#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
//关于cin cin.getline cin.get getline gets getchar 的用法实例
void main(int argc, char* argv[])
//method one, 也就是最常用的方法 输入一个数字
:" << endl;
int a,b;
cout << "input two integer:" << endl;
cin >> a >> b;
cout << "SUM =" << a + b << "\n" << endl;
//method two,输入一个字符串,遇到“空格 回车 Tab”都结束
:" << endl;
char array[10];
cout << "input a char array:" << endl;
cin >> array;
cout << array << "\n" << endl;
//one cin.get(字符变量名) 可以用来接收字符
cout << "Test cin.get(字符变量名):" << endl;
char ch;
char cch;
cout << "Input a char:" << endl;
ch = cin.get(); //把之前输入的回车符号滤去
cch = cin.get(); //or cin.get(ch);
cout << cch << "\n" << endl;
//two cin.get(字符数组,接收的字符数) 用来接收一行字符串可以接收空格
cout << "Test cin.get(字符数组,接收的字符数):" << endl;
char array1[20];
cout << "Input a char array:" << endl;
ch = cin.get(); //把之前输入的回车符号滤去
cout << array1 << "\n" << endl;
//注:cin.get(无参数)主要用来舍弃输入流中不需要的字符 或者舍弃回车
//3、cin.getline(cin,str) 接收一个字符串 可以接收空格
cout << "Test cin.getline() 的用法:" << endl;
char array2[20];
cout << "Input a char array:" << endl;
ch = cin.get(); //把之前输入的回车符号滤去
cout << array2 << "\n" << endl;
//实际上cin.get(字符数组,接收的字符数) 和cin.getline(字符数组,接收的字符数)
//有三个参数cin.getline(字符数组,接收字符数,结束字符) 第三个参数默认是'\0'
cout << "cin.get(字符数组,接收的字符数) is used in multidimensional array:" << endl;
char array3[3][10];
for (int i = 0;i < 3;i ++)
cout << "请输入第" << i+1 << "行的字符串:" << endl;
for (int j = 0;j < 3;j ++)
cout << "第" << j+1 << "行:" << array3[j] << endl;
//4、getline(cin,str)的用法 接收一个可以包含空格的字符串(这儿是string类型的) 需要包含头文件#include <string>
cout << "Test getline(cin,str):" << endl;
string str;
cout << "Input a string:" << endl;
//ch = cin.get(); //把之前输入的回车符号滤去
cout << str << "\n" << endl;
//5、gets(char *) 接收一个可以包含空格的字符串 需要包含头文件#include <string>
cout << "Test gets(char *)的用法" << endl;
char array4[20];
cout << "input a char array:" << endl;
ch = cin.get(); //把之前输入的回车符号滤去
//The gets function reads a line from the standard input stream stdin and stores it in buffer.
//The line consists of all characters up to and including the first newline character ('\n').
//gets then replaces the newline character with a null character ('\0') before returning the line
cout << array4 << "\n" << endl;
//gets(char *)也可以用在多维数组里面 跟cin.getline()用法类似
//6、getchar(无参数) 接收一个字符 需要包含头文件#include <string>
cout << "Test getchar(无参数)的用法:" << endl;
char ch1;
cout << "input a char:" << endl;
ch1 = getchar(); // 不能写成getchar(ch1);
cout << ch1 << "\n" << endl;
//getchar()是C的函数 C++是兼容C 所以也可以使用 但尽量不用或少用