Haproxy官方文档翻译(第三章)全局参数(1) 附英文原文

时间:2023-03-08 19:33:35




* 进程管理和安全
- ca-base
- chroot
- crt-base
- cpu-map
- daemon
- description
- deviceatlas-json-file
- deviceatlas-log-level
- deviceatlas-separator
- deviceatlas-properties-cookie
- external-check
- gid
- group
- hard-stop-after
- log
- log-tag
- log-send-hostname
- lua-load
- nbproc
- nbthread
- node
- pidfile
- presetenv
- resetenv
- uid
- ulimit-n
- user
- setenv
- stats
- ssl-default-bind-ciphers
- ssl-default-bind-ciphersuites
- ssl-default-bind-options
- ssl-default-server-ciphers
- ssl-default-server-ciphersuites
- ssl-default-server-options
- ssl-dh-param-file
- ssl-server-verify
- unix-bind
- unsetenv
- 51degrees-data-file
- 51degrees-property-name-list
- 51degrees-property-separator
- 51degrees-cache-size
- wurfl-data-file
- wurfl-information-list
- wurfl-information-list-separator
- wurfl-engine-mode
- wurfl-cache-size
- wurfl-useragent-priority

* 性能调节

- max-spread-checks
- maxconn
- maxconnrate
- maxcomprate
- maxcompcpuusage
- maxpipes
- maxsessrate
- maxsslconn
- maxsslrate
- maxzlibmem
- noepoll
- nokqueue
- nopoll
- nosplice
- nogetaddrinfo
- noreuseport
- profiling.tasks
- spread-checks
- server-state-base
- server-state-file
- ssl-engine
- ssl-mode-async
- tune.buffers.limit
- tune.buffers.reserve
- tune.bufsize
- tune.chksize
- tune.comp.maxlevel
- tune.h2.header-table-size
- tune.h2.initial-window-size
- tune.h2.max-concurrent-streams
- tune.http.cookielen
- tune.http.logurilen
- tune.http.maxhdr
- tune.idletimer
- tune.lua.forced-yield
- tune.lua.maxmem
- tune.lua.session-timeout
- tune.lua.task-timeout
- tune.lua.service-timeout
- tune.maxaccept
- tune.maxpollevents
- tune.maxrewrite
- tune.pattern.cache-size
- tune.pipesize
- tune.rcvbuf.client
- tune.rcvbuf.server
- tune.recv_enough
- tune.runqueue-depth
- tune.sndbuf.client
- tune.sndbuf.server
- tune.ssl.cachesize
- tune.ssl.lifetime
- tune.ssl.force-private-cache
- tune.ssl.maxrecord
- tune.ssl.default-dh-param
- tune.ssl.ssl-ctx-cache-size
- tune.ssl.capture-cipherlist-size
- tune.vars.global-max-size
- tune.vars.proc-max-size
- tune.vars.reqres-max-size
- tune.vars.sess-max-size
- tune.vars.txn-max-size
- tune.zlib.memlevel
- tune.zlib.windowsize

* 排错

- debug
- quiet

3.1 进程管理和安全

ca-base <dir>

当直接用“ca-file“表示ssL ca证书路径,“crl-file”关联crl路径,这个参数用来指定一个用来获取SSL CA证书和CRL(证书吊销列表)

chroot <jail dir>


cpu-map [auto:]<process-set>[/<thread-set>] <cpu-set>...

在Linux 2.6内核及以上版本,可以绑定一个进程或者线程到指定的CPU上。这意味着被指定的进程或者线程永远不会在指定以外的CPU上运行。“cpu-map”直接

all | odd | even | number[-[number]]

<number> 必须是1到32者64中的一个,这取决于你的机器字节大小。任何在nbproc之上的进程ID和任何在nbthread之上的



cpu-map 1-4 0-3 # 绑定标识为1到4的进程到前4个cpu

cpu-map 1/all 0-3 # 绑定第一个进程的所有线程到前4个CPU

cpu-map 1- 0- # 将会被替换成"cpu-map 1-64 0-63"
# 或者"cpu-map 1-32 0-31"这取决于你的机器字节大小

# 所有这些行绑定进程1到cpu0,进程2到cpu1,以此类推。
cpu-map auto:1-4 0-3
cpu-map auto:1-4 0-1 2-3
cpu-map auto:1-4 3 2 1 0

# 所有这些行绑定线程1到cpu0,线程2到cpu1,以此类推
cpu-map auto:1/1-4 0-3
cpu-map auto:1/1-4 0-1 2-3
cpu-map auto:1/1-4 3 2 1 0

# 使用all/odd/even关键词绑定每个进程到精确到cpu上
cpu-map auto:all 0-63
cpu-map auto:even 0-31
cpu-map auto:odd 32-63

# 无效的cpu-map设置,因为进程和cpu配置没有同样的数量
cpu-map auto:1-4 0 # invalid
cpu-map auto:1 0-3 # invalid

# 无效的cpu-map设置,因为自动绑定作用在了进程范围上
# and a thread range.
cpu-map auto:all/all 0 # invalid
cpu-map auto:all/1-4 0 # invalid
cpu-map auto:1-4/all 0 # invalid

crt-base <dir>




deviceatlas-json-file <path>

设置通过API加载的DeviceAtlas json数据的路径。这个路径必须是一个有效的json数据文件并且能被

deviceatlas-log-level <value>


deviceatlas-separator <char>


deviceatlas-properties-cookie <name>

设置客户端的cooke名字,它是用来侦测在请求期间DeviceAtlas 客户端组件是否被使用。这个指令是可选的



gid <number>

修改进程的group ID 为指定数字。推荐group id使用HAProxy的专用id或者一个类似的小的守护进程设置。

hard-stop-after <time>

定义了用来处理一个清除软停止(clean soft-stop)所能执行的最大时间。

<time> 是soft-stop在收到SIGUSR1信号后一个应用所能存活的最长时间(默认毫秒为单位)。

被关闭。(比如tcp代理模式中的long timeouts)此设置TCP和HTTP模式都有效。

hard-stop-after 30s

group <group name>

类似于"gid",但是用/etc/group 中的group name来替代GID。可以参考gid和user指令。



3. Global parameters

Parameters in the "global" section are process-wide and often OS-specific. They
are generally set once for all and do not need being changed once correct. Some
of them have command-line equivalents. The following keywords are supported in the "global" section : * Process management and security
- ca-base
- chroot
- crt-base
- cpu-map
- daemon
- description
- deviceatlas-json-file
- deviceatlas-log-level
- deviceatlas-separator
- deviceatlas-properties-cookie
- external-check
- gid
- group
- hard-stop-after
- log
- log-tag
- log-send-hostname
- lua-load
- nbproc
- nbthread
- node
- pidfile
- presetenv
- resetenv
- uid
- ulimit-n
- user
- setenv
- stats
- ssl-default-bind-ciphers
- ssl-default-bind-ciphersuites
- ssl-default-bind-options
- ssl-default-server-ciphers
- ssl-default-server-ciphersuites
- ssl-default-server-options
- ssl-dh-param-file
- ssl-server-verify
- unix-bind
- unsetenv
- 51degrees-data-file
- 51degrees-property-name-list
- 51degrees-property-separator
- 51degrees-cache-size
- wurfl-data-file
- wurfl-information-list
- wurfl-information-list-separator
- wurfl-engine-mode
- wurfl-cache-size
- wurfl-useragent-priority * Performance tuning
- max-spread-checks
- maxconn
- maxconnrate
- maxcomprate
- maxcompcpuusage
- maxpipes
- maxsessrate
- maxsslconn
- maxsslrate
- maxzlibmem
- noepoll
- nokqueue
- nopoll
- nosplice
- nogetaddrinfo
- noreuseport
- profiling.tasks
- spread-checks
- server-state-base
- server-state-file
- ssl-engine
- ssl-mode-async
- tune.buffers.limit
- tune.buffers.reserve
- tune.bufsize
- tune.chksize
- tune.comp.maxlevel
- tune.h2.header-table-size
- tune.h2.initial-window-size
- tune.h2.max-concurrent-streams
- tune.http.cookielen
- tune.http.logurilen
- tune.http.maxhdr
- tune.idletimer
- tune.lua.forced-yield
- tune.lua.maxmem
- tune.lua.session-timeout
- tune.lua.task-timeout
- tune.lua.service-timeout
- tune.maxaccept
- tune.maxpollevents
- tune.maxrewrite
- tune.pattern.cache-size
- tune.pipesize
- tune.rcvbuf.client
- tune.rcvbuf.server
- tune.recv_enough
- tune.runqueue-depth
- tune.sndbuf.client
- tune.sndbuf.server
- tune.ssl.cachesize
- tune.ssl.lifetime
- tune.ssl.force-private-cache
- tune.ssl.maxrecord
- tune.ssl.default-dh-param
- tune.ssl.ssl-ctx-cache-size
- tune.ssl.capture-cipherlist-size
- tune.vars.global-max-size
- tune.vars.proc-max-size
- tune.vars.reqres-max-size
- tune.vars.sess-max-size
- tune.vars.txn-max-size
- tune.zlib.memlevel
- tune.zlib.windowsize * Debugging
- debug
- quiet

3.1. Process management and security

ca-base <dir>
Assigns a default directory to fetch SSL CA certificates and CRLs from when a
relative path is used with "ca-file" or "crl-file" directives. Absolute
locations specified in "ca-file" and "crl-file" prevail and ignore "ca-base".
chroot <jail dir>
Changes current directory to <jail dir> and performs a chroot() there before
dropping privileges. This increases the security level in case an unknown
vulnerability would be exploited, since it would make it very hard for the
attacker to exploit the system. This only works when the process is started
with superuser privileges. It is important to ensure that <jail_dir> is both
empty and non-writable to anyone.
cpu-map [auto:]<process-set>[/<thread-set>] <cpu-set>...
On Linux 2.6 and above, it is possible to bind a process or a thread to a
specific CPU set. This means that the process or the thread will never run on
other CPUs. The "cpu-map" directive specifies CPU sets for process or thread
sets. The first argument is a process set, eventually followed by a thread
set. These sets have the format all | odd | even | number[-[number]] <number>> must be a number between 1 and 32 or 64, depending on the machine's
word size. Any process IDs above nbproc and any thread IDs above nbthread are
ignored. It is possible to specify a range with two such number delimited by
a dash ('-'). It also is possible to specify all processes at once using
"all", only odd numbers using "odd" or even numbers using "even", just like
with the "bind-process" directive. The second and forthcoming arguments are
CPU sets. Each CPU set is either a unique number between 0 and 31 or 63 or a
range with two such numbers delimited by a dash ('-'). Multiple CPU numbers
or ranges may be specified, and the processes or threads will be allowed to
bind to all of them. Obviously, multiple "cpu-map" directives may be
specified. Each "cpu-map" directive will replace the previous ones when they
overlap. A thread will be bound on the intersection of its mapping and the
one of the process on which it is attached. If the intersection is null, no
specific binding will be set for the thread. Ranges can be partially defined. The higher bound can be omitted. In such
case, it is replaced by the corresponding maximum value, 32 or 64 depending
on the machine's word size. The prefix "auto:" can be added before the process set to let HAProxy
automatically bind a process or a thread to a CPU by incrementing
process/thread and CPU sets. To be valid, both sets must have the same
size. No matter the declaration order of the CPU sets, it will be bound from
the lowest to the highest bound. Having a process and a thread range with the
"auto:" prefix is not supported. Only one range is supported, the other one
must be a fixed number.
cpu-map 1-4 0-3   # bind processes 1 to 4 on the first 4 CPUs

cpu-map 1/all 0-3 # bind all threads of the first process on the
# first 4 CPUs cpu-map 1- 0- # will be replaced by "cpu-map 1-64 0-63"
# or "cpu-map 1-32 0-31" depending on the machine's
# word size. # all these lines bind the process 1 to the cpu 0, the process 2 to cpu 1
# and so on.
cpu-map auto:1-4 0-3
cpu-map auto:1-4 0-1 2-3
cpu-map auto:1-4 3 2 1 0 # all these lines bind the thread 1 to the cpu 0, the thread 2 to cpu 1
# and so on.
cpu-map auto:1/1-4 0-3
cpu-map auto:1/1-4 0-1 2-3
cpu-map auto:1/1-4 3 2 1 0 # bind each process to exactly one CPU using all/odd/even keyword
cpu-map auto:all 0-63
cpu-map auto:even 0-31
cpu-map auto:odd 32-63 # invalid cpu-map because process and CPU sets have different sizes.
cpu-map auto:1-4 0 # invalid
cpu-map auto:1 0-3 # invalid # invalid cpu-map because automatic binding is used with a process range
# and a thread range.
cpu-map auto:all/all 0 # invalid
cpu-map auto:all/1-4 0 # invalid
cpu-map auto:1-4/all 0 # invalid
crt-base <dir>
Assigns a default directory to fetch SSL certificates from when a relative
path is used with "crtfile" directives. Absolute locations specified after
"crtfile" prevail and ignore "crt-base".
Makes the process fork into background. This is the recommended mode of
operation. It is equivalent to the command line "-D" argument. It can be
disabled by the command line "-db" argument. This option is ignored in
systemd mode.
Sets the path of the DeviceAtlas JSON data file to be loaded by the API.
The path must be a valid JSON data file and accessible by HAProxy process.
Sets the level of information returned by the API. This directive is
optional and set to 0 by default if not set.
Sets the character separator for the API properties results. This directive
is optional and set to | by default if not set.
Sets the client cookie's name used for the detection if the DeviceAtlas
Client-side component was used during the request. This directive is optional
and set to DAPROPS by default if not set.
Allows the use of an external agent to perform health checks.
This is disabled by default as a security precaution.
See "option external-check".
gid <number>
Changes the process' group ID to <number>. It is recommended that the group
ID is dedicated to HAProxy or to a small set of similar daemons. HAProxy must
be started with a user belonging to this group, or with superuser privileges.
Note that if haproxy is started from a user having supplementary groups, it
will only be able to drop these groups if started with superuser privileges.
See also "group" and "uid".
Defines the maximum time allowed to perform a clean soft-stop.
Arguments :
<time>  is the maximum time (by default in milliseconds) for which the
instance will remain alive when a soft-stop is received via the
SIGUSR1 signal.
This may be used to ensure that the instance will quit even if connections
remain opened during a soft-stop (for example with long timeouts for a proxy
in tcp mode). It applies both in TCP and HTTP mode.
hard-stop-after 30s
group <group name>
Similar to "gid" but uses the GID of group name <group name> from /etc/group.
See also "gid" and "user".