![[翻译] 学习iOS开发的建议:如何从菜鸟到专家 [翻译] 学习iOS开发的建议:如何从菜鸟到专家](https://image.shishitao.com:8440/aHR0cHM6Ly9ia3FzaW1nLmlrYWZhbi5jb20vdXBsb2FkL2NoYXRncHQtcy5wbmc%2FIQ%3D%3D.png?!?w=700)
iOS Quick Tip: From Novice to Expert
Bart Jacobs on Jul 29th 2013 with 5 comments
Even though it’s possible to learn the essentials of iOS Development in a weekend, it will take much longer to master the craft. The question then is how do you transition from a novice to an expert? In this quick tip, I will provide you with a breadcrumb trail that may help you on your way to becoming a great iOS developer.
1. Practice, Practice, Practice
There are no shortcuts. This is something that I’d like to emphasize before continuing, because it is important to get rid of any illusions that might be stuck in your head. You don’t become a skilled developer if you only program on Sunday afternoons between 4PM and 5PM…if the sun isn’t shining and there’s nothing on television. Don’t get me wrong, it may be fun to do so, but it won’t bring you much closer to your goal of becoming an expert developer. Apart from a few exceptions, most people need practice -and lots of it. If you aren’t prepared to put in the hours, then it’s better to revisit your goals and ambitions. Become great at something you love and the time spent practicing will be its own reward.
2. Learn From Others
One of the best strategies to improve your skills and to adopt best practices is to learn from other people’s code. This not only means browsingStack Overflow, but also, and more importantly, libraries or code snippets that are open sourced by fellow developers.
一个提高你能力的最好的策略以及最有效率做练习的方式就是去学习别人的代码.这里不仅仅是说你去 Stack Overflow (栈溢出网站可是相当不错的网站哦)网站上去取经就够了,去学习少数大神的开源库以及它们的一些代码片段也是非常重要的.
Whenever you dive into a library, such as AFNetworking or Magical Record, it is key to not be overwhelmed by the code you read. Chances are that you don’t understand every line of code in these libraries, but that’s not really the point. The point is to look at the source code from a higher level and learn as much as possible, such as naming conventions, best practices, design patterns, etc.
一旦你深入到了一个库,例如 AFNetworking 或者 Magical Record,不要被那些晦涩难懂的巨量的代码所吓尿了,你不可能懂得这些库里面的每一行代码每一处私密的地方,但是呢,那不是学习的要点所在哦,真正需要学到的是,从一个更高的角度来尽可能的学习它们,例如一些常用的使用方法,设计优秀的地方,设计模式等等诸如此类.
In addition to learning from other people’s code, it is a good learning experience to create your own libraries. Some time ago, I was developing an application that uses Core Data as the data layer. Instead of using Magical Record, I decided to create my own library by exploring Magical Record and recreating the pieces of functionality that I needed. Not only did this result in a lean, agile library, it also taught me a lot about the inner workings of Magical Record.
除了去学习别人的代码之外,另一种好的学习经验就是创建你自己的库.long long ago, 我在开发一个应用程序时,那个...用到了Core Data作为应用程序的data层,而不是用Magical Record,我决定创建我自己的库,从Magical Record中寻求灵感以及提取出我自己想要的功能,最后呢,我不仅创建出了一个瘦小的灵活的库,而且,我还学习到了Magical Record中很多的核心设计方法.
3. Don’t Copy and Paste
This brings me to another key aspect of learning the right way: don’t mindlessly copy and paste code. We all use code snippets that we find on places like Stack Overflow or Apple’s Developer Forums, but it’s important to not mindlessly copy and paste the code that you find on the web. By copying code that you find, you don’t learn a thing. The greater danger is that you don’t know what you’ve just added to your code base. This might result in unexpected behavior and it will make it very difficult to debug your code later.
我的另外一个好的学习经验是:不要脑残的复制和粘贴别人的代码.或许我们都会从 Stack Overflow 或者 Apple's Developer Forums 中找到些代码片段来使用,但请不要随意的从网上下载代码然后无脑的进行复制粘贴.你用了你的不经过前额思考过的代码,你啥也不懂,而且,一个很大的风险是,你根本就不知道到底加了什么鬼东西到你的工程中,这个也许会出现各种奇葩的问题,而且,接下来,你得面对痛苦的debug过程,估计也搞不定的^_^.
It may be tempting from time to time to quickly use a code snippet that seemingly solves the problem that you are working on, but I strongly urge against this practice. Read the code, understand what you are adding into the code base, and, possibly, customize the solution to your needs.
It goes without saying that this doesn’t apply to libraries or frameworks that are actively maintained. If you had to go through Magical Record before you’d be able to use it in your project… I’m sure you understand the difference. Use your common sense.
4. Patterns
Cocoa and Objective-C are in many ways very different from other programming languages and environments. This means that they have their own patterns and best practices. I’m sure that you’re already familiar with a few common patterns, such as delegation and notifications. However, there are many more patterns that can help you during your development, such as the singleton, observer, and command patterns. The Cocoa Fundamentals Guide gives you a nice overview of the most common patterns in Cocoa.
Cocoa 和 Objective-C 在某些地方,与其他的编程语言有着很大的差异哦,这意味着,它们都有着它们自己的一种模式和一种最适合自己的编程方式.我相信,你已经对一些常用的设计模式如代理和通知模式有所了解.然而,还有着其他的一些(设计)模式能够帮助你开发,诸如单例.观察者.和指挥者模式.这本书 Cocoa Fundamentals Guide 能给你一个较为全面的关于Cocoa中使用到的一些设计模式的指导.
5. Know Your Tools
Becoming a great developer isn’t only about understanding the language and the frameworks. It is just as much about working efficiently with the tools that you use day in and day out. For iOS development, this means Xcode and possibly other tools, such as PonyDebugger andCharles.
If you’d like to learn a few extra tricks, you may be interested in a previous quick tip that I wrote about this topic.
6. Stay Up To Date
Even if you can’t attend Apple’s yearly developer conference, WWDC, it is a good idea to browse the numerous session videos and watch the ones that spark your interest. The presentations are usually given by the engineers that work on the technologies covered in the session, which gives you detailed information and instructions about how to use them. It is also a great way to quickly get up to speed with those technologies.
There are many excellent developers that regularly write about their craft, such as Matt Gemmell, Aaron Hillegass, and Mike Ash. You can find a more extensive list in a previous post I’ve written for Mobiletuts+.
一些巨牛逼的开发者,经常会写写关于他们牛叉的工作的,如Matt Gemmel.Aaron Hillegass 和 Mike Ash,最近我已经把那份详细的变态人物列表分享在了Mobiletuts+网站上,来捧捧场吧.
Bonus: Learn Other Languages
I have noticed that my overall understanding of software development has improved significantly by learning new languages or working with new frameworks. The advantage of this approach is that you don’t limit your view of what is possible to the language that you are most familiar with.
I recently dipped my toes in Ember.js and learned that the creators, Yehuda Katz and Tom Dale took inspiration from Cocoa. The implementation of the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern of Ember.js is a bit unconventional for a JavaScript framework, but it is not that surprising if you are familiar with Cocoa.
最近我染指了Ember.js,他的创建者 Yehuda Katz 和 Tom Dale 可是从Cocoa开发中得到的灵感哟.这个MVC设计的实现对于JaveScript 框架来说可是很奇葩的(非传统的),但是呢,如果你熟悉Cocoa,那也没啥了不起的.
There is no “best” language to write software in as they all have their pros and cons. The nice thing, however, is that they are all a little (or a lot) different and it’s those differences that makes learning new languages interesting and eye opening. Ruby, for example, was a real eye opener for me in terms of writing DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself), readable, and clean code.
If you don’t want to put in the hours to become a better programmer, then you may want to reconsider why you wanted to become a programmer in the first place. However, if you get excited about a new library or tool that can help you in your development, then you probably won’t have a problem improving your skills over time. You really have to love what you do to become good at it and I think this is especially true for programming. No matter what people tell you, you won’t become an expert developer overnight, but I promise you that your skills will improve if you keep learning and beating on your craft.