
时间:2022-02-13 06:42:04

I'm solving this problem:


G(n) is defined as

G(n) = G(n-1) + f(4n-1) , for n > 0

and G(0) = 0

f(i) is ith Fibonacci number. Given n you need to evaluate G(n)

modulo 1000000007.



First line contains number of test cases t (t<40000). Each of the next t

lines contain an integer n ( 0 <= n < 2^51).

行包含一个整数n(0 < = n < 2 ^ 51)。


For each test case print G(n) modulo 1000000007.





This is the code I've written:


typedef long long type;
#define check 1000000007
type x;
type y;

type f(type n)
    return(ceil((pow(1.618,n) - pow(-0.618,n))/((sqrt(5)*1.0))));
type val(type n)
    return 0;
    return (val(n-1)+f(4*n-1));
int main()
    return 0;

Can you suggest any improvements?


4 个解决方案



Sometimes such problems can be tackled with mathematical tricks,
instead of brute force solutions.


The large value of n and modulo, in my opinion, are indications that
a clever solution exists. Of course figuring out the solution is the hard part.


(I'm not sure if this is ideal in your case, I'm only pointing you an alternative way)


For example, in the Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms
Knuth uses "generating functions", a clever way for constructing a closed form
for the Fn fibonacci number.


For more info read Generating Functions (pdf)


Why should one care about the generating function for a sequence? There are several answers, but here is one: if we can find a generating function for a sequence, then we can often find a closed form for the nth coefficient— which can be pretty useful! For example, a closed form for the coefficient of xn in the power series for x/(1−x−x2) would be an explicit formula for the nth Fibonacci number. [...]

为什么要关心序列的生成函数?有几个答案,但这里有一个:如果我们能找到一个序列的生成函数,那么我们通常可以找到一个闭合形式的第n个系数,这是非常有用的!例如,一个封闭的形式幂级数的系数xn x / x(1−−x2)将是一个明确的第n个斐波纳契数的公式。[…]



G(n) = G(n-1) + f(4n-1) = G(n-2) + f(4n-1) + f(4n-5) etc.

G(n)= G(n - 1)+ f(n - 1)= G(n - 2)+(4 n - 1)+ f(4存在)等。



G(n) = f(4n-1) + f(4n-5) + f(4n-9) ... f(3)

G(n) = f(4n-1) + f(4n-5) + f(4n-9)…f(3)

f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2) = 2f(n-2) + f(n-3) = 3f(n-3) + 2f(n-4) = 5f(n-4) + 3f(n-5) f(n-5) = 3f(n-8) + 2f(n-9) thus f(n) = 5f(n-4) + 9f(n-8) + 6f(n-9) = 5f(n-4) + 9f(n-8) + 18f(n-12) + 12f(n-13)

f(n)= f(n - 1)+ f(n - 2)= 2(n - 2)+ f(n)= 3 f(n)+ 2(4)= 5 f(4)+ 3(存在)f(存在)= 3 f(n-8)+ 2 f(n - 9)因此f(n)= 5(4)+ 9 f(n-8)+ 6 f(n - 9)= 5 f(4)+ 9(n-8)+ 18 f(n-12)+ 12 f(n-13)

= 5f(n-4) + 9f(n-8) + 18f(n-12) + 36f(n-16) + 24f(n-17)

= 5 f(4)+ 9(n-8)+ 18 f(n-12)+ 36 f(n-16)+ 24 f(n-17)

in any case it is clear the coefficients will double each time. Of course from the above we can define f(n-4) in terms of f(n-8) etc. Not sure where this will lead.


There is a series here and f(3)=2 and f(2) = 1 so at the end you will add the constant.

这里有一个级数,f(3)=2和f(2) = 1所以最后你要加上这个常数。

Practically though for your purpose you can calculate f(n) in a single pass without having to store more than 2 of them at this point and as you know the formula for G above, as you pass through calculating f(n) you can update G as appropriate summing the fibonnaci numbers when n is congruent to 3 mod 4 at each point.


You will not find the space to save a table with such a huge number (2 to the power of 51) not even to disk, though it is really the sums you need to store in a table (f(3), f(3)+f(7), f(3)+f(7)+f(11) etc.) if you were going to save anything.

如果你想要保存任何东西,你将不会找到一个空间来保存一个如此巨大的数字(2的51次方)甚至磁盘的空间,尽管它实际上是你需要存储在一个表中的金额(f(3), f(3)+f(7), f(3)+f(7)+f(11)等等)。



So f() is the fibonacci function? I would suggest that you use the regular recursive algorithm. But you can improve performance significantly by adding a cache, as calls to f(i) for smaller values of i will be repeated very often.


You can do that by using a static local array of integers. If the element is 0 it's a miss so you calculate the value and store it in the array.


That way you avoid using floating point operations and you won't fill up the stack.




I think the better way to get value of G(n) is to compute it like this:


type val(type n, std::vector<type> &fib)
  type ret = 0, s = min(type(fib.size()), n);
  for(type i=0; i < s; ++i)
      ret += fib[i];

  if(n > fib.size()){    
    int tmp;
    for(type i = fib.size(); i < n; ++i){
      tmp = f(4*i+3);
      ret += tmp;

  return ret;

(For whole code check http://www.ideone.com/jorMy)


Avoid recursion everywhere it's possible and this way it won't compute everytime Fibonacci function.


Edit: I've spent much time to find that (my math is little rusty), but you can also write val like this:


numtype val(numtype n) {
  return ceil(2.218*pow(6.8541,n-1) - 0.018*pow(0.145898,n-1) - 0.2);

(code on http://www.ideone.com/H1SYz)


This is closed form of your sum. If you want to find it by yourself (it's homework after all) follow Nick D answer.




Sometimes such problems can be tackled with mathematical tricks,
instead of brute force solutions.


The large value of n and modulo, in my opinion, are indications that
a clever solution exists. Of course figuring out the solution is the hard part.


(I'm not sure if this is ideal in your case, I'm only pointing you an alternative way)


For example, in the Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms
Knuth uses "generating functions", a clever way for constructing a closed form
for the Fn fibonacci number.


For more info read Generating Functions (pdf)


Why should one care about the generating function for a sequence? There are several answers, but here is one: if we can find a generating function for a sequence, then we can often find a closed form for the nth coefficient— which can be pretty useful! For example, a closed form for the coefficient of xn in the power series for x/(1−x−x2) would be an explicit formula for the nth Fibonacci number. [...]

为什么要关心序列的生成函数?有几个答案,但这里有一个:如果我们能找到一个序列的生成函数,那么我们通常可以找到一个闭合形式的第n个系数,这是非常有用的!例如,一个封闭的形式幂级数的系数xn x / x(1−−x2)将是一个明确的第n个斐波纳契数的公式。[…]



G(n) = G(n-1) + f(4n-1) = G(n-2) + f(4n-1) + f(4n-5) etc.

G(n)= G(n - 1)+ f(n - 1)= G(n - 2)+(4 n - 1)+ f(4存在)等。



G(n) = f(4n-1) + f(4n-5) + f(4n-9) ... f(3)

G(n) = f(4n-1) + f(4n-5) + f(4n-9)…f(3)

f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2) = 2f(n-2) + f(n-3) = 3f(n-3) + 2f(n-4) = 5f(n-4) + 3f(n-5) f(n-5) = 3f(n-8) + 2f(n-9) thus f(n) = 5f(n-4) + 9f(n-8) + 6f(n-9) = 5f(n-4) + 9f(n-8) + 18f(n-12) + 12f(n-13)

f(n)= f(n - 1)+ f(n - 2)= 2(n - 2)+ f(n)= 3 f(n)+ 2(4)= 5 f(4)+ 3(存在)f(存在)= 3 f(n-8)+ 2 f(n - 9)因此f(n)= 5(4)+ 9 f(n-8)+ 6 f(n - 9)= 5 f(4)+ 9(n-8)+ 18 f(n-12)+ 12 f(n-13)

= 5f(n-4) + 9f(n-8) + 18f(n-12) + 36f(n-16) + 24f(n-17)

= 5 f(4)+ 9(n-8)+ 18 f(n-12)+ 36 f(n-16)+ 24 f(n-17)

in any case it is clear the coefficients will double each time. Of course from the above we can define f(n-4) in terms of f(n-8) etc. Not sure where this will lead.


There is a series here and f(3)=2 and f(2) = 1 so at the end you will add the constant.

这里有一个级数,f(3)=2和f(2) = 1所以最后你要加上这个常数。

Practically though for your purpose you can calculate f(n) in a single pass without having to store more than 2 of them at this point and as you know the formula for G above, as you pass through calculating f(n) you can update G as appropriate summing the fibonnaci numbers when n is congruent to 3 mod 4 at each point.


You will not find the space to save a table with such a huge number (2 to the power of 51) not even to disk, though it is really the sums you need to store in a table (f(3), f(3)+f(7), f(3)+f(7)+f(11) etc.) if you were going to save anything.

如果你想要保存任何东西,你将不会找到一个空间来保存一个如此巨大的数字(2的51次方)甚至磁盘的空间,尽管它实际上是你需要存储在一个表中的金额(f(3), f(3)+f(7), f(3)+f(7)+f(11)等等)。



So f() is the fibonacci function? I would suggest that you use the regular recursive algorithm. But you can improve performance significantly by adding a cache, as calls to f(i) for smaller values of i will be repeated very often.


You can do that by using a static local array of integers. If the element is 0 it's a miss so you calculate the value and store it in the array.


That way you avoid using floating point operations and you won't fill up the stack.




I think the better way to get value of G(n) is to compute it like this:


type val(type n, std::vector<type> &fib)
  type ret = 0, s = min(type(fib.size()), n);
  for(type i=0; i < s; ++i)
      ret += fib[i];

  if(n > fib.size()){    
    int tmp;
    for(type i = fib.size(); i < n; ++i){
      tmp = f(4*i+3);
      ret += tmp;

  return ret;

(For whole code check http://www.ideone.com/jorMy)


Avoid recursion everywhere it's possible and this way it won't compute everytime Fibonacci function.


Edit: I've spent much time to find that (my math is little rusty), but you can also write val like this:


numtype val(numtype n) {
  return ceil(2.218*pow(6.8541,n-1) - 0.018*pow(0.145898,n-1) - 0.2);

(code on http://www.ideone.com/H1SYz)


This is closed form of your sum. If you want to find it by yourself (it's homework after all) follow Nick D answer.
