If your running Windows 7 Home Premium you can configure this in the registry because you can not use the group policy editor. Go to Start and type cmd in the search window. Right click on cmd.exe and select Run as administrator. At the command prompt type regedit. Navigate to the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsNT\Terminal Services path and make sure there is not a DWORD named fAllowToGetHelp. If there is delete it.
翻译成中文就是除了常见的禁用远程连接的方法之外。通过配置fAllowToGetHelp一样可以禁用远程连接。如果在注册表的这个目录中HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsNT\Terminal Services看到有fAllowToGetHelp。把它删掉就可以勾选远程连接了。HKLM是HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE的缩写。
远程连接可以勾选之后,发现下面的允许远程连接到此计算机依旧无法勾选。查看可以正常过使用的电脑对比,发现正常情况下HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsNT\Terminal Services这个路径下面应该只有一个默认项。而有问题的这台机器则多处好几项。将多出选项删除之后远程连接恢复正常。