(kvm doesn't make a distinction between i386 and x86_64 so even in i386 you should use `qemu-system-x86_64`)BR
If you have less than 1GB of memory don't use the -m 384 flag (which allocates 384 MB of RAM for the guest). For computers with 512MB of RAM it's safe to use -m 192, or even -m 128 (the default)
or a slightly more complicated example, where it is assumed that bridged networking is available on tap0; see ["Kernel-optimizations"] for some setup hints:
(kvm doesn't make a distinction between i386 and x86_64 so even in i386 you should use `qemu-system-x86_64`)
If you're on Debian Etch, substitute `kvm` for `qemu-system-x86_64` (thanks to fromport, soren and mael_). See also the entries under the label "Ubuntu" on theHOWTO page.qemu-system-x86_64`
If you're on Fedora/RHEL/CentOS (and installed a kvm package and not built kvm yourself from source) then substituteqemu-kvm for qemu-system-x86_64
(2). 如果你的内存不到1G,不要加入参数-m 384,否则将会把384m的内存分配给客户机。如果你的内存是512m,保险的做法是将参数设置为:-m 192,或者是-m128(这是默认值)。