
时间:2022-04-13 04:57:12

In Excel's VBA there are some properties which I can use without an object qualifier - for instance if I use the property ActiveCell without an object qualifier it is as if I used it on the Application object. How is it, generally, decided on which object a property is called if I don't specify an object qualifier? Can I, for instance, do something similar with my own class? Can I declare in my own class a property which can be called without an object qualifier?

在Excel的VBA中,有一些属性可以在没有对象限定符的情况下使用 - 例如,如果我使用没有对象限定符的属性ActiveCell,就好像我在Application对象上使用它一样。如果我没有指定对象限定符,通常如何决定调用属性的对象?例如,我可以和我自己的班级做类似的事情吗?我可以在我自己的类中声明一个可以在没有对象限定符的情况下调用的属性吗?

1 个解决方案



In VBA, a module or class is considered to inherit from the Application, then the object to which it is attached (a userform, worksheet, or ThisWorkbook), then itself. Also, if a procedure name is unambiguous, then it isn't usually necessary to qualify it when you use it.


You can reference Application.ActiveCell as just ActiveCell, unless your class or module also contains an ActiveCell method, in which case you'd need to qualify it with Application..


This also means that if you have MyProc as a member of MyModule, you can refer to it from another code/module file as just MyProc, but if you also have MyProc in MyOtherModule, then if you typed MyProc, it would call MyModule.MyProc if it was in MyModule, or MyOtherModule.MyProc if it was in MyOtherModule, otherwise it would raise an error stating that it was ambiguous, meaning that you'd have to qualify it to MyModule.MyProc or MyOtherModule.MyProc.




A class module defines the internal workings of a class, and a class must be instantiated before it can be used with New. A class's properties refer to a specific instance of a class, so must always be qualified with the instance to which it refers. I.e. if you have a class MyClass with a string property MyProperty, you would have to call MyProperty via an instance, e.g.:


Set MyClassInstance = New MyClass
Debug.Print MyClassInstance.MyProperty()

or even:


Debug.Print (New MyClass).MyProperty()

The only way to avoid typing the name of a class instance is to declare a With block:


Set MyClassInstance = New MyClass
With MyClassInstance 
    Debug.Print .MyProperty()
End With



In VBA, a module or class is considered to inherit from the Application, then the object to which it is attached (a userform, worksheet, or ThisWorkbook), then itself. Also, if a procedure name is unambiguous, then it isn't usually necessary to qualify it when you use it.


You can reference Application.ActiveCell as just ActiveCell, unless your class or module also contains an ActiveCell method, in which case you'd need to qualify it with Application..


This also means that if you have MyProc as a member of MyModule, you can refer to it from another code/module file as just MyProc, but if you also have MyProc in MyOtherModule, then if you typed MyProc, it would call MyModule.MyProc if it was in MyModule, or MyOtherModule.MyProc if it was in MyOtherModule, otherwise it would raise an error stating that it was ambiguous, meaning that you'd have to qualify it to MyModule.MyProc or MyOtherModule.MyProc.




A class module defines the internal workings of a class, and a class must be instantiated before it can be used with New. A class's properties refer to a specific instance of a class, so must always be qualified with the instance to which it refers. I.e. if you have a class MyClass with a string property MyProperty, you would have to call MyProperty via an instance, e.g.:


Set MyClassInstance = New MyClass
Debug.Print MyClassInstance.MyProperty()

or even:


Debug.Print (New MyClass).MyProperty()

The only way to avoid typing the name of a class instance is to declare a With block:


Set MyClassInstance = New MyClass
With MyClassInstance 
    Debug.Print .MyProperty()
End With