如何在Mac上从asp.net vnext运行HelloWeb?

时间:2022-02-02 05:38:01

I watched the stream from TechEd 2014 for the Future of Asp .Net and I saw that they could run vnext projects in MAC. In the Github project doesn't say anything about this feature.

我在TechEd 2014上看到了Asp .Net的未来流,我看到他们可以在MAC中运行vnext项目。在Github项目中没有说明这个功能。

So My questions is how does someone goes about publishing and running the HelloWeb or HelloMVC samples on a MAC.


I noticed that Hanselman and David fowler were using a custom copy of Nowin names Nowin.K is this library going to be release as an example anywhere?

我注意到Hanselman和David fowler正在使用Nowin名称的自定义副本Nowin.K这个库将作为示例在任何地方发布吗?



Currently what was shown on teched was a internal build put together show case the direction of the product. The team at microsoft together with the community are working hard to get the asp.net vnext working on linux and osx.

目前在teched上显示的内部构建放在一起展示了产品的方向。微软团队与社区一起努力让asp.net vnext在linux和osx上运行。

If you want to find out the current status check out on Issue 173 on github.com/aspnet/kruntime.


Once the support in integrated I will update this post and add answer explain how to go about it.




3 个解决方案



Updated answer Jan 21 '15

There is now updated support for ASP.NET 5 on OS X and *nix. The best information is on the ASP.NET Home Repo on GitHub that has a "Getting Started" section.

现在,OS X和* nix上的ASP.NET 5已得到更新支持。最好的信息是在GitHub上的ASP.NET Home Repo上有一个“入门”部分。

For OS X the Homebrew repo is here: https://github.com/aspnet/homebrew-k

对于OS X,Homebrew仓库在这里:https://github.com/aspnet/homebrew-k

For *nix the Docker repo is here: https://github.com/aspnet/aspnet-docker

对于* nix,Docker repo在这里:https://github.com/aspnet/aspnet-docker

Original answer from May 24 '14

It seems that you've found the discussion on the ASP.NET vNext "KRuntime" repo. Unfortunately the team is still in the midst of getting ASP.NET vNext working on Mac / Linux. What was shown at Tech Ed was live running code but using a lot of custom builds (e.g. Mono, as well as ASP.NET vNext). The team has been coordinating work with Miguel de Icaza to ensure that Mono has the required components for ASP.NET vNext. A lot of progress has been made, and it's getting very close, but it's not quite there.

您似乎已经在ASP.NET vNext“KRuntime”repo上找到了讨论。不幸的是,该团队仍在使用ASP.NET vNext在Mac / Linux上工作。 Tech Ed上显示的是实时运行代码,但使用了大量自定义构建(例如Mono,以及ASP.NET vNext)。该团队一直在与Miguel de Icaza协调工作,以确保Mono具有ASP.NET vNext所需的组件。已经取得了很多进展,并且它已经非常接近,但它并不完全存在。



As of the year 2015, the the post below is outdated.

A post has come out: ASP.NET vNext on OSX and Linux I will give it a shot, see if I can run HelloMvc on Ubuntu 14.04

一篇帖子出来了:OSX和Linux上的ASP.NET vNext我会试一试,看看我是否可以在Ubuntu 14.04上运行HelloMvc



I think what you might be looking for is Mono. Described as:


Cross platform, open source .NET framework


Mono is an open source implementation of Microsoft's .NET Framework based on the ECMA standards for C# and the Common Language Runtime. A growing family of solutions and an active and enthusiastic contributing community is helping position Mono to become the leading choice for development of cross platform applications.

Mono是Microsoft .NET Framework的开源实现,基于ECMA的C#标准和公共语言运行时。越来越多的解决方案系列以及积极热情的贡献社区正在帮助Mono成为跨平台应用程序开发的首选。



Updated answer Jan 21 '15

There is now updated support for ASP.NET 5 on OS X and *nix. The best information is on the ASP.NET Home Repo on GitHub that has a "Getting Started" section.

现在,OS X和* nix上的ASP.NET 5已得到更新支持。最好的信息是在GitHub上的ASP.NET Home Repo上有一个“入门”部分。

For OS X the Homebrew repo is here: https://github.com/aspnet/homebrew-k

对于OS X,Homebrew仓库在这里:https://github.com/aspnet/homebrew-k

For *nix the Docker repo is here: https://github.com/aspnet/aspnet-docker

对于* nix,Docker repo在这里:https://github.com/aspnet/aspnet-docker

Original answer from May 24 '14

It seems that you've found the discussion on the ASP.NET vNext "KRuntime" repo. Unfortunately the team is still in the midst of getting ASP.NET vNext working on Mac / Linux. What was shown at Tech Ed was live running code but using a lot of custom builds (e.g. Mono, as well as ASP.NET vNext). The team has been coordinating work with Miguel de Icaza to ensure that Mono has the required components for ASP.NET vNext. A lot of progress has been made, and it's getting very close, but it's not quite there.

您似乎已经在ASP.NET vNext“KRuntime”repo上找到了讨论。不幸的是,该团队仍在使用ASP.NET vNext在Mac / Linux上工作。 Tech Ed上显示的是实时运行代码,但使用了大量自定义构建(例如Mono,以及ASP.NET vNext)。该团队一直在与Miguel de Icaza协调工作,以确保Mono具有ASP.NET vNext所需的组件。已经取得了很多进展,并且它已经非常接近,但它并不完全存在。



As of the year 2015, the the post below is outdated.

A post has come out: ASP.NET vNext on OSX and Linux I will give it a shot, see if I can run HelloMvc on Ubuntu 14.04

一篇帖子出来了:OSX和Linux上的ASP.NET vNext我会试一试,看看我是否可以在Ubuntu 14.04上运行HelloMvc



I think what you might be looking for is Mono. Described as:


Cross platform, open source .NET framework


Mono is an open source implementation of Microsoft's .NET Framework based on the ECMA standards for C# and the Common Language Runtime. A growing family of solutions and an active and enthusiastic contributing community is helping position Mono to become the leading choice for development of cross platform applications.

Mono是Microsoft .NET Framework的开源实现,基于ECMA的C#标准和公共语言运行时。越来越多的解决方案系列以及积极热情的贡献社区正在帮助Mono成为跨平台应用程序开发的首选。