir_path_of_temp_table;/*!< NULL or the directory path
                where a TEMPORARY table that was explicitly
                created by a user should be placed if
                innodb_file_per_table is defined in my.cnf;
                in Unix this is usually /tmp/..., in Windows
                temp\... */
    unsigned    space:;
                /*!< space where the clustered index of the
                table is placed */
    unsigned    flags:DICT_TF2_BITS;/*!< DICT_TF_COMPACT, ... */
    unsigned    ibd_file_missing:;
                /*!< TRUE if this is in a single-table
                tablespace and the .ibd file is missing; then
                we must return in ha_innodb.cc an error if the
                user tries to query such an orphaned table */
    unsigned    tablespace_discarded:;
                /*!< this flag is set TRUE when the user
                calls DISCARD TABLESPACE on this
                table, and reset to FALSE in IMPORT
                TABLESPACE */
    unsigned    cached:;/*!< TRUE if the table object has been added
                to the dictionary cache */
    unsigned    n_def:;/*!< number of columns defined so far */
    unsigned    n_cols:;/*!< number of columns */
    unsigned    corrupted:;
                /*!< TRUE if table is corrupted */
    dict_col_t*    cols;    /*!< array of column descriptions */
    const char*    col_names;
                /*!< Column names packed in a character string
                "name1\0name2\0...nameN\0".  Until
                the string contains n_cols, it will be
                allocated from a temporary heap.  The final
                string will be allocated from table->heap. */
    hash_node_t    name_hash; /*!< hash chain node */
    hash_node_t    id_hash; /*!< hash chain node */
            indexes; /*!< list of indexes of the table */
            foreign_list;/*!< list of foreign key constraints
                in the table; these refer to columns
                in other tables */
            referenced_list;/*!< list of foreign key constraints
                which refer to this table */

    ib_rbt_t*    foreign_rbt;    /*!< a rb-tree of all foreign keys
                    listed in foreign_list, sorted by
                    foreign->id */
    ib_rbt_t*    referenced_rbt;    /*!< a rb-tree of all foreign keys
                    listed in referenced_list, sorted by
                    foreign->id */

            table_LRU; /*!< node of the LRU list of tables */
    ulint        n_mysql_handles_opened;
                /*!< count of how many handles MySQL has opened
                to this table; dropping of the table is
                NOT allowed until this count gets to zero;
                MySQL does NOT itself check the number of
                open handles at drop */
    unsigned    fk_max_recusive_level:;
                /*!< maximum recursive level we support when
                loading tables chained together with FK
                constraints. If exceeds this level, we will
                stop loading child table into memory along with
                its parent table */
    ulint        n_foreign_key_checks_running;
                /*!< count of how many foreign key check
                operations are currently being performed
                on the table: we cannot drop the table while
                there are foreign key checks running on
                it! */
    trx_id_t    query_cache_inv_trx_id;
                /*!< transactions whose trx id is
                smaller than this number are not
                allowed to store to the MySQL query
                cache or retrieve from it; when a trx
                with undo logs commits, it sets this
                to the value of the trx id counter for
                the tables it had an IX lock on */
            locks; /*!< list of locks on the table */
    ibool        does_not_fit_in_memory;
                /*!< this field is used to specify in
                simulations tables which are so big
                that disk should be accessed: disk
                access is simulated by putting the
                thread to sleep for a while; NOTE that
                this flag is not stored to the data
                dictionary on disk, and the database
                will forget about value TRUE if it has
                to reload the table definition from
                disk */
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
    unsigned    big_rows:;
                /*!< flag: TRUE if the maximum length of
                a single row exceeds BIG_ROW_SIZE;
                initialized in dict_table_add_to_cache() */
                /** Statistics for query optimization.
                The following stat_* members are usually
                protected by dict_table_stats_lock(). In
                some exceptional cases (performance critical
                code paths) we access or modify stat_n_rows
                and stat_modified_counter without any
                protection. */
                /* @{ */
    unsigned    stat_initialized:; /*!< TRUE if statistics have
                been calculated the first time
                after database startup or table creation */
    ib_int64_t    stat_n_rows;
                /*!< approximate number of rows in the table;
                we periodically calculate new estimates */
    ulint        stat_clustered_index_size;
                /*!< approximate clustered index size in
                database pages */
    ulint        stat_sum_of_other_index_sizes;
                /*!< other indexes in database pages */
    ulint        stat_modified_counter;
                /*!< when a row is inserted, updated,
                or deleted,
                we add 1 to this number; we calculate new
                estimates for the stat_... values for the
                table and the indexes at an interval of 2 GB
                or when about 1 / 16 of table has been
                modified; also when the estimate operation is
                called for MySQL SHOW TABLE STATUS; the
                counter is reset to zero at statistics
                calculation; this counter is not protected by
                any latch, because this is only used for
                heuristics */
                /* @} */
                /**!< The following fields are used by the
                AUTOINC code.  The actual collection of
                tables locked during AUTOINC read/write is
                kept in trx_t. In order to quickly determine
                whether a transaction has locked the AUTOINC
                lock we keep a pointer to the transaction
                here in the autoinc_trx variable. This is to
                avoid acquiring the kernel mutex and scanning
                the vector in trx_t.

                When an AUTOINC lock has to wait, the
                corresponding lock instance is created on
                the trx lock heap rather than use the
                pre-allocated instance in autoinc_lock below.*/
                /* @{ */
    lock_t*        autoinc_lock;
                /*!< a buffer for an AUTOINC lock
                for this table: we allocate the memory here
                so that individual transactions can get it
                and release it without a need to allocate
                space from the lock heap of the trx:
                otherwise the lock heap would grow rapidly
                if we do a large insert from a select */
    mutex_t        autoinc_mutex;
                /*!< mutex protecting the autoincrement
                counter */
    ib_uint64_t    autoinc;/*!< autoinc counter value to give to the
                next inserted row */
    ulong        n_waiting_or_granted_auto_inc_locks;
                /*!< This counter is used to track the number
                of granted and pending autoinc locks on this
                table. This value is set after acquiring the
                kernel mutex but we peek the contents to
                determine whether other transactions have
                acquired the AUTOINC lock or not. Of course
                only one transaction can be granted the
                lock but there can be multiple waiters. */
    const trx_t*        autoinc_trx;
                /*!< The transaction that currently holds the
                the AUTOINC lock on this table. */
                /* @} */
#endif /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */

    ulint        magic_n;/*!< magic number */
/** Value of dict_table_struct::magic_n */
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */