- Events first are captured down to deepest target, then bubble up. In IE<9 they only bubble.
- All handlers work on bubbling stage excepts
with last argumenttrue
, which is the only way to catch the event on capturing stage. - Bubbling/capturing can be stopped by
(IE) orevent.stopPropagation()
for other browsers.
DOM elements can be nested inside each other. And somehow, the handler of the parent works even if you click on it’s child.
The reason is event bubbling.
For example, the following DIV
handler runs even if you click a nested tag like EM
< div onclick = "alert('Div handler worked!')" >
< em >Click here triggers on nested < code >EM</ code >, not on < code >DIV</ code ></ em >
</ div >
That’s because an event bubbles from the nested tag up and triggers the parent.
The main principle of bubbling states:
After an event triggers on the deepest possible element, it then triggers on parents in nesting order.
For example, there are 3 nested divs:
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="example.css"> <div class="d1">1 <!-- the topmost -->
<div class="d2">2
<div class="d3">3 <!-- the innermost -->
</div> </body>
The bubbling guarantees that click on Div 3
will trigger onclick
first on the innermost element 3 (also caled the target), then on the element 2, and the last will be element 1.
The order is called a bubbling order, because an event bubbles from the innermost element up through parents, like a bubble of air in the water.
and event.target
The deepest element which triggered the event is called the target or, the originating element.
Internet Explorer has the srcElement
property for it, all W3C-compliant browsers use event.target
. The cross-browser code is usually like this:
var target = event.target || event.srcElement
When handlers trigger on parents:
- remains the same originating element. -
- is the current element, the one event has bubbled to, the one which runs the handler.