
时间:2021-09-09 05:57:22

Angular2 app is loading slow, how can I improve the performance on load?


I use Angular2, typescript with html5.


currently my app takes 4 seconds to load. I host with Firebase and use cloudflare.


Things I'm doing / info:


  • I've compressed images.
  • 我压缩了图像。
  • I minify css
  • 我缩小了CSS
  • I minify js.
  • 我缩小了js。
  • I use async on my scripts.
  • 我在脚本上使用async。
  • My scripts are in my .
  • 我的脚本在我的。
  • The scripts are around 700kb
  • 脚本大约700kb
  • I used google speed test and get 65%
  • 我使用谷歌速度测试获得65%
  • I used minified version of the libs I use e.g. bootstrap etc.
  • 我使用了我使用的libs的缩小版本,例如引导等
  • Using systemjs.
  • 使用systemjs。
  • This is the seed app im using: https://github.com/mgechev/angular-seed
  • 这是使用的种子应用程序:https://github.com/mgechev/angular-seed



When the app loads it shows a blue screen (this is the bootstrap css) and then 4 seconds later the app loads and works really fast. But takes 4 seconds to load. It seems the app.js file that systemjs minifies to is slowing the whole app, and not showing the views fast enough.

当应用程序加载时,它会显示一个蓝屏(这是bootstrap css),然后4秒后应用程序加载并且工作得非常快。但需要4秒钟才能加载。似乎systemjs缩小的app.js文件正在减慢整个应用程序,并且没有足够快地显示视图。

This is my website speed test: https://www.webpagetest.org/result/161206_F5_N87/


This is my website:




Let me know if you need more information about my app and any other things I can do.


5 个解决方案



How about "code splitting".


From the Webpack site:


"For big web apps it’s not efficient to put all code into a single file, especially if some blocks of code are only required under some circumstances. Webpack has a feature to split your codebase into “chunks” which are loaded on demand. Some other bundlers call them “layers”, “rollups”, or “fragments”. This feature is called “code splitting”.


Link here:




Note that the Angular CLI uses Webpack.

请注意,Angular CLI使用Webpack。

Also, make sure that if your app bootstraps with data calls, that you are not holding up the rendering of your components waiting on those calls to return. Promises, async, etc.




A single page application generally takes more time while loading as it loads all necessary things at once.


I had also faced same problem and my team has optimized our project from loading in 8 seconds to 2 seconds by using following methods.


  1. Lazy loading a module : Lazy loading modules helps to decrease the startup time. With lazy loading our application does not need to load everything at once, it only needs to load what the user expects to see when the app first loads. Modules that are lazily loaded will only be loaded when the user navigates to their routes. Angular2 has introduced modules in its final release RC5. See below for step-by-step guide.

    延迟加载模块:延迟加载模块有助于减少启动时间。使用延迟加载,我们的应用程序不需要一次加载所有内容,它只需要加载用户在应用程序首次加载时期望看到的内容。只有当用户导航到他们的路线时,才会加载延迟加载的模块。 Angular2在其最终版本RC5中引入了模块。请参阅下面的分步指南。

  2. Aot Compilation : With AoT, the browser downloads a pre-compiled version of the application. The browser loads executable code so it can render the application immediately, without waiting to compile the app first.


    It reduces the payload size : There's no need to download the Angular compiler if the app is already compiled. The compiler is roughly half of Angular itself, so omitting it dramatically reduces the application payload. For more info see this.


  3. Webpack : Webpack is a popular module bundler, a tool for bundling application source code in convenient chunks and for loading that code from a server into a browser. You can configure your Angular 2 web application with webpack (see this guide).

    Webpack:Webpack是一种流行的模块捆绑器,一种用于将应用程序源代码捆绑在方便的块中以及将该代码从服务器加载到浏览器中的工具。您可以使用webpack配置Angular 2 Web应用程序(请参阅本指南)。

  4. Remove scripts,stylesheet from index.html : Remove all scripts and stylesheet which are not needed in index.html. You can load these script dynamically in component itself by calling a service.


    Make a file script.service.ts which can load any script on demand for that component



\ script.service.ts

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
declare var document: any;

export class Script {

  loadScript(path: string) {
    //load script
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      let script = document.createElement('script');
      script.type = 'text/javascript';
      script.src = path;
      if (script.readyState) {  //IE
        script.onreadystatechange = () => {
          if (script.readyState === "loaded" || script.readyState === "complete") {
            script.onreadystatechange = null;
            resolve({ loaded: true, status: 'Loaded' });
      } else {  //Others
          script.onload = () => {
            resolve({ loaded: true, status: 'Loaded' });
      script.onerror = (error: any) => resolve({ loaded: false, status: 'Loaded' });

This is just a sample code to load script dynamically, you can customize and optimize it by yourself according to your need. For stylesheet you should load it in component using styleUrl.


  1. Use Browser Caching : Your webpage files will get stored in the browser cache when you use browser caching. Your pages will load much faster for repeat visitors and so will other pages that share those same resources. For more info https://varvy.com/pagespeed/leverage-browser-caching.html


  2. minimize the code in app.component.ts : minimize the code present in app.component.ts which always run when the app loads or reloads.


  3. set data on app Initialization : if you are using same api calls multiple times in your project or in components, or you are dependent upon same data in multiple component, instead of calling api multiple times what you can do is save the data as an object in service on app initialization. That service will act as a singleton throughout the project and you can access that data without calling api.


Lazy loading of modules step by step


  1. Modular structure : We have to divide our App into separate modules. For example an app may have a user side and an admin side and each will have its own different components and routes, so we will separate this two sides into modules admin.module.ts and user.module.ts.


  2. Root Module : Every Angular app has a root module class. By convention it's a class called AppModule in a file named app.module.ts , this module will import the above two module and also the AppComponent for bootstrap. You can also declare multiple components according to your need. Sample code in app.module.ts:

    根模块:每个Angular应用程序都有一个根模块类。按照惯例,它是一个名为app.module.ts的文件中名为AppModule的类,该模块将导入上述两个模块以及AppComponent以进行引导。您还可以根据需要声明多个组件。 app.module.ts中的示例代码:


\ app.module.ts

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { UserModule } from './user/user.module';
import { AdminModule } from './admin/admin.module';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { LoginComponent } from './login.component';

  imports: [UserModule, AdminModule],
  declarations: [AppComponent, LoginComponent],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
  1. Routes : Now in your routes you can specify like the following
  2. 路线:现在在您的路线中,您可以指定如下


\ app.router.ts

import { ModuleWithProviders } from '@angular/core';
import { Routes, RouterModule } from '@angular/router';
import { LoginComponent } from './login.component';

const routes: Routes = [
  { path: 'login', component: 'LoginComponent' }, //eager loaded
  { path: 'admin', loadChildren: './admin/admin.module#AdminModule' }, // Lazy loaded module
  { path: 'user', loadChildren: './user/user.module#UserModule' }  //lazy loaded module

Now when the application loads, it will only load LoginComponent and AppComponent code. These modules will only be loaded when we visit /admin or /user routes. Hence it will decrease the size of payload for loading into the browser, thus resulting in fast loading.

现在,当应用程序加载时,它只会加载LoginComponent和AppComponent代码。只有在访问/ admin或/ user路由时才会加载这些模块。因此,它将减少用于加载到浏览器中的有效载荷的大小,从而导致快速加载。

  1. Nesting Modules : Just like app.module every module has its own set of components and routes. As your project becomes larger, the nesting of modules inside module is the best way to optimize because we can lazily load those modules whenever we require.
  2. 嵌套模块:就像app.module一样,每个模块都有自己的一组组件和路由。随着项目变得越来越大,模块内部模块的嵌套是优化的最佳方式,因为我们可以在需要时懒洋洋地加载这些模块。



Above code is only for explanation, please refer for full example https://angular-2-training-book.rangle.io/handout/modules/lazy-loading-module.html




It is difficult to diagnose the precise problem you are having without hands-on to your entire code base and backend (as others have suggested, the problem may not be angular at all).


Having said that, I HIGHLY recommend you start using the angular-cli. It was designed by the angular team to accomplish all of the things you need to do in a easy-to-use command line interface. So my answer is predicated on the use of the angular-cli.


Here are the general things you can do to optimize your ng2 project for production:


1) Ahead of Time (AoT) Compilation - Bundling/Minification/Tree-shaking

1)提前(AoT)编译 - 捆绑/缩小/树木摇晃

Look, forget about the headache of configuring a bunch of gulp tasks to accomplish all of these things. The angular-cli handles Bundling/Minification/Tree-shaking/AOT compilation in one easy step:

看,忘记配置一堆gulp任务来完成所有这些事情的头痛。 angular-cli只需一个简单步骤即可处理Bundling / Minification / Tree-shaking / AOT编译:

ng build -prod -aot

ng build -prod -aot

This will produce the following js files in your "dist" folder:


You will also get the gzipped versions of these files for MORE optimization:


Angular's AOT compilation will automatically do "tree shaking" on your code and get rid of any unused references. For example, you may use lodash in your project, but you probably only use a few lodash functions; tree shaking will trim away all the unused parts of lodash that are not needed in your final build. And most importantly, AOT compilation will pre-compile all of your code and views which means LESS time the browser needs to get the ng2 app rolling. Click here for more info on angular's AOT compilation.


2) Lazy loading parts of your app If you further carve up your app into different parts, you do not need to load EVERYING when your app first loads. You can specify different modules for your application that then can be bundled (by the angular-cli aot compiler) into different chunks. Read up here to learn how to organize your project into modules that you can compile into chucks that are only loaded AS NEEDED. Angular-cli will manage the creation of these chunks for you.

2)延迟加载应用程序的部分如果您进一步将应用程序划分为不同的部分,则无需在应用程序首次加载时加载每个部分。您可以为应用程序指定不同的模块,然后可以将这些模块(通过angular-cli aot编译器)捆绑到不同的块中。请阅读此处以了解如何将项目组织成模块,您可以将这些模块编译为仅按需要加载的卡盘。 Angular-cli将为您管理这些块的创建。

3) Angular Universal Now if you really want to make your load time EXTREMELY fast then you will want to consider implementing Angular Universal, which is when you compile your initial view ON THE SERVER. I have not used Angular Universal as I have been able to achieve fast load times with steps 1 and 2. But it is an exciting option in the ng2 toolset. Keep in mind you don't compile or run the ng2 app on the server, you compile the initial view serverside so the user quickly receives a jolt of html and thus the user PERCEIVES the load time to be very fast (even though a full load will still lag behind a little bit). This step does not obviate the need for the other steps. As a bonus, Angular Universal also is supposed to help with SEO.

3)Angular Universal现在,如果你真的想让你的加载时间非常快,那么你会想要考虑实现Angular Universal,这是在编译服务器上的初始视图时。我没有使用Angular Universal,因为我已经能够通过步骤1和2实现快速加载时间。但它在ng2工具集中是一个令人兴奋的选项。请记住,您不在服务器上编译或运行ng2应用程序,您编译初始视图服务器端,以便用户快速收到一个html,因此用户感知加载时间非常快(即使满载仍然会落后一点)。该步骤不会消除对其他步骤的需要。作为奖励,Angular Universal也应该帮助SEO。

4) Secondary bundling


If I am not using lazy loading, I usually go ahead and further bundle the distribution files that are generated from AOT compilation. Thus I create one main.bundle.js file that concats inline.js, vendor.js and main.js files. I use gulp for this.




because its SPA and angular 2 init too slow. thats it. plus RXjs, tons of polifills etc. AOT can help but a lot of angular2 libs do not work with it. angular universal realy helps

因为它的SPA和角度2 init太慢。而已。加上RXjs,大量的polifill等AOT可以提供帮助,但很多angular2 libs都无法使用它。角度通用真的有帮助



Try disabling source maps by running ng serve --sourcemap=false

尝试通过运行ng serve --sourcemap = false来禁用源映射



How about "code splitting".


From the Webpack site:


"For big web apps it’s not efficient to put all code into a single file, especially if some blocks of code are only required under some circumstances. Webpack has a feature to split your codebase into “chunks” which are loaded on demand. Some other bundlers call them “layers”, “rollups”, or “fragments”. This feature is called “code splitting”.


Link here:




Note that the Angular CLI uses Webpack.

请注意,Angular CLI使用Webpack。

Also, make sure that if your app bootstraps with data calls, that you are not holding up the rendering of your components waiting on those calls to return. Promises, async, etc.




A single page application generally takes more time while loading as it loads all necessary things at once.


I had also faced same problem and my team has optimized our project from loading in 8 seconds to 2 seconds by using following methods.


  1. Lazy loading a module : Lazy loading modules helps to decrease the startup time. With lazy loading our application does not need to load everything at once, it only needs to load what the user expects to see when the app first loads. Modules that are lazily loaded will only be loaded when the user navigates to their routes. Angular2 has introduced modules in its final release RC5. See below for step-by-step guide.

    延迟加载模块:延迟加载模块有助于减少启动时间。使用延迟加载,我们的应用程序不需要一次加载所有内容,它只需要加载用户在应用程序首次加载时期望看到的内容。只有当用户导航到他们的路线时,才会加载延迟加载的模块。 Angular2在其最终版本RC5中引入了模块。请参阅下面的分步指南。

  2. Aot Compilation : With AoT, the browser downloads a pre-compiled version of the application. The browser loads executable code so it can render the application immediately, without waiting to compile the app first.


    It reduces the payload size : There's no need to download the Angular compiler if the app is already compiled. The compiler is roughly half of Angular itself, so omitting it dramatically reduces the application payload. For more info see this.


  3. Webpack : Webpack is a popular module bundler, a tool for bundling application source code in convenient chunks and for loading that code from a server into a browser. You can configure your Angular 2 web application with webpack (see this guide).

    Webpack:Webpack是一种流行的模块捆绑器,一种用于将应用程序源代码捆绑在方便的块中以及将该代码从服务器加载到浏览器中的工具。您可以使用webpack配置Angular 2 Web应用程序(请参阅本指南)。

  4. Remove scripts,stylesheet from index.html : Remove all scripts and stylesheet which are not needed in index.html. You can load these script dynamically in component itself by calling a service.


    Make a file script.service.ts which can load any script on demand for that component



\ script.service.ts

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
declare var document: any;

export class Script {

  loadScript(path: string) {
    //load script
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      let script = document.createElement('script');
      script.type = 'text/javascript';
      script.src = path;
      if (script.readyState) {  //IE
        script.onreadystatechange = () => {
          if (script.readyState === "loaded" || script.readyState === "complete") {
            script.onreadystatechange = null;
            resolve({ loaded: true, status: 'Loaded' });
      } else {  //Others
          script.onload = () => {
            resolve({ loaded: true, status: 'Loaded' });
      script.onerror = (error: any) => resolve({ loaded: false, status: 'Loaded' });

This is just a sample code to load script dynamically, you can customize and optimize it by yourself according to your need. For stylesheet you should load it in component using styleUrl.


  1. Use Browser Caching : Your webpage files will get stored in the browser cache when you use browser caching. Your pages will load much faster for repeat visitors and so will other pages that share those same resources. For more info https://varvy.com/pagespeed/leverage-browser-caching.html


  2. minimize the code in app.component.ts : minimize the code present in app.component.ts which always run when the app loads or reloads.


  3. set data on app Initialization : if you are using same api calls multiple times in your project or in components, or you are dependent upon same data in multiple component, instead of calling api multiple times what you can do is save the data as an object in service on app initialization. That service will act as a singleton throughout the project and you can access that data without calling api.


Lazy loading of modules step by step


  1. Modular structure : We have to divide our App into separate modules. For example an app may have a user side and an admin side and each will have its own different components and routes, so we will separate this two sides into modules admin.module.ts and user.module.ts.


  2. Root Module : Every Angular app has a root module class. By convention it's a class called AppModule in a file named app.module.ts , this module will import the above two module and also the AppComponent for bootstrap. You can also declare multiple components according to your need. Sample code in app.module.ts:

    根模块:每个Angular应用程序都有一个根模块类。按照惯例,它是一个名为app.module.ts的文件中名为AppModule的类,该模块将导入上述两个模块以及AppComponent以进行引导。您还可以根据需要声明多个组件。 app.module.ts中的示例代码:


\ app.module.ts

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { UserModule } from './user/user.module';
import { AdminModule } from './admin/admin.module';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { LoginComponent } from './login.component';

  imports: [UserModule, AdminModule],
  declarations: [AppComponent, LoginComponent],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
  1. Routes : Now in your routes you can specify like the following
  2. 路线:现在在您的路线中,您可以指定如下


\ app.router.ts

import { ModuleWithProviders } from '@angular/core';
import { Routes, RouterModule } from '@angular/router';
import { LoginComponent } from './login.component';

const routes: Routes = [
  { path: 'login', component: 'LoginComponent' }, //eager loaded
  { path: 'admin', loadChildren: './admin/admin.module#AdminModule' }, // Lazy loaded module
  { path: 'user', loadChildren: './user/user.module#UserModule' }  //lazy loaded module

Now when the application loads, it will only load LoginComponent and AppComponent code. These modules will only be loaded when we visit /admin or /user routes. Hence it will decrease the size of payload for loading into the browser, thus resulting in fast loading.

现在,当应用程序加载时,它只会加载LoginComponent和AppComponent代码。只有在访问/ admin或/ user路由时才会加载这些模块。因此,它将减少用于加载到浏览器中的有效载荷的大小,从而导致快速加载。

  1. Nesting Modules : Just like app.module every module has its own set of components and routes. As your project becomes larger, the nesting of modules inside module is the best way to optimize because we can lazily load those modules whenever we require.
  2. 嵌套模块:就像app.module一样,每个模块都有自己的一组组件和路由。随着项目变得越来越大,模块内部模块的嵌套是优化的最佳方式,因为我们可以在需要时懒洋洋地加载这些模块。



Above code is only for explanation, please refer for full example https://angular-2-training-book.rangle.io/handout/modules/lazy-loading-module.html




It is difficult to diagnose the precise problem you are having without hands-on to your entire code base and backend (as others have suggested, the problem may not be angular at all).


Having said that, I HIGHLY recommend you start using the angular-cli. It was designed by the angular team to accomplish all of the things you need to do in a easy-to-use command line interface. So my answer is predicated on the use of the angular-cli.


Here are the general things you can do to optimize your ng2 project for production:


1) Ahead of Time (AoT) Compilation - Bundling/Minification/Tree-shaking

1)提前(AoT)编译 - 捆绑/缩小/树木摇晃

Look, forget about the headache of configuring a bunch of gulp tasks to accomplish all of these things. The angular-cli handles Bundling/Minification/Tree-shaking/AOT compilation in one easy step:

看,忘记配置一堆gulp任务来完成所有这些事情的头痛。 angular-cli只需一个简单步骤即可处理Bundling / Minification / Tree-shaking / AOT编译:

ng build -prod -aot

ng build -prod -aot

This will produce the following js files in your "dist" folder:


You will also get the gzipped versions of these files for MORE optimization:


Angular's AOT compilation will automatically do "tree shaking" on your code and get rid of any unused references. For example, you may use lodash in your project, but you probably only use a few lodash functions; tree shaking will trim away all the unused parts of lodash that are not needed in your final build. And most importantly, AOT compilation will pre-compile all of your code and views which means LESS time the browser needs to get the ng2 app rolling. Click here for more info on angular's AOT compilation.


2) Lazy loading parts of your app If you further carve up your app into different parts, you do not need to load EVERYING when your app first loads. You can specify different modules for your application that then can be bundled (by the angular-cli aot compiler) into different chunks. Read up here to learn how to organize your project into modules that you can compile into chucks that are only loaded AS NEEDED. Angular-cli will manage the creation of these chunks for you.

2)延迟加载应用程序的部分如果您进一步将应用程序划分为不同的部分,则无需在应用程序首次加载时加载每个部分。您可以为应用程序指定不同的模块,然后可以将这些模块(通过angular-cli aot编译器)捆绑到不同的块中。请阅读此处以了解如何将项目组织成模块,您可以将这些模块编译为仅按需要加载的卡盘。 Angular-cli将为您管理这些块的创建。

3) Angular Universal Now if you really want to make your load time EXTREMELY fast then you will want to consider implementing Angular Universal, which is when you compile your initial view ON THE SERVER. I have not used Angular Universal as I have been able to achieve fast load times with steps 1 and 2. But it is an exciting option in the ng2 toolset. Keep in mind you don't compile or run the ng2 app on the server, you compile the initial view serverside so the user quickly receives a jolt of html and thus the user PERCEIVES the load time to be very fast (even though a full load will still lag behind a little bit). This step does not obviate the need for the other steps. As a bonus, Angular Universal also is supposed to help with SEO.

3)Angular Universal现在,如果你真的想让你的加载时间非常快,那么你会想要考虑实现Angular Universal,这是在编译服务器上的初始视图时。我没有使用Angular Universal,因为我已经能够通过步骤1和2实现快速加载时间。但它在ng2工具集中是一个令人兴奋的选项。请记住,您不在服务器上编译或运行ng2应用程序,您编译初始视图服务器端,以便用户快速收到一个html,因此用户感知加载时间非常快(即使满载仍然会落后一点)。该步骤不会消除对其他步骤的需要。作为奖励,Angular Universal也应该帮助SEO。

4) Secondary bundling


If I am not using lazy loading, I usually go ahead and further bundle the distribution files that are generated from AOT compilation. Thus I create one main.bundle.js file that concats inline.js, vendor.js and main.js files. I use gulp for this.




because its SPA and angular 2 init too slow. thats it. plus RXjs, tons of polifills etc. AOT can help but a lot of angular2 libs do not work with it. angular universal realy helps

因为它的SPA和角度2 init太慢。而已。加上RXjs,大量的polifill等AOT可以提供帮助,但很多angular2 libs都无法使用它。角度通用真的有帮助



Try disabling source maps by running ng serve --sourcemap=false

尝试通过运行ng serve --sourcemap = false来禁用源映射