PHP is much better than you think

时间:2025-03-07 15:06:56

Rants about PHP are everywhere, and they even come from smart guys.When Jeff Atwood wrote yet another rant about PHP, it made me think about thegood parts of PHP.

对PHP的抱怨到处都有,他们有时甚至来自于一些聪明的人。当Jeff Atwood写下另类对PHP的抱怨的时候,它让我想起了PHP好的方面。

The biggest problem of these rants is that they come from peoplestuck in the old days of PHP. They either don't care or they don't want toadmit that PHP actually evolves at a very fast pace, both at the language levelbut also at the community level. In fact,
it evolves much faster than any otherlanguage or web platform. It has not always been the case, but the last 5 yearshave been an amazing journey for PHP.


Before talking about the amazing things the PHP community hasachieved recently, let's have a look at some interesting numbers: PHP is usedby 77.9% of all the websites whose server-side programming language is known.WordPress is used by 16.6% of all the websites
in the world. If you have a lookat the top three CMSes, for the websites that use a monitored contentmanagement system: Wordpress is first with 54.3%, Joomla is second with 9.2%,and Drupal is third with 6.8%. Three products written in PHP.


Now, let me tell you a secret, the PHP "tour de force":Despite the changes over the years, PHP is still the easiest language to learnfor non-technical people: it allows anyone to create dynamic websites fasterthan with any other technologies, it allows anyone
to host websites cheaply andwithout any hassles. PHP is probably not the best designed language in theworld, but it lets you get things done, and you can't argue with that.


PHP, the Language (PHP这门语言)

PHP 5.0 (released in 2004) brought us a very solid object model...wait a minute, I'm talking about something released almost 8 years ago. Fastforward now. The latest PHP release, PHP 5.4, comes with all the bells andwhistles you might dream of in a modern
web language: yes, PHP supportsnamespaces; yes, PHP supports closures; yes, PHP supports traits.


It took some time, but PHP 5.4 also comes with some nice syntacticsugar that makes the whole experience better than ever: yes, PHP supports [] todefine arrays; yes, PHP supports calling a method on a newly created object((new Foo())->bar()); yes, PHP supports
getting an array item from anyexpression ($foo->bar()[1]).

它需要一些时间,但PHP5.4也带来了一些好的语法,这使得所有的体验比以前更好了。是的,PHP支持[ ]来定义数组;是的,PHP支持在创建一个新的对象的时候调用一个方法((new Foo())->bar());是的,PHP支持从一个表达式中获取一个数组。

PHP has even learned from its mistakes: register_globals andmagic_quotes are definitely gone.


Last, but not the least, PHP even comes with a built-in web serverthat eases local testing... and it starts in a matter of micro-seconds.


Next challenges: How do we "upgrade" all the old tutorialstalking about PHP on the web? What is the best way to support the WebSockettechnology in a PHP application?


PHP, the Ecosystem(PHP的生态系统)

Having a good language is great, but having a great ecosystem iseven better. And the PHP ecosystem has evolved a lot in the last few years.



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