Setting up Ubuntu in CoLinux–changing local/keyboard to be English

时间:2023-03-08 19:26:09

Today i installed the CoLinux with Ubuntu package, but the default locale setting of the system is German, especially the keyboard is different from the U.S. keyboard.

I tried many times to map some special symbols, e.g. symbol '-' is mapped to key '?', ':' is mapped to '>', and '"' is mapped to '@'. Setting up Ubuntu in CoLinux–changing local/keyboard to be English

What i modified are bellowing files:

/var/lib/locales/supported.d/local          :          en_GB ISO-- 
/etc/environment : LANG="en_GB" LANGUAGE="en_GB:en"
/etc/locale.gen : en_GB ISO--

and the environment veriables:

$ export LANG="en_GB"
$ export LANGUAGE="en_GB:en"

And then, execute

$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

After that, the command $locale shows that the current locale is en_GB now, but the keyboard is still be German.
Googled for some help, following bellowing steps to change the keyboard to be English.

1. $ apt-get install console-data

2. $ apt-get install console-tools 
     3. $ dpkg-reconfigure console-data 
     4. $ loadkeys us

5. In order to avoid the problem that the keyboard has no response after restart, it's better to add following content in file /etc/rc.local before the 'exit' line.

loadkeys us


After downloading the package (base-200-10-11-11.7z) for Ubuntu, it cannot be unzip successfully using 7-Zip with error message says that "Unsupported compression method" or something like that.
Solution is to download and install the latest 7-Zip.
PS of PS:
To change the default window size, add config cocon in .conf file.
e.g. my setting is cocon=110x40x200.