Visual Studio 2008 sp1经典asp智能感知和概述不起作用

时间:2021-07-21 04:56:43

As the topic suggests I've got VS 2008 with sp1 installed and am not receiving full Intellisense or ANY outlining capabilities when editing classic asp pages. My coworker is also using VS2008sp1 and has outlining working correctly (but he has no idea why)

正如主题建议我安装了sp1的VS 2008,并且在编辑经典的asp页面时没有收到完整的Intellisense或任何概述功能。我的同事也使用VS2008sp1并且概述了正常工作(但他不明白为什么)

I've made a screen, you can find here Classic asp outlining issue screen shot 1


Has anyone else had this problem? Am I missing something simple?


Thanks for your help -Birk


6 个解决方案


You can reset your settings by going to Tools -> Import/Export Settings -> Reset All Settings. I suggest you back up your current settings just in case.

您可以转到工具 - >导入/导出设置 - >重置所有设置来重置设置。我建议您备份当前设置以防万一。

You can also run devenv /setup from the command-line and it will reset your Intellisense and such.

您还可以从命令行运行devenv / setup,它将重置您的Intellisense等。


In Visual Studio, go to TOOLS -> OPTIONS -> Text Editor -> Basic -> VB Specific

在Visual Studio中,转到工具 - >选项 - >文本编辑器 - >基本 - > VB特定

and check "Enable Outlining Mode"



  • Tools / Options / Text Editor / File Extension
  • 工具/选项/文本编辑器/文件扩展名

  • extension = asp
  • extension = asp

  • editor = "Web Form Editor"
  • editor =“Web表单编辑器”

  • click "Add"
  • Enjoy


I've had the problem in both VS2005 and VS2008 - it comes and goes with no real pattern, and I never found a good solution. Sometimes closing the project and re-starting VS will solve it for a while...but not always.

我在VS2005和VS2008都遇到了问题 - 它没有真正的模式,我从来没有找到一个好的解决方案。有时关闭项目并重新启动VS会解决它一段时间......但并非总是如此。


The best solution that I've found to work is this. For classic asp code on a page ending with a .asp extension you can manage outlining of code by placing different functions or pieces in an asp script block <% %>.


Then outlining works as expected for those sections. I would still like to find a better option than this however.



@ Language="VBScript" seems to do the trick for me. Too bad I have to update all my code to include this now...

@ Language =“VBScript”似乎对我有用。太糟糕了,我必须更新我的所有代码才能包含这个...


You can reset your settings by going to Tools -> Import/Export Settings -> Reset All Settings. I suggest you back up your current settings just in case.

您可以转到工具 - >导入/导出设置 - >重置所有设置来重置设置。我建议您备份当前设置以防万一。

You can also run devenv /setup from the command-line and it will reset your Intellisense and such.

您还可以从命令行运行devenv / setup,它将重置您的Intellisense等。


In Visual Studio, go to TOOLS -> OPTIONS -> Text Editor -> Basic -> VB Specific

在Visual Studio中,转到工具 - >选项 - >文本编辑器 - >基本 - > VB特定

and check "Enable Outlining Mode"



  • Tools / Options / Text Editor / File Extension
  • 工具/选项/文本编辑器/文件扩展名

  • extension = asp
  • extension = asp

  • editor = "Web Form Editor"
  • editor =“Web表单编辑器”

  • click "Add"
  • Enjoy


I've had the problem in both VS2005 and VS2008 - it comes and goes with no real pattern, and I never found a good solution. Sometimes closing the project and re-starting VS will solve it for a while...but not always.

我在VS2005和VS2008都遇到了问题 - 它没有真正的模式,我从来没有找到一个好的解决方案。有时关闭项目并重新启动VS会解决它一段时间......但并非总是如此。


The best solution that I've found to work is this. For classic asp code on a page ending with a .asp extension you can manage outlining of code by placing different functions or pieces in an asp script block <% %>.


Then outlining works as expected for those sections. I would still like to find a better option than this however.



@ Language="VBScript" seems to do the trick for me. Too bad I have to update all my code to include this now...

@ Language =“VBScript”似乎对我有用。太糟糕了,我必须更新我的所有代码才能包含这个...