Formatting is Specified but argument is not IFormattable

时间:2023-03-08 18:50:44
Formatting is Specified but argument is not IFormattable
private void DeviceSetText(TextBox textBox, string text)
if (text != "") //小数位后保留2位
text = string.Format("{0:0.00}", text);
textBox.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate
textBox.Text = text;
text = string.Format("{0:0.00}", text);



string listOfItemPrices = items.ToSemiColonList(item => string.Format("{0:C}", item.Price.ToString()));

By passing item.Price.ToString() to String.Format, you are passing a string, not a decimal.
Since strings cannot be used with format strings, you're getting an error.

You need to pass the Decimal value to String.Format by removing .ToString().
