
时间:2021-11-30 05:34:56

Below is the stored procedure's dynamic query result which is fetching records from a view and other tables using join as shown below. It is fetching only 5 rows, but taking 13 seconds to execute. I need to reduce execution time.


How can I achieve that? I have already used execution plan no index is missing in the table used in this query. Suggest any other way. I also analyzed that view is taking much time to execute, is there any way to improve view performance as well?


DECLARE @MonthId int

    @MonthId = Month_Id 
    CVBAT_Mart.dbo.Fact_AE_CurrentMonth WITH (NOLOCK)

    ,SUM(FAE.Site_Count) AS Site_Count    
    ,SUM(FAE.Account_Count) AS Account_Count        
    ,FORMAT(SUM(TY_DailyVolume),'0,0,') as TY_ADV    
    ,FORMAT(SUM(LY_DailyVolume),'0,0') as LY_ADV    
    ,Site_Churn_Cd_color =    
              CASE WHEN Site_Churn_Cd = 'D' THEN 'f8bd19'    
                   WHEN Site_Churn_Cd = 'G' THEN '33ccff'    
                   WHEN Site_Churn_Cd = 'L' THEN 'ccff66'    
                   WHEN Site_Churn_Cd = 'N' THEN 'ffcccc'    
                   WHEN Site_Churn_Cd = 'U' THEN 'c0c0c0'    
                   ELSE Site_Churn_Cd 
    CVBAT_Mart.dbo.vFact_AE_Service_Category_TT FAE WITH (NOLOCK)     
    common_ESTAT.dbo.SR_Hierarchy_ESTAT_Promoted_Monthly ESTAT WITH (NOLOCK) ON FAE.Enprs_Employee_Id = ESTAT.SR_Level_1_ID 
    c_Excluded_Flag = 'N'    
    AND c_Site_Primary_AE = '1'    
    AND FAE.Month_Id = @MonthId      
    AND Customer_Shipment_Role_Cd = '03'    
    AND EXISTS (SELECT 1         
                FROM CVBAT_Mart.dbo.DIM_Geography DG WITH (NOLOCK)    
                WHERE Organization_Active_Ind = 1    
                  AND DG.Region_Num = ESTAT.SR_Level_1_Region_Num    
                  AND DG.District_Num = ESTAT.SR_Level_1_District_Num)
  GROUP BY    

2 个解决方案



Without an execution plan and/or additional schema data there isn't much to go on. EXISTS can cause performance concerns and should be replaceable with a JOIN condition. I don't think this will solve your problem but try it anyways.

没有执行计划和/或其他架构数据,就没有太多可继续的了。 EXISTS可能会导致性能问题,并且应该可以通过JOIN条件进行替换。我不认为这会解决你的问题,但无论如何都要尝试。

When posting queries like this, please make sure you alias all fields. The aliases help to imply some schema information, though it is not nearly as good as actual schema data.


        @MonthId = Month_Id
FROM    CVBAT_Mart.dbo.Fact_AE_CurrentMonth WITH (NOLOCK)

SELECT  Site_Churn_Cd,
        SUM( FAE.Site_Count ) AS Site_Count,
        SUM( FAE.Account_Count ) AS Account_Count,
        FORMAT( SUM( TY_DailyVolume ), '0,0,' ) AS TY_ADV,
        FORMAT( SUM( LY_DailyVolume ), '0,0' ) AS LY_ADV,
        Site_Churn_Cd_color = CASE
                                  WHEN Site_Churn_Cd = 'D' THEN 'f8bd19'
                                  WHEN Site_Churn_Cd = 'G' THEN '33ccff'
                                  WHEN Site_Churn_Cd = 'L' THEN 'ccff66'
                                  WHEN Site_Churn_Cd = 'N' THEN 'ffcccc'
                                  WHEN Site_Churn_Cd = 'U' THEN 'c0c0c0'
                                  ELSE Site_Churn_Cd
FROM    CVBAT_Mart.dbo.vFact_AE_Service_Category_TT AS FAE WITH (NOLOCK)
JOIN    common_ESTAT.dbo.SR_Hierarchy_ESTAT_Promoted_Monthly AS ESTAT WITH (NOLOCK)
    ON  ESTAT.SR_Level_1_ID = FAE.Enprs_Employee_Id
JOIN    CVBAT_Mart.dbo.DIM_Geography AS DG WITH (NOLOCK)
    ON  DG.Organization_Active_Ind = 1
    AND DG.Region_Num = ESTAT.SR_Level_1_Region_Num
    AND DG.District_Num = ESTAT.SR_Level_1_District_Num
WHERE   c_Excluded_Flag = 'N'
    AND c_Site_Primary_AE = '1'
    AND Customer_Shipment_Role_Cd = '03'
    AND FAE.Month_Id = @MonthId
GROUP BY Site_Churn_Cd



You mention that the query returns only 5 rows, but note that the query is an aggregation of rows spanning two tables. The performance of the query will be proportional to the number of rows before aggregation is applied. You can reason with the time taken based on that rather than using the final aggregated row count.


Let's for the moment assume that even before aggregation the number of rows is reasonable. In that case, you would need to ensure you have the right set of indexes to facilitate the WHERE conditions, the JOIN and the EXISTS. This is where looking at the execution plan for your query would guide you.


You can even break down the query into each stage check performance at each stage. I notice that the first table involved in the query is actually a View, going by the naming. It is possible that the view is another set of table joins.


Overall, your best bet would be build up the query in steps and check for any optimizations with respect to indexes at each step. Being able to read and understand the query execution plan is essential to get the best result.




Without an execution plan and/or additional schema data there isn't much to go on. EXISTS can cause performance concerns and should be replaceable with a JOIN condition. I don't think this will solve your problem but try it anyways.

没有执行计划和/或其他架构数据,就没有太多可继续的了。 EXISTS可能会导致性能问题,并且应该可以通过JOIN条件进行替换。我不认为这会解决你的问题,但无论如何都要尝试。

When posting queries like this, please make sure you alias all fields. The aliases help to imply some schema information, though it is not nearly as good as actual schema data.


        @MonthId = Month_Id
FROM    CVBAT_Mart.dbo.Fact_AE_CurrentMonth WITH (NOLOCK)

SELECT  Site_Churn_Cd,
        SUM( FAE.Site_Count ) AS Site_Count,
        SUM( FAE.Account_Count ) AS Account_Count,
        FORMAT( SUM( TY_DailyVolume ), '0,0,' ) AS TY_ADV,
        FORMAT( SUM( LY_DailyVolume ), '0,0' ) AS LY_ADV,
        Site_Churn_Cd_color = CASE
                                  WHEN Site_Churn_Cd = 'D' THEN 'f8bd19'
                                  WHEN Site_Churn_Cd = 'G' THEN '33ccff'
                                  WHEN Site_Churn_Cd = 'L' THEN 'ccff66'
                                  WHEN Site_Churn_Cd = 'N' THEN 'ffcccc'
                                  WHEN Site_Churn_Cd = 'U' THEN 'c0c0c0'
                                  ELSE Site_Churn_Cd
FROM    CVBAT_Mart.dbo.vFact_AE_Service_Category_TT AS FAE WITH (NOLOCK)
JOIN    common_ESTAT.dbo.SR_Hierarchy_ESTAT_Promoted_Monthly AS ESTAT WITH (NOLOCK)
    ON  ESTAT.SR_Level_1_ID = FAE.Enprs_Employee_Id
JOIN    CVBAT_Mart.dbo.DIM_Geography AS DG WITH (NOLOCK)
    ON  DG.Organization_Active_Ind = 1
    AND DG.Region_Num = ESTAT.SR_Level_1_Region_Num
    AND DG.District_Num = ESTAT.SR_Level_1_District_Num
WHERE   c_Excluded_Flag = 'N'
    AND c_Site_Primary_AE = '1'
    AND Customer_Shipment_Role_Cd = '03'
    AND FAE.Month_Id = @MonthId
GROUP BY Site_Churn_Cd



You mention that the query returns only 5 rows, but note that the query is an aggregation of rows spanning two tables. The performance of the query will be proportional to the number of rows before aggregation is applied. You can reason with the time taken based on that rather than using the final aggregated row count.


Let's for the moment assume that even before aggregation the number of rows is reasonable. In that case, you would need to ensure you have the right set of indexes to facilitate the WHERE conditions, the JOIN and the EXISTS. This is where looking at the execution plan for your query would guide you.


You can even break down the query into each stage check performance at each stage. I notice that the first table involved in the query is actually a View, going by the naming. It is possible that the view is another set of table joins.


Overall, your best bet would be build up the query in steps and check for any optimizations with respect to indexes at each step. Being able to read and understand the query execution plan is essential to get the best result.
