哪些信息包含作为.xlsx Excel 2007文件一部分的sheet * .xml文档?

时间:2023-02-07 17:58:29

What information are contained in sheet*.xml document which is part of .xlsx file ? When trying to figure out why file with ~200 filled cells have size of ~12Mb I've found that sheet1.xml have size of 130 Mb (after decompression of .xlsx file), all its content looks like (below). When I've deleted rows and columns outside the range where those 200 filled cells are size of file dropped to 17kb, I wonder what information gave the previous file its size.

sheet * .xml文档中包含哪些信息,它们是.xlsx文件的一部分?当试图找出为什么带有~200个填充单元格的文件大小为~12Mb时,我发现sheet1.xml的大小为130 Mb(在解压缩.xlsx文件之后),其所有内容看起来都像(下图)。当我删除那些200个填充单元格的文件大小减少到17kb的范围之外的行和列时,我想知道什么信息给了前一个文件它的大小。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<worksheet xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main" xmlns:r="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"><sheetPr codeName="Arkusz3"/><dimension ref="A1:I1048499"/><sheetViews><sheetView tabSelected="1" workbookViewId="0"><selection activeCell="D14" sqref="D14"/></sheetView></sheetViews><sheetFormatPr defaultRowHeight="14.25"/><cols><col min="1" max="1" width="7.5" style="10" customWidth="1"/><col min="2" max="2" width="9.25" customWidth="1"/><col min="3" max="3" width="13.25" customWidth="1"/><col min="4" max="4" width="102.625" style="11" customWidth="1"/></cols><sheetData><row r="1" spans="1:9" s="6" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A1" s="1" t="s"><v>101</v></c><c r="B1" s="1" t="s"><v>102</v></c><c r="C1" s="1" t="s"><v>104</v></c><c r="D1" s="1" t="s"><v>106</v></c><c r="E1" s="12"/><c r="F1" s="12"/><c r="G1" s="12"/><c r="H1" s="12"/><c r="I1" s="12"/></row><row r="2" spans="1:9" s="6" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A2" s="6" t="s"><v>105</v></c><c r="B2" s="6" t="s"><v>107</v></c><c r="C2" s="6" t="s"><v>108</v></c><c r="D2" s="13" t="s"><v>109</v></c><c r="E2" s="3"/><c r="F2" s="14"/><c r="G2" s="4"/><c r="H2" s="8"/><c r="I2" s="8"/></row><row r="3" spans="1:9" s="6" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A3" s="6" t="s"><v>105</v></c><c r="B3" s="6" t="s"><v>107</v></c><c r="C3" s="6" t="s"><v>108</v></c><c r="D3" s="13" t="s"><v>110</v></c><c r="E3" s="3"/><c r="F3" s="14"/><c r="G3" s="4"/></row><row r="4" spans="1:9" s="6" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A4" s="6" t="s"><v>105</v></c><c r="B4" s="6" t="s"><v>107</v></c><c r="C4" s="6" t="s"><v>108</v></c><c r="D4" s="13" t="s"><v>111</v></c><c r="E4" s="3"/><c r="F4" s="14"/><c r="G4" s="3"/></row><row r="5" spans="1:9" s="6" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A5" s="6" t="s"><v>105</v></c><c r="B5" s="6" t="s"><v>107</v></c><c r="C5" s="6" t="s"><v>108</v></c><c r="D5" s="13" t="s"><v>112</v></c><c r="E5" s="3"/><c r="F5" s="14"/><c r="G5" s="4"/></row><row 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r="H108" s="5"/><c r="I108" s="5"/></row><row r="109" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A109" s="6"/><c r="H109" s="5"/><c r="I109" s="5"/></row><row r="110" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A110" s="6"/><c r="H110" s="5"/><c r="I110" s="5"/></row><row r="111" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A111" s="6"/><c r="H111" s="5"/><c r="I111" s="5"/></row><row r="112" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A112" s="6"/><c r="H112" s="5"/><c r="I112" s="5"/></row><row r="113" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A113" s="6"/><c r="H113" s="5"/><c r="I113" s="5"/></row><row r="114" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A114" s="6"/><c r="H114" s="5"/><c r="I114" s="5"/></row><row r="115" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A115" s="6"/><c r="H115" s="5"/><c r="I115" s="5"/></row><row r="116" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A116" s="6"/><c r="H116" s="5"/><c r="I116" s="5"/></row><row 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customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A167" s="6"/><c r="H167" s="5"/><c r="I167" s="5"/></row><row r="168" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A168" s="6"/><c r="H168" s="5"/><c r="I168" s="5"/></row><row r="169" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A169" s="6"/><c r="H169" s="5"/><c r="I169" s="5"/></row><row r="170" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A170" s="6"/><c r="H170" s="5"/><c r="I170" s="5"/></row><row r="171" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A171" s="6"/><c r="H171" s="5"/><c r="I171" s="5"/></row><row r="172" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A172" s="6"/><c r="H172" s="5"/><c r="I172" s="5"/></row><row r="173" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A173" s="6"/><c r="H173" s="5"/><c r="I173" s="5"/></row><row r="174" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A174" s="6"/><c r="H174" s="5"/><c r="I174" s="5"/></row><row r="175" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A175" s="6"/><c r="H175" s="5"/><c r="I175" s="5"/></row><row r="176" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A176" s="6"/><c r="H176" s="5"/><c r="I176" s="5"/></row><row r="177" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A177" s="6"/><c r="H177" s="5"/><c r="I177" s="5"/></row><row r="178" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A178" s="6"/><c r="H178" s="5"/><c r="I178" s="5"/></row><row r="179" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A179" s="6"/><c r="H179" s="5"/><c r="I179" s="5"/></row><row r="180" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A180" s="6"/><c r="H180" s="5"/><c r="I180" s="5"/></row><row r="181" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A181" s="6"/><c r="H181" s="5"/><c r="I181" s="5"/></row><row r="182" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A182" s="6"/><c r="H182" s="5"/><c r="I182" s="5"/></row><row r="183" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A183" s="6"/><c r="H183" s="5"/><c r="I183" s="5"/></row><row r="184" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A184" s="6"/><c r="H184" s="5"/><c r="I184" s="5"/></row><row r="185" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A185" s="6"/><c r="H185" s="5"/><c r="I185" s="5"/></row><row r="186" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A186" s="6"/><c r="H186" s="5"/><c r="I186" s="5"/></row><row r="187" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A187" s="6"/><c r="H187" s="5"/><c r="I187" s="5"/></row><row r="188" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A188" s="6"/><c r="H188" s="5"/><c r="I188" s="5"/></row><row r="189" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A189" s="6"/><c r="H189" s="5"/><c r="I189" s="5"/></row><row r="190" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A190" s="6"/><c r="H190" s="5"/><c r="I190" s="5"/></row><row r="191" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A191" s="6"/><c r="H191" s="5"/><c r="I191" s="5"/></row><row r="192" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A192" s="6"/><c r="H192" s="5"/><c r="I192" s="5"/></row><row r="193" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A193" s="6"/><c r="H193" s="5"/><c r="I193" s="5"/></row><row r="194" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A194" s="6"/><c r="H194" s="5"/><c r="I194" s="5"/></row><row r="195" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A195" s="6"/><c r="H195" s="5"/><c r="I195" s="5"/></row><row r="196" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A196" s="6"/><c r="H196" s="5"/><c r="I196" s="5"/></row><row r="197" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A197" s="6"/><c r="H197" s="5"/><c r="I197" s="5"/></row><row r="198" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A198" s="6"/><c r="H198" s="5"/><c r="I198" s="5"/></row><row r="199" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A199" s="6"/><c r="H199" s="5"/><c r="I199" s="5"/></row><row r="200" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A200" s="6"/><c r="H200" s="5"/><c r="I200" s="5"/></row><row r="201" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A201" s="6"/><c r="H201" s="5"/><c r="I201" s="5"/></row><row r="202" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A202" s="6"/><c r="H202" s="5"/><c r="I202" s="5"/></row><row r="203" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A203" s="6"/><c r="H203" s="5"/><c r="I203" s="5"/></row><row r="204" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A204" s="6"/><c r="H204" s="5"/><c r="I204" s="5"/></row><row r="205" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A205" s="6"/><c r="H205" s="5"/><c r="I205" s="5"/></row><row r="206" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A206" s="6"/><c r="H206" s="5"/><c r="I206" s="5"/></row><row r="207" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A207" s="6"/><c r="H207" s="5"/><c r="I207" s="5"/></row><row r="208" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A208" s="6"/><c r="H208" s="5"/><c r="I208" s="5"/></row><row r="209" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A209" s="6"/><c r="H209" s="5"/><c r="I209" s="5"/></row><row r="210" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A210" s="6"/><c r="H210" s="5"/><c r="I210" s="5"/></row><row r="211" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A211" s="6"/><c r="H211" s="5"/><c r="I211" s="5"/></row><row r="212" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A212" s="6"/><c r="H212" s="5"/><c r="I212" s="5"/></row><row r="213" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A213" s="6"/><c r="H213" s="5"/><c r="I213" s="5"/></row><row r="214" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A214" s="6"/><c r="H214" s="5"/><c r="I214" s="5"/></row><row r="215" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A215" s="6"/><c r="H215" s="5"/><c r="I215" s="5"/></row><row r="216" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A216" s="6"/><c r="H216" s="5"/><c r="I216" s="5"/></row><row r="217" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A217" s="6"/><c r="H217" s="5"/><c r="I217" s="5"/></row><row r="218" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A218" s="6"/><c r="H218" s="5"/><c r="I218" s="5"/></row><row r="219" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A219" s="6"/><c r="H219" s="5"/><c r="I219" s="5"/></row><row r="220" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A220" s="6"/><c r="H220" s="5"/><c r="I220" s="5"/></row><row r="221" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A221" s="6"/><c r="H221" s="5"/><c r="I221" s="5"/></row><row r="222" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A222" s="6"/><c r="H222" s="5"/><c r="I222" s="5"/></row><row r="223" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A223" s="6"/><c r="H223" s="5"/><c r="I223" s="5"/></row><row r="224" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A224" s="6"/><c r="H224" s="5"/><c r="I224" s="5"/></row><row r="225" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A225" s="6"/><c r="H225" s="5"/><c r="I225" s="5"/></row><row r="226" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A226" s="6"/><c r="H226" s="5"/><c r="I226" s="5"/></row><row r="227" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A227" s="6"/><c r="H227" s="5"/><c r="I227" s="5"/></row><row r="228" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A228" s="6"/><c r="H228" s="5"/><c r="I228" s="5"/></row><row r="229" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A229" s="6"/><c r="H229" s="5"/><c r="I229" s="5"/></row><row r="230" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A230" s="6"/><c r="H230" s="5"/><c r="I230" s="5"/></row><row r="231" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A231" s="6"/><c r="H231" s="5"/><c r="I231" s="5"/></row><row r="232" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A232" s="6"/><c r="H232" s="5"/><c r="I232" s="5"/></row><row r="233" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A233" s="6"/><c r="H233" s="5"/><c r="I233" s="5"/></row><row r="234" spans="1:9" s="2" customFormat="1" ht="12"><c r="A234" s="6"/

1 个解决方案



The sheet*.xml in the Office Open XML format file contains all of the worksheet data for the file. This is typically row, column and cell data and other worksheet specific settings and metadata.

Office Open XML格式文件中的工作表* .xml包含该文件的所有工作表数据。这通常是行,列和单元格数据以及其他特定于工作表的设置和元数据。

In the snippet of the file that you show above there are a lot of blank cells without data but with formatting and also modified rows with change height.


This formatting data takes up a lot of space (as you have seen) even if the cells don't contain number or string data.




The sheet*.xml in the Office Open XML format file contains all of the worksheet data for the file. This is typically row, column and cell data and other worksheet specific settings and metadata.

Office Open XML格式文件中的工作表* .xml包含该文件的所有工作表数据。这通常是行,列和单元格数据以及其他特定于工作表的设置和元数据。

In the snippet of the file that you show above there are a lot of blank cells without data but with formatting and also modified rows with change height.


This formatting data takes up a lot of space (as you have seen) even if the cells don't contain number or string data.
