在ASP CLASSIC中使用SQL参数,对象不正确地定义了错误

时间:2022-04-22 05:39:01

I am trying to protect my INSERT statement from SQL injection using Parameters, but for some reason I am getting the error: Parameter object is improperly defined. Inconsistent or incomplete information was provided...


Though, I have no clue what is causing it.


My SQL statement is as follows:


Set spSQL = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
                Set spSQL.ActiveConnection=con_vhs

                vrdSQL="INSERT INTO boekingen ([Order],[Positie],[Tariefnummer],[Relatie],[Datum],[AantalEenheden],[Omschrijving],[Bedrag],[Totaal],[Status]) VALUES (@Order,@Pos,@Tar,@Rel,@Datum,@Aantal,@Omsch,@Bedrag,@Totaal,@Status)"
                spSQL.commandtext= vrdSQL

                spSQL.Parameters.Append(spSQL.CreateParameter("@Order", adInteger,,,1506))
                spSQL.Parameters.Append(spSQL.CreateParameter("@Pos", adVarWChar,,10,"0"))
                spSQL.Parameters.Append(spSQL.CreateParameter("@Tar", adVarWChar,,50,"VRD"))
                spSQL.Parameters.Append(spSQL.CreateParameter("@Rel", adInteger,,,4020))
                spSQL.Parameters.Append(spSQL.CreateParameter("@Datum", adDate,,,iDatumTotaal))
                spSQL.Parameters.Append(spSQL.CreateParameter("@Aantal", adSingle,,,"5,25"))
                spSQL.Parameters.Append(spSQL.CreateParameter("@Omsch", adVarWChar,,150,OmschrijvingGoed))
                spSQL.Parameters.Append(spSQL.CreateParameter("@Bedrag", adDecimal,,,sBedrag))
                spSQL.Parameters.Append(spSQL.CreateParameter("@Totaal", adDecimal,,,sTotaal))
                spSQL.Parameters.Append(spSQL.CreateParameter("@Status", adInteger,,,StatusVRD))

                Dim oPrm

                For Each oPrm In spSQL.Parameters
                    If oPrm.Type = adDecimal Then
                        oPrm.NumericScale = 2
                        oPrm.Precision = 17
                    End If

                set rst= spSQL.execute(vrdSQL)

Some parameters values are set hard-coded (just for test purposes) and some are set using variables. I am getting the error however already on the first append parameter line.. What am I doing wrong?


Some additional information:


  • I am inserting the data into a SQL 2012 Server.
  • 我将数据插入SQL 2012 Server。

  • The types in the SQL server are as follows:

    SQL Server中的类型如下:

    @Order = int
    @Pos = nvarchar(10)
    @Tar = nvarchar(50)
    @Rel = int
    @Datum = datetime2(0)
    @Aantal = real
    @Omsch = nvarchar(150)
    @Bedrag = money (will be changed to Decimal(17,2) soon
    @Totaal = money (will be changed to Decimal(17,2) soon)
    @Status = int

    @Order = int @Pos = nvarchar(10)@Tar = nvarchar(50)@Rel = int @Datum = datetime2(0)@Aantal = real @Omsch = nvarchar(150)@Bedrag = money(将更改为Decimal (17,2)很快@Totaal = money(很快将改为Decimal(17,2))@Status = int


Set spSQL = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
            Set spSQL.ActiveConnection=con_vhs

            spSQLCommandType = adCmdText

            vrdSQL="INSERT INTO boekingen ([Order],[Positie],[Tariefnummer],[Relatie],[Datum],[AantalEenheden],[Omschrijving],[Bedrag],[Totaal],[Status]) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
            spSQL.commandtext= vrdSQL

            spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Order", adInteger,adParamInput,4)
            spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Positie", adVarWChar,adParamInput,10)
            spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Tariefnummer", adVarWChar,adParamInput,50)
            spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Relatie", adInteger,adParamInput,4)
            spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Datum", adDate,adParamInput,0)
            spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@AantalEenheden", adSingle,adParamInput,4)
            spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Omschrijving", adVarWChar,adParamInput,150)
            spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Bedrag", adDecimal,adParamInput,0)
            spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Totaal", adDecimal,adParamInput,0)
            spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Status", adInteger,adParamInput,4)

            spSQL.Parameters("@Order").Value = 1506
            spSQL.Parameters("@Positie").Value = "0"
            spSQL.Parameters("@Tariefnummer").Value = "VRD"
            spSQL.Parameters("@Relatie").Value = 4020
            spSQL.Parameters("@Datum").Value = iDatumTotaal
            spSQL.Parameters("@AantalEenheden").Value = TestAantal
            spSQL.Parameters("@Omschrijving").Value = OmschrijvingGoed
            spSQL.Parameters("@Bedrag").Value = sBedrag
            spSQL.Parameters("@Totaal").Value = sTotaal
            spSQL.Parameters("@Status").Value = StatusVRD

            Dim oPrm

            For Each oPrm In spSQL.Parameters
                If oPrm.Type = adDecimal Then
                    oPrm.NumericScale = 2
                    oPrm.Precision = 17
                End If

            set rst= spSQL.execute(vrdSQL)

Update 2, Removed the parenthesis around the .append and added the right size values in the parameters. Still getting the error:


Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.. . ON spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Order", adInteger,adParamInput,4)

参数类型错误,超出可接受的范围,或彼此冲突。 on spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter(“@ Order”,adInteger,adParamInput,4)


This update was after inserting the meta tag in my global.asa file.


I updated my global.asa file with the following:


  <!-- METADATA 

The global.asa file now looks as follows:


<script language="VBScript" runat="Server">
Sub Session_OnStart

 Session.Timeout = 480

End Sub

The code of the parameters remained the same. Now I am getting (happily) a different error on the execute:


[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Optional feature not implemented. . ON set rst= spSQL.execute(vrdSQL)

[Microsoft] [ODBC SQL Server驱动程序]未实现可选功能。 。 ON set rst = spSQL.execute(vrdSQL)

1 个解决方案



Alright, after much discussion with Lankymart, which continued in the chat, I finally got it fixed.


Because the error was not fixed with just one adjustment, ill post all the adjustments made.


  • First of all I removed the first (unnecessary) parenthesis of spSQL.Parameters.Append(spSQL.CreateParameter("@Order", adInteger,,,1506))
  • 首先,我删除了spSQL.Parameters.Append的第一个(不必要的)括号(spSQL.CreateParameter(“@ Order”,adInteger ,,, 1506))

  • Secondly, I replaced the @vars in my SQL string with question marks.
  • 其次,我用问号替换了我的SQL字符串中的@vars。

  • Then I separately added the Parameters values and also added the spSQLCommandType = adCmdText (pointed out in this link: *.com/a/22037613/692942)

    然后我单独添加了参数值,还添加了spSQLCommandType = adCmdText(在此链接中指出:*.com/a/22037613/692942)

  • I also changed the SIZES of all the parameter data types to the right size (using this link: Data type mapping) instead of default nothing or 0.


  • The biggest problem however was caused by not including the right DDL file for handling my ADO parameters. This was added in the global.asa file. <!-- METADATA TYPE="typelib" UUID="00000200-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4" -->


  • A few smaller problems remained with one of them being a error on the execute which was changed to: Call spSQL.execute(adExecuteNoRecords)
  • 一些较小的问题仍然存在,其中一个是执行错误,更改为:调用spSQL.execute(adExecuteNoRecords)

  • The last problem was caused because adDate wasn't recognized or viable for my SQL server 2012. I changed the ADO type adDate to adDBTimeStamp which solved the problem.
  • 最后一个问题是由于我的SQL Server 2012无法识别或可行adDate而引起的。我将ADO类型adDate更改为adDBTimeStamp,这解决了问题。

The entire 'fixed' code is as follow:


Set spSQL = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
                Set spSQL.ActiveConnection=con_vhs

                spSQL.CommandType = adCmdText

                vrdSQL="INSERT INTO boekingen ([Order],[Positie],[Tariefnummer],[Relatie],[Datum],[AantalEenheden],[Omschrijving],[Bedrag],[Totaal],[Status]) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
                spSQL.commandtext= vrdSQL

                spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Order",adInteger,adParamInput,4)
                spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Positie", adVarWChar,adParamInput,10)
                spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Tariefnummer", adVarWChar,adParamInput,50)
                spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Relatie", adInteger,adParamInput,4)
                spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Datum", adDBTimeStamp,adParamInput,0)
                spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@AantalEenheden", adSingle,adParamInput,4)
                spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Omschrijving", adVarWChar,adParamInput,150)
                spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Bedrag", adDecimal,adParamInput,0)
                spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Totaal", adDecimal,adParamInput,0)
                spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Status", adInteger,adParamInput,4)

                spSQL.Parameters("@Order").Value = 1506
                spSQL.Parameters("@Positie").Value = "0"
                spSQL.Parameters("@Tariefnummer").Value = "VRD"
                spSQL.Parameters("@Relatie").Value = 4020
                spSQL.Parameters("@Datum").Value = iDatumTotaal
                spSQL.Parameters("@AantalEenheden").Value = TestAantal
                spSQL.Parameters("@Omschrijving").Value = OmschrijvingGoed
                spSQL.Parameters("@Bedrag").Value = sBedrag
                spSQL.Parameters("@Totaal").Value = sTotaal
                spSQL.Parameters("@Status").Value = StatusVRD

                Dim oPrm

                For Each oPrm In spSQL.Parameters
                    If oPrm.Type = adDecimal Then
                        oPrm.NumericScale = 2
                        oPrm.Precision = 17
                    End If

                Call spSQL.execute(adExecuteNoRecords)

Thanks to Lankymart for the awesome help fixing this problem!




Alright, after much discussion with Lankymart, which continued in the chat, I finally got it fixed.


Because the error was not fixed with just one adjustment, ill post all the adjustments made.


  • First of all I removed the first (unnecessary) parenthesis of spSQL.Parameters.Append(spSQL.CreateParameter("@Order", adInteger,,,1506))
  • 首先,我删除了spSQL.Parameters.Append的第一个(不必要的)括号(spSQL.CreateParameter(“@ Order”,adInteger ,,, 1506))

  • Secondly, I replaced the @vars in my SQL string with question marks.
  • 其次,我用问号替换了我的SQL字符串中的@vars。

  • Then I separately added the Parameters values and also added the spSQLCommandType = adCmdText (pointed out in this link: *.com/a/22037613/692942)

    然后我单独添加了参数值,还添加了spSQLCommandType = adCmdText(在此链接中指出:*.com/a/22037613/692942)

  • I also changed the SIZES of all the parameter data types to the right size (using this link: Data type mapping) instead of default nothing or 0.


  • The biggest problem however was caused by not including the right DDL file for handling my ADO parameters. This was added in the global.asa file. <!-- METADATA TYPE="typelib" UUID="00000200-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4" -->


  • A few smaller problems remained with one of them being a error on the execute which was changed to: Call spSQL.execute(adExecuteNoRecords)
  • 一些较小的问题仍然存在,其中一个是执行错误,更改为:调用spSQL.execute(adExecuteNoRecords)

  • The last problem was caused because adDate wasn't recognized or viable for my SQL server 2012. I changed the ADO type adDate to adDBTimeStamp which solved the problem.
  • 最后一个问题是由于我的SQL Server 2012无法识别或可行adDate而引起的。我将ADO类型adDate更改为adDBTimeStamp,这解决了问题。

The entire 'fixed' code is as follow:


Set spSQL = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
                Set spSQL.ActiveConnection=con_vhs

                spSQL.CommandType = adCmdText

                vrdSQL="INSERT INTO boekingen ([Order],[Positie],[Tariefnummer],[Relatie],[Datum],[AantalEenheden],[Omschrijving],[Bedrag],[Totaal],[Status]) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
                spSQL.commandtext= vrdSQL

                spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Order",adInteger,adParamInput,4)
                spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Positie", adVarWChar,adParamInput,10)
                spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Tariefnummer", adVarWChar,adParamInput,50)
                spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Relatie", adInteger,adParamInput,4)
                spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Datum", adDBTimeStamp,adParamInput,0)
                spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@AantalEenheden", adSingle,adParamInput,4)
                spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Omschrijving", adVarWChar,adParamInput,150)
                spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Bedrag", adDecimal,adParamInput,0)
                spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Totaal", adDecimal,adParamInput,0)
                spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Status", adInteger,adParamInput,4)

                spSQL.Parameters("@Order").Value = 1506
                spSQL.Parameters("@Positie").Value = "0"
                spSQL.Parameters("@Tariefnummer").Value = "VRD"
                spSQL.Parameters("@Relatie").Value = 4020
                spSQL.Parameters("@Datum").Value = iDatumTotaal
                spSQL.Parameters("@AantalEenheden").Value = TestAantal
                spSQL.Parameters("@Omschrijving").Value = OmschrijvingGoed
                spSQL.Parameters("@Bedrag").Value = sBedrag
                spSQL.Parameters("@Totaal").Value = sTotaal
                spSQL.Parameters("@Status").Value = StatusVRD

                Dim oPrm

                For Each oPrm In spSQL.Parameters
                    If oPrm.Type = adDecimal Then
                        oPrm.NumericScale = 2
                        oPrm.Precision = 17
                    End If

                Call spSQL.execute(adExecuteNoRecords)

Thanks to Lankymart for the awesome help fixing this problem!
