第七章介绍的是python的输入函数input(),和while循环,并说明了python的循环可以使用continue和break来实现循环的 一些要求。并且在本章还说明了字符转化为int类型数字的方法。
#7-1 car = input("Let me see if I can find you a Subaru") print("Oh, you want to find a "+ car) #7-2 seats = input("How many people are eating here?") int(seats) if seats > 8: print("Here is no spare table for me") else print("Here is some spare tables") #7-3 number = input("Please input a number") int(number) if number % 10 == 0: print("It is a multiplier of 10.") else print("It is not a multiple of ten.") #7-4 while True: ingredient = input("Plese input what you want,if you want to stop you can input quit:") if ingredient == 'quit': break else print("We will add " + ingredient + " to your pizza") #7-8 sandwich_orders = ['First','Second','Third'] finshed_sandwich =[] # for sandwich in sandwich_orders: # finshed_sandwich.append(sandwich) # sandwich_orders.remove(sandwich) # print("I made the " + sandwich + " sandwich.") #The above way is a wrong answer for the for statement will find the second message, #which is 'Third', when the 'First' is deleted. But as expected, it should be 'Second', #so the for statement will search the list as [0],[1]..., but as the first element, the second element. #So when you would deleted some element of a list, you should use for statement carefully. while sandwich_orders: sandwich = sandwich_orders[0] finshed_sandwich.append(sandwich) sandwich_orders.remove(sandwich) print("I made the " + sandwich + " sandwich.") #or another way to solve this problem while sandwich_orders: sandwich = sandwich_orders.pop() finshed_sandwich.append(sandwich) print("I made the " + sandwich + " sandwich.") #7-9 sandwich_orders = ['pastrani','Bst','pastrani','pastrani'] print("熟食店的五香熏肉已经卖完了") while 'pastrani' in sandwich_orders: sandwich_orders.remove('pastrani') print(sandwich_orders)因为sublime并不支持输入,所以这里在dos下编译了。总的来说,这张还是比较简单,只有第八小题有些难度,但是只要小心点还是没问题的,具体解法可以看下上面代码和注释。