
时间:2022-05-10 05:25:03

There are many places across the web and Stack Overflow where one is discouraged from changing the priority of a ThreadPool thread or TPL Task. In particular:

Web和Stack Overflow中有很多地方不鼓励改变ThreadPool线程或TPL任务的优先级。尤其是:

"You have no control over the state and priority of a thread pool thread."
"The runtime manages the thread pool. You have no control over the scheduling of the thread, nor can you change the thread's priority."

“你无法控制线程池线程的状态和优先级。” “运行时管理线程池。您无法控制线程的调度,也无法更改线程的优先级。”

"You should not change the Culture or Priority or... of a PoolThread. Just like you don't paint or re-decorate a rental car."


"There are several scenarios in which it is appropriate to create and manage your own threads instead of using thread pool threads: (such as...) You require a thread to have a particular priority."


"Each thread in ThreadPool runs at the default priority and the code to change the ThreadPriority has no effect."


However, it is a simple matter to do so, and the debugger shows that the change does seem to stick (insofar as the value can be read back).


Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal;

So the question is, what is the specific reason for this particular taboo?


My suspicion: doing so disturbs the delicate load balancing-assumptions of the pool. But this doesn't explain why some sources say that you can't change it.


6 个解决方案



The thread pool, especially the .NET 4.0 thread pool, has many tricks up its sleeve and is a rather complicated system. Add in tasks and task schedulers and work stealing and all sorts of other things and the reality is you don't know what is going on. The thread pool may notice that your task is waiting on I/O and decide to schedule something quick on your task or suspend your thread to run something of higher priority. Your thread may somehow be a dependency for a higher-priority thread (that you may or may not be aware of) and end up causing a deadlock. Your thread may die in some abnormal way and be unable to restore priority.

线程池,特别是.NET 4.0线程池,有许多技巧,是一个相当复杂的系统。添加任务和任务调度程序,工作窃取和各种其他事情,现实是你不知道发生了什么。线程池可能会注意到您的任务正在等待I / O并决定快速安排任务,或者暂停线程以运行更高优先级的事务。您的线程可能以某种方式成为优先级较高的线程(您可能会或可能不会注意到)的依赖项,并最终导致死锁。您的线程可能会以某种异常方式死亡,无法恢复优先级。

If you have a long-running task such that you think it would be best that your thread have a lower priority then the thread pool probably isn't for you. While the algorithms have been improved in .NET 4.0, it is still best used for short-lived tasks where the cost of creating a new thread is disproportional to the length of the task. If your task runs for more than a second or two the cost of creating a new thread is insignificant (although management might be annoying).

如果你有一个长期运行的任务,你认为你的线程最好具有较低的优先级,那么线程池可能不适合你。虽然.NET 4.0中的算法得到了改进,但它仍然最适用于短期任务,其中创建新线程的成本与任务的长度不成比例。如果您的任务运行超过一两秒,则创建新线程的成本微不足道(尽管管理可能很烦人)。



I've done some experimentation with a reduced-size thread pool which seems to indicate that the thread's priority is reset back to normal once returned to the pool. This resource on threading seems to confirm it. So the effect seems to be very limited even if you do.




Lowering the priority could also lead to unexpected consequences.


Imagine you schedule a task in an application, but also call into a library that schedules several other tasks. Say you lower the thread priority while the app task runs. You could then end up with the normal priority tasks in the lib waiting for that low priority task to finish, if the pool doesn't spawn many threads, but the low priority thread it may not be given much CPU time if the rest of the system has many normal priority threads that want to run.


Increasing the number of pool threads would alleviate this, at the cost of wasting more memory on stacks and spending more CPU time on context switches.




If you do change anything, use try/finally to make sure you leave it as you found it.

如果您确实做了任何更改,请使用try / finally确保在找到它时保留它。



You certainly can change it if you really want to, but given that the thread pool threads are re-used, the next code that runs might not expect the change.




It's discouraged, specially if you're upping the priority, because it can affect the overall performance of your system.


Not to offer an overcomplicated answer, but in general, thread priority is a complex topic. For example, Windows has 2 related descriptors: thread priority and process priority. Both range from Idle, the lowest, to Time critical, the highest. When you start a new process, it's set to the default, the mid-range (a normal process priority with a normal thread priority).


Plus, thread priorities are relative, meaning that even setting a thread's priority to the highest in a busy system won't ensure that it will run in 'real-time'. DotNET offers no guarantees on this, neither does Windows. From that you can see why it's better to leave the threadpool alone, since, 99.9% of the time, it knows best :)

此外,线程优先级是相对的,这意味着即使在繁忙的系统中将线程的优先级设置为最高也不会确保它将“实时”运行。 DotNET对此不提供任何保证,Windows也不提供保证。从那你可以看出为什么最好不要单独留下线程池,因为,99.9%的时间,它最了解:)

All that said, it's ok to lower a thread's priority if the task involves a long computation. This won't affect other processes.


Increasing priority, however, should only be done for tasks that need to react quickly, and have a short execution time, because this can negatively affect other processes.




The thread pool, especially the .NET 4.0 thread pool, has many tricks up its sleeve and is a rather complicated system. Add in tasks and task schedulers and work stealing and all sorts of other things and the reality is you don't know what is going on. The thread pool may notice that your task is waiting on I/O and decide to schedule something quick on your task or suspend your thread to run something of higher priority. Your thread may somehow be a dependency for a higher-priority thread (that you may or may not be aware of) and end up causing a deadlock. Your thread may die in some abnormal way and be unable to restore priority.

线程池,特别是.NET 4.0线程池,有许多技巧,是一个相当复杂的系统。添加任务和任务调度程序,工作窃取和各种其他事情,现实是你不知道发生了什么。线程池可能会注意到您的任务正在等待I / O并决定快速安排任务,或者暂停线程以运行更高优先级的事务。您的线程可能以某种方式成为优先级较高的线程(您可能会或可能不会注意到)的依赖项,并最终导致死锁。您的线程可能会以某种异常方式死亡,无法恢复优先级。

If you have a long-running task such that you think it would be best that your thread have a lower priority then the thread pool probably isn't for you. While the algorithms have been improved in .NET 4.0, it is still best used for short-lived tasks where the cost of creating a new thread is disproportional to the length of the task. If your task runs for more than a second or two the cost of creating a new thread is insignificant (although management might be annoying).

如果你有一个长期运行的任务,你认为你的线程最好具有较低的优先级,那么线程池可能不适合你。虽然.NET 4.0中的算法得到了改进,但它仍然最适用于短期任务,其中创建新线程的成本与任务的长度不成比例。如果您的任务运行超过一两秒,则创建新线程的成本微不足道(尽管管理可能很烦人)。



I've done some experimentation with a reduced-size thread pool which seems to indicate that the thread's priority is reset back to normal once returned to the pool. This resource on threading seems to confirm it. So the effect seems to be very limited even if you do.




Lowering the priority could also lead to unexpected consequences.


Imagine you schedule a task in an application, but also call into a library that schedules several other tasks. Say you lower the thread priority while the app task runs. You could then end up with the normal priority tasks in the lib waiting for that low priority task to finish, if the pool doesn't spawn many threads, but the low priority thread it may not be given much CPU time if the rest of the system has many normal priority threads that want to run.


Increasing the number of pool threads would alleviate this, at the cost of wasting more memory on stacks and spending more CPU time on context switches.




If you do change anything, use try/finally to make sure you leave it as you found it.

如果您确实做了任何更改,请使用try / finally确保在找到它时保留它。



You certainly can change it if you really want to, but given that the thread pool threads are re-used, the next code that runs might not expect the change.




It's discouraged, specially if you're upping the priority, because it can affect the overall performance of your system.


Not to offer an overcomplicated answer, but in general, thread priority is a complex topic. For example, Windows has 2 related descriptors: thread priority and process priority. Both range from Idle, the lowest, to Time critical, the highest. When you start a new process, it's set to the default, the mid-range (a normal process priority with a normal thread priority).


Plus, thread priorities are relative, meaning that even setting a thread's priority to the highest in a busy system won't ensure that it will run in 'real-time'. DotNET offers no guarantees on this, neither does Windows. From that you can see why it's better to leave the threadpool alone, since, 99.9% of the time, it knows best :)

此外,线程优先级是相对的,这意味着即使在繁忙的系统中将线程的优先级设置为最高也不会确保它将“实时”运行。 DotNET对此不提供任何保证,Windows也不提供保证。从那你可以看出为什么最好不要单独留下线程池,因为,99.9%的时间,它最了解:)

All that said, it's ok to lower a thread's priority if the task involves a long computation. This won't affect other processes.


Increasing priority, however, should only be done for tasks that need to react quickly, and have a short execution time, because this can negatively affect other processes.
