运行cmd脚本而不将其作为批处理文件从Delphi 2010应用程序中写入磁盘

时间:2022-03-20 04:52:10

Is there a way to run a complex command script (batch file) without writing it to disk?


I would like to type my script inside a memo and then ShellExecute it on button press without writing it to disk first.


1 个解决方案


Here is the solution that I tested and it works. Thanks for the answers!


var: script_lines:string;

script_lines:='hostname & getmac & ipconfig /all & tasklist';

ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar('cmd.exe'), PChar('/k '+script_lines), nil, SW_SHOW);


Here is the solution that I tested and it works. Thanks for the answers!


var: script_lines:string;

script_lines:='hostname & getmac & ipconfig /all & tasklist';

ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar('cmd.exe'), PChar('/k '+script_lines), nil, SW_SHOW);