如何使用ASP.NET进行application / xml POST?

时间:2021-08-26 06:02:15

I need to make a little handler that takes some querystring data and formulates a post to the BaseCamp API with it. Problem is I am not exactly sure how this is done, how to I specify which URL it is going to, and where to I put the XML that I build (I have the XML built already). And then how to I 'press GO' ?

我需要创建一个带有一些查询字符串数据的小处理程序,并使用它为BaseCamp API制定一个帖子。问题是我不确定这是如何完成的,我如何指定它要去哪个URL,以及我在哪里放置我构建的XML(我已经构建了XML)。然后我如何'按GO'?

1 个解决方案


Follow this example, it shows you how to post from ASP.NET, very straightforward.



Follow this example, it shows you how to post from ASP.NET, very straightforward.
