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ISO/IEC 7816 Contact Cards
EMV payment cards
Orange Cash PayPass (Contact Interface)
- The pcsc-scan utility reports:
tyson@UmBongo:~$ pcsc_scan PC/SC device scannerV 1.4.17 (c) 2001-2009, Ludovic Rousseau <ludovic.rousseau@free.fr>Compiled with PC/SC lite version: 1.5.5Scanning present readers...0: ACS ACR122U 00 00 Fri May 4 16:45:30 2012 Reader 0: ACS ACR122U 00 00 Card state: Card inserted, ATR: 3B 6E 00 00 80 31 80 66 B0 84 12 01 6E 01 83 00 90 00 ATR: 3B 6E 00 00 80 31 80 66 B0 84 12 01 6E 01 83 00 90 00+ TS = 3B --> Direct Convention+ T0 = 6E, Y(1): 0110, K: 14 (historical bytes) TB(1) = 00 --> VPP is not electrically connected TC(1) = 00 --> Extra guard time: 0+ Historical bytes: 80 31 80 66 B0 84 12 01 6E 01 83 00 90 00 Category indicator byte: 80 (compact TLV data object) Tag: 3, len: 1 (card service data byte) Card service data byte: 80 - Application selection: by full DF name - EF.DIR and EF.ATR access services: by GET RECORD(s) command - Card with MF Tag: 6, len: 6 (pre-issuing data) Data: B0 84 12 01 6E 01 Tag: 8, len: 3 (status indicator) LCS (life card cycle): 00 (No information given) SW: 9000 (Normal processing.) Possibly identified card (using /home/tyson/.smartcard_list.txt):3B 6E 00 00 80 31 80 66 B0 84 12 01 6E 01 83 00 90 00 Barclaycard Platinum VISA
The ChAP.py script reports (on a newly-personalised, non-activated card):
tyson@UmBongo:~/Downloads$ ./ChAP-0.1b/ChAP.py Failed to load symbol for: SCardCancelTransaction, /lib/libpcsclite.so.1: undefined symbol: SCardCancelTransaction!insert a card within 10sPSE found! 6f: File Control Information (FCI) Template (30 bytes): 84: DF Name (14 bytes): 1PAY.SYS.DDF01 a5: Proprietary Information (12 bytes): 88: Short File Identifier (1 bytes): 01 5f2d: Language Preference (2 bytes): en 9f11: Issuer Code Table Index (1 bytes): 01 Checking for records: Record 01, File 01: length 41 AID found: a0 00 00 00 04 10 10 Found AID: MASTERCARD - a0 00 00 00 04 10 10 6f: File Control Information (FCI) Template (56 bytes): 84: DF Name (7 bytes): a0 00 00 00 04 10 10 a5: Proprietary Information (45 bytes): 50: Application Label (10 bytes): MASTERCARD 87: Application Priority Indicator (1 bytes): skipping BER-TLV object! Processing Options: 77: Response Message Template Format 2 (14 bytes): 82 02 18 00 94 08 20 03 03 00 28 01 02 00 Cardholder verification is supported Terminal risk management is to be performed SFI 04: starting record 03, ending record 03; 00 offline data authentication records record 03: 70: Record Template (19 bytes): 9f08: Application Version Number (2 bytes): 00 02 9f42: Application Currency Code (2 bytes): 0826 (United Kingdom) 5f30: Service Code (2 bytes): 0221 9f44: Application Currency Exponent (1 bytes): 02 PIN tries left: 5Log Format: 9f 27 01 9f 02 06 5f 2a 02 9a 03 9f 36 02 9f 52 06 Found AID: PSD Entry - a0 00 00 00 04 10 10 6f: File Control Information (FCI) Template (56 bytes): 84: DF Name (7 bytes): a0 000000041010 a5:ProprietaryInformation(45 bytes): 50:ApplicationLabel(10 bytes): MASTERCARD 87:ApplicationPriorityIndicator(1 bytes): skipping BER-TLV object! ProcessingOptions: 77:ResponseMessageTemplateFormat2(14 bytes):8202180094082003030028010200 Cardholder verification is supported Terminal risk management is to be performed SFI 04: starting record 03, ending record 03;00 offline data authentication records record 03: 70:RecordTemplate(19 bytes): 9f08:ApplicationVersionNumber(2 bytes):0002 9f42:ApplicationCurrencyCode(2 bytes):0826(UnitedKingdom) 5f30:ServiceCode(2 bytes):0221 9f44:ApplicationCurrencyExponent(1 bytes):02 PIN tries left:5LogFormat: 9f27019f02065f2a029a039f36029f5206
GSM and UMTS SIM cards
Tesco Mobile UK USIM card
- The pcsc-scan utility reports:
ATR: 3B 9F 95 80 1F 43 80 31 E0 73 36 21 13 57 4A 33 0E 10 31 41 00 B0+ TS = 3B --> Direct Convention+ T0 = 9F, Y(1): 1001, K: 15 (historical bytes) TA(1) = 95 --> Fi=512, Di=16, 32 cycles/ETU 125000 bits/s at 4 MHz, fMax for Fi = 5 MHz => 156250 bits/s TD(1) = 80 --> Y(i+1) = 1000, Protocol T = 0 ----- TD(2) = 1F --> Y(i+1) = 0001, Protocol T = 15 - Global interface bytes following ----- TA(3) = 43 --> Clock stop: state L - Class accepted by the card: (3G) A 5V B 3V + Historical bytes: 80 31 E0 73 36 21 13 57 4A 33 0E 10 31 41 00 Category indicator byte: 80 (compact TLV data object) Tag: 3, len: 1 (card service data byte) Card service data byte: E0 - Application selection: by full DF name - Application selection: by partial DF name - BER-TLV data objects available in EF.DIR - EF.DIR and EF.ATR access services: by GET RECORD(s) command - Card with MF Tag: 7, len: 3 (card capabilities) Selection methods: 36 - DF selection by path - DF selection by file identifier - Short EF identifier supported - Record number supported Data coding byte: 21 - Behaviour of write functions: proprietary - Value 'FF' for the first byte of BER-TLV tag fields: invalid - Data unit in quartets: 2 Command chaining, length fields and logical channels: 13 - Logical channel number assignment: by the card - Maximum number of logical channels: 4 Tag: 5, len: 7 (card issuer's data) Card issuer data: 4A 33 0E 10 31 41 00+ TCK = B0 (correct checksum) Possibly identified card (using /home/tyson/.smartcard_list.txt):3B 9F 95 80 1F 43 80 31 E0 73 36 21 13 57 4A 33 0E 10 31 41 00 B0 SIM card O2 (UK, Pay-As-You-Go) Tesco Mobile (UK) SIM
- Seems to be based upon the "Gemplus GemXplore 3G USIM" product, according to comparisons of ATR values from Ludovic's database beginning with 0x3B9F95801F.
- Unusual in that it returns an EMV-style 0x9F7F/CPLC tag, similar to the following, according to CardPeek:
TouchATag SAM (Secure Application Module)
- The pcsc-scan utility reports:
ATR: 3B BE 95 00 00 41 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 90 00+ TS = 3B --> Direct Convention+ T0 = BE, Y(1): 1011, K: 14 (historical bytes) TA(1) = 95 --> Fi=512, Di=16, 32 cycles/ETU 125000 bits/s at 4 MHz, fMax for Fi = 5 MHz => 156250 bits/s TB(1) = 00 --> VPP is not electrically connected TD(1) = 00 --> Y(i+1) = 0000, Protocol T = 0 -----+ Historical bytes: 41 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 90 00 Category indicator byte: 41 (proprietary format) Possibly identified card (using /home/tyson/.smartcard_list.txt):3B BE 95 00 00 41 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 90 00 touchatag SAM card Spanish University of Murcia smart ID card - Old version with CajaMurcia Banking card integrated (Maestro card) (M.Mar OS) - Also used by many others spanish universities
- This SAM appears to have a partially documented command set (which I believe to be based upon the ACOS3 one, after reading this forum post), but is unsupported by many common smartcard handling tools.
- A combination of reverse-engineering the USB traffic generated by using the proprietary Windows client, and searching the Web for APDUs from log files lends some credence to that thought.
- According to the opensc-tool -c acos5 -f command, the root of the SAM's file system contains the following objects:
3f00 type: DF, size: 0select[N/A] lock[N/A] delete[N/A] create[N/A] rehab[N/A] inval[N/A] list[N/A] 3f00ef01 type: iEF, ef structure: linvar, size: 0 read[N/A] update[N/A] erase[N/A] write[N/A] rehab[N/A] inval[N/A] 3f00ef03 type: iEF, ef structure: linvar, size: 0 read[N/A] update[N/A] erase[N/A] write[N/A] rehab[N/A] inval[N/A]
Command | Response | Purpose |
00 08 | 49 21 8C 28 94 1D 8A F4 90 00 | Get Card Info - 8 byte Serial Number |
00 06 | 30 30 36 38 38 32 90 00 | Get Card Info - SAM ID? |
00 08 | 41 43 4f 53 06 04 08 20 90 00 | Get Card Info - Operating System Revision |
- The OpenSC project supply a number of tools for working with contact smartcards under Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux (plus other UNIX-esque operating systems).
Tracing APDUs under Windows 7 (x86-64)
Note: Administrative privileges may be necessary for the successful completion of this activity.
- Download the apduview.zip archive from this page
- Extract the archive's winscard.dll file to the location of the executable that utilises the PCSC APIs (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\touchatag).
- Copy C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WinSCard.dll to the same directory as the executable, under the new name of original.dll (e.g.C:\Program Files (x86)\touchatag\original.dll).
- Run the executable, and perform any necessary tasks that invoke PCSC APIs.
- Quit the application, and then inspect the newly-created winscard.txt file.
- By default, the ufelica tool only works with Sony devices - although it is possible to modify it (by patching ufelica.c), in order to attempt to use it with the TouchATag reader.
- An example of such a patch for the ACR122U-FeliCa(4L)A REV:1.06 variant looks like:
--- ufelica.c~ 2012-01-16 15:34:23.443258964 +0000+++ ufelica.c 2012-01-16 15:34:23.471258944 +0000@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ for (bus = busses; bus != NULL; bus = bus->next){ for (dev = bus->devices; dev != NULL; dev = dev->next){- if((dev->descriptor.idVendor == USB_VENDOR_SONY) &&- (dev->descriptor.idProduct == USB_PRODUCT_SONY_PASORI) ){+ if((dev->descriptor.idVendor == 0x072f) &&+ (dev->descriptor.idProduct == 0x2200) ){ if (option_verbose > 1) { printf("class=0x%02X, vendor=0x%04X, product=0x%04X\n",
- Attempting to run the modified tool without root privileges results in:
tyson@UmBongo:~/ufelica$ ./ufelica could not set config 1: Operation not permittedcould not claim interface 0: Operation not permittederror sending control message: Operation not permittederror sending control message: Operation not permitted00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 could not release intf 0: Operation not permitted
- Running under sudo, with the PCSC daemon disabled results in:
tyson@UmBongo:~/ufelica$ sudo ./ufelica error sending control message: Broken pipeerror sending control message: Connection timed out00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- Running under the same configuration, but with the verbose mode flag enabled results in:
tyson@UmBongo:~/ufelica$ sudo ./ufelica -vusb_bus found.class=0x00, vendor=0x072F, product=0x2200usb_device found.002/003 072F/2200open successed...Query Type = 0-- send init : 00 00 ff 14 ec 62 29 89 11 25 f0 a0 02 a1 00 a2 89 a3 10 a4 03 a5 89 a6 10 1a 00/27error sending control message: Broken pipeerror sending control message: Broken pipePasori Initializing: ret=-32start getting ID.-- send get_id_edy : 00 00 ff 05 fb 50 fe 00 00 00 b2 00/12error sending control message: Connection timed outcontrol msg sent.error sending control message: Connection timed outerror sending control message: Connection timed out00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 begin closing...
- It seems that doing this will cause issues for other applications/services that attempt to use the card reader until it is disconnected; and the following can sometimes be seen in dmesg:
[ 183.861824] usb 2-2: usbfs: USBDEVFS_CONTROL failed cmd ufelica rqt 64 rq 0 len 12 ret -110
Other Information
- A paper on the subject of smartcards and smartcard operating systems was published in 1995 by Pieter H. Hartel, and Eduard K. de Jong Frz at the University of Southampton's Department of Electronics and Computer Science.
- A popular database of smartcard ATR (Answer To Reset) values is maintained by Ludovic Rousseau.
- A database of EMV tag descriptions, derived from the EMVCo specifications is published by Ugo Chirico.
13.56 MHz RFID
- An Open Source implementation of an NFC stack, and various related utilities is available from the LibNFC project.
- The author of this page has released a number of small utilities, and enhancements to third-party ones in a repository on BitBucket.
- A link to a tool for examining data stored on Atmel CryptoRF tokens, and errata is available in this forum post.
- The RFIDIOT project supply a package of tools for manipulating the contents of various types of RFID tokens, and examining Machine-Readable Travel Documents and EMV cards.
- A driver that supposedly allows for use of LibNFC with generic PCSC-enabled applications is available from the ifdnfc project on SourceForge.
This doesn't seem to build against the latest version of LibNFC:
ifd-nfc.c: In function ‘IFDHTransmitToICC’:ifd-nfc.c:355:17: error: too few arguments to function ‘nfc_initiator_transceive_bytes’/usr/local/include/nfc/nfc.h:80:19: note: declared here
- A datasheet is available for the STMicroElectronics SRI512 ISO/IEC 14443-B chipset.
- A datasheet is available from ACS for the InnoVision/Broadcom Topaz family of ISO/IEC 14443-A chipsets.
- A redacted datasheet is available for Maxim's MAX66040 ISO/IEC 14443-B chipset.
- A datasheet (MF0ICU1) is available for the MiFare UltraLight ISO/IEC 14443-A chipset.
- A datasheet is available for FuDan's FM11RF08 chipset (which is supposedly compatible with existing MiFare Classic implementations).
- The Users Manual for the NXP PN532 chipset is available.
- A manual for a variant of the ACS ACR122U card reader is available.
FeliCa tokens
Sony FeliCa Lite RC-S701
- LibNFC's nfc-list -v command reports:
1 Felica (212 kbps) passive target(s) found: ID (NFCID2): 01 27 00 5d 1a 05 88 cd Parameter (PAD): 00 f0 00 00 02 06 03 00 System Code (SC): 88 b4 1 Felica (424 kbps) passive target(s) found: ID (NFCID2): 01 27 00 5d 1a 05 88 cd Parameter (PAD): 00 f0 00 00 02 06 03 00 System Code (SC): 88 b4
- LibNFC's nfc-read-forum-tag3 command reports:
Place your NFC Forum Tag Type 3 in the field...NDEF Mapping version: 1.0NFC Forum Tag Type 3 capacity: 208 bytesNDEF data lenght: 60 bytes
libnfc.chip.pn53x - InListPassiveTarget libnfc.driver.acr122 - TX: ff 00 00 00 09 d4 4a 01 01 00 ff ff 01 00 libnfc.driver.acr122 - RX: d5 4b 01 01 14 01 01 27 00 5d 1a 05 88 cd 00 f0 00 00 02 06 03 00 88 b4 90 00
libnfc.chip.pn53x - InListPassiveTarget libnfc.driver.acr122 - TX: ff 00 00 00 09 d4 4a 01 02 00 ff ff 01 00 libnfc.driver.acr122 - RX: d5 4b 01 01 14 01 | 01 27 00 5d 1a 05 88 cd | 00 f0 00 00 02 06 03 00 | 88 b4 | 90 00
ISO/IEC 14443-A tokens
NXP MiFare Classic 4KB
- LibNFC's nfc-list -v command reports:
1 ISO14443A passive target(s) found: ATQA (SENS_RES): 00 02 * UID size: single* bit frame anticollision supported UID (NFCID1): 7c 52 49 e4 SAK (SEL_RES): 18 * Not compliant with ISO/IEC 14443-4* Not compliant with ISO/IEC 18092Fingerprinting based on ATQA & SAK values:* Mifare Classic 4K* SmartMX with Mifare 4K emulation
- Using the MFOC utility under Linux, it is possible to derive the sector keys for a genuine MiFare Classic card, whilst dumping and decrypting its entire contents in a reasonable timeframe (several minutes) on a moderately powerful PC.
It appears that this tool does not work properly under VirtualBox, due to latency induced by its USB passthrough implementation.
NXP MiFare DESFire EV1
- LibNFC's nfc-list -v command reports:
1 ISO14443A passive target(s) found: ATQA (SENS_RES): 03 44 * UID size: double* bit frame anticollision supported UID (NFCID1): 04 8b 1f f1 ad 26 80 SAK (SEL_RES): 20 * Compliant with ISO/IEC 14443-4* Not compliant with ISO/IEC 18092 ATS: 75 77 81 02 80 * Max Frame Size accepted by PICC: 64 bytes* Bit Rate Capability: * PICC to PCD, DS=2, bitrate 212 kbits/s supported * PICC to PCD, DS=4, bitrate 424 kbits/s supported * PICC to PCD, DS=8, bitrate 847 kbits/s supported * PCD to PICC, DR=2, bitrate 212 kbits/s supported * PCD to PICC, DR=4, bitrate 424 kbits/s supported * PCD to PICC, DR=8, bitrate 847 kbits/s supported* Frame Waiting Time: 77.33 ms* Start-up Frame Guard Time: 0.6041 ms* Node ADdress not supported* Card IDentifier supported* Historical bytes Tk: 80 * No COMPACT-TLV objects found, no status foundFingerprinting based on ATQA & SAK values:* Mifare DESFire / Desfire EV1
DESFire EV1 Oyster
- The mifare-desfire-info utility reports:
===> 0000 90 60 00 00 00 |.`... |<=== 0000 04 01 01 01 00 16 05 91 af |......... |===> 0000 90 af 00 00 00 |..... |<=== 0000 04 01 01 01 03 16 05 91 af |......... |===> 0000 90 af 00 00 00 |..... |<=== 0000 04 8b 1f f1 ad 26 80 00 00 00 00 00 42 08 91 00 |.....&......B...|===> Version information for tag 048b1ff1ad2680:UID: 0x048b1ff1ad2680Batch number: 0x0000000000Production date: week 42, 2008Hardware Information: Vendor ID: 0x04 Type: 0x01 Subtype: 0x01 Version: 1.0 Storage size: 0x16 (=2048 bytes) Protocol: 0x05Software Information: Vendor ID: 0x04 Type: 0x01 Subtype: 0x01 Version: 1.3 Storage size: 0x16 (=2048 bytes) Protocol: 0x05===> 0000 90 45 00 00 00 |.E... |<=== 0000 0b 01 91 00 |.... |Master Key settings (0x0b): 0x08 configuration changeable; 0x00 PICC Master Key not required for create / delete; 0x02 Free directory list access without PICC Master Key; 0x01 Allow changing the Master Key;===> 0000 90 64 00 00 01 00 00 |.d..... |<=== 0000 31 91 00 |1.. |Master Key version: 49 (0x31)===> 0000 90 6e 00 00 00 |.n... |<=== 0000 e0 04 00 91 00 |..... |Free memory: 1248 bytesUse random UID: no
NXP MiFare UltraLight
- LibNFC's nfc-list -v command reports:
1 ISO14443A passive target(s) found: ATQA (SENS_RES): 00 44 * UID size: double* bit frame anticollision supported UID (NFCID1): 04 45 57 ba 34 23 80 SAK (SEL_RES): 00 * Not compliant with ISO/IEC 14443-4* Not compliant with ISO/IEC 18092Fingerprinting based on ATQA & SAK values:* Mifare Ultralight* Mifare UltralightC
Orange Cash PayPass Card
- LibNFC's nfc-list -v command reports:
1 ISO14443A passive target(s) found: ATQA (SENS_RES): 00 04 * UID size: single* bit frame anticollision supported UID (NFCID1): 29 8b cf 51 SAK (SEL_RES): 28 * Compliant with ISO/IEC 14443-4* Not compliant with ISO/IEC 18092 ATS: 78 80 82 02 80 31 80 66 b0 84 12 01 6e 01 83 00 90 00 * Max Frame Size accepted by PICC: 256 bytes* Bit Rate Capability: * Same bitrate in both directions mandatory* Frame Waiting Time: 77.33 ms* Start-up Frame Guard Time: 1.208 ms* Node ADdress not supported* Card IDentifier supported* Historical bytes Tk: 80 31 80 66 b0 84 12 01 6e 01 83 00 90 00 * Tk after 0x80 consist of optional consecutive COMPACT-TLV data objects; the last data object may carry a status indicator of one, two or three bytes. See ISO/IEC 7816-4 for more infoFingerprinting based on ATQA & SAK values:* JCOP31 v2.3.1* SmartMX with Mifare 1K emulation
- Using the following TAMA script, it is possible to access the EMV Payment System Environment, and obtain the name of the first application:
02; // Get firmware version4A 01 00; // 1 target requested // Select the payment system environment40 01 00 A4 04 00 0E 31 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31; 40 01 80 A8 00 00 02 83 00; 40 01 00 c0 00 00 26; 40 01 00 b2 00 0c 00; 40 01 00 b2 01 0c 00; 40 01 00 b2 01 0c 21;
ISO/IEC 14443-B tokens
- Issue #168 on the LibNFC project's issues list contains some details pertinent to the proprietary "14443-B'" technology used by some Calypso transport cards.
Maxim MAX66040E-000AA+
- LibNFC's nfc-list -v command reports:
1 ISO14443B passive target(s) found: PUPI: a2 a6 02 00 Application Data: 30 00 2b e0 Protocol Info: 77 21 71 * Bit Rate Capability: * PICC to PCD, 1etu=64/fc, bitrate 212 kbits/s supported * PICC to PCD, 1etu=32/fc, bitrate 424 kbits/s supported * PICC to PCD, 1etu=16/fc, bitrate 847 kbits/s supported * PCD to PICC, 1etu=64/fc, bitrate 212 kbits/s supported * PCD to PICC, 1etu=32/fc, bitrate 424 kbits/s supported * PCD to PICC, 1etu=16/fc, bitrate 847 kbits/s supported* Maximum frame sizes: 32 bytes* Protocol types supported: ISO/IEC 14443-4* Frame Waiting Time: 38.66 ms* Frame options supported: NAD
- These cards are advertised as having a 64-bit UID, consisting of data in the PUPI field (e.g. a2 a6 02 00 or 34 ab 02 00), and data in theApplication Data field (e.g. 77 21 71).
- The Application Data field supposedly contains the "upper 32 bits of the UID" (which appears to be consistent between new cards); and the (variable) PUPI corresponds to the "lower 32 bits of the UID".
- It is possible to run the Get System Information (0x2B) command using this PN532 TAMA shell script on a TouchATag reader:
02; // Get firmware version//4A 01 00; // 1 target requested4a 01 03 00;40 01 2B;
- The TAMA commands are wrapped in an InDataExchange (0x40) packet that looks like d4 40 01 2b
- The Get System Information command returns a result similar to 00 00 0f a2 a6 02 00 30 00 2b e0 00 00 13 07 b2
PN532 Pseudo-APDUs
- ISO/IEC 14443-B
0000 d5 4b 01 01 50 34 ab 02 00 30 00 2b e0 77 21 710010 01 01 90 00
0000 d5 4b 01 01 50 a2 a6 02 00 30 00 2b e0 77 21 710010 01 01 90 00
- DESFire EV1
0000 d5 4b 01 01 03 44 20 07 04 8b 1f f1 ad 26 80 060010 75 77 81 02 80 90 00
- MiFare UltraLight
0000 d5 4b 01 01 00 44 00 07 04 2b 6e ba 34 23 80 900010 00
- Sony FeliCa Lite RC-S701
0000 d5 4b 01 01 14 01 01 27 00 5d 1a 05 8a cd 00 f00010 00 00 02 06 03 00 88 b4 90 00
Hardware Suppliers
- Atmel of the USA have a product sampling programme.
Although the order process appears to be successful (since I receive an e-mail in my university account), I have had limited success with using the confirmation URL provided in said e-mail, and have not seen any evidence of a product delivery, or further confirmation to date.
- Switch Science of Japan supply Sony FeliCa (RC-S701) tags on an international basis, and fulfil orders promptly. They are also quick to provide refunds, should buyers accidentally make multiple payments for an order. As of writing, the grand total cost of shipping 2 tags to the UK was JPY2,168 (£19.19 according to PayPal).
- The Identive Group of the USA appear to be supplying Topaz 512-byte tags on an international basis - although the author cannot vouch for the company's service, due to having never utilised it.
- Maxim supply a number of RFID-related products through a free sampling programme - although shipments are slightly delayed due to requiring internal Business Manager authorisation; and a commercial or academic e-mail address is required for successful order approval.
Samples ordered within the UK are usually despatched from a UK-based warehouse, if memory serves correctly.